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The Fourth of July

The first time I went to Washington D.C. was on the edge of the summer when I was supposed to stop being a child. At least that‘s what they said to us all at graduation from the eighth grade. My sister Phyllis graduated at the same time from high school. I don‘t know what she was supposed to stop being. But as graduation presents for us both, the whole family took a Forth of July trip to Washington D.C., the fabled and famous capital of our country.


第一单元翻译 医学英语

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1.这个翻译整理过一遍,有些明显的错误的都已经改了。但难以保证这篇翻译全对。所以仅供参考。若有翻译不对的地方可以与我商量。 ------------------伟大的学委

Unit 1

Reading A The Human complex— A Never –failing Source of Wonderment

(人类的复杂性——一个永远不会失去惊叹的话题) ― In my view, ‖ wrote Thomas Jefferson in 1814 , ―no knowledge can be more satisfactory to a man that of his own frame, its parts, their functions and actions. ‖ Distinguished thinkers before and since Jefferson have held this belief, but curiously, it is not one that the average person wholeheartedly shares.Man’s attit

高级英语第4课Inaugural Address 课件 翻译 译文

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4.Inaugural Address

(January 20, 1961)

John F. Kennedy



1.To know how to make good conversation 2.To trace the history of the King’s English

3.To learn the methods in developing an expository writing,esp. the use of examples 4.To analyse the features of spoken English 5.To appreciate the language features

Teaching Contents

1. Exposition

2. History of Britain

3. Detailed study of the text 4. Organizational pattern 5. Language features

6. The characteristics of spoken English

Time allocation

1. Exposition


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1、试题序号:1001 2、题型:段落翻译 3、难度级别:中

4、知识点(章及其标题):第1课 The Middle Eastern Bazaar 5、分值:10分


7、试题关键字:sholves… into; climbs up; threw his weight on; oozes down; used

8、试题内容:The machine is operated by one man, who sholves the linseed pulp into a stone vat,climbs up nimbly to a dizzy height to fasten ropes, and then threw his weight on to a great bean made out of a tree trunk to set the ropes and pulleys in motion. Ancient girders creak and groan,ropes tighten and then a trickle of oil oozes down a stone runnel


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在我所供职的公司里,每个人都会害怕至少一个人。你的职位越低,你害怕的人也就越 多。而在公司高层的十二个人却是所有人都害怕的,他们协助创办和建设了这家公司,现在 呢?又拥有和领导这家公司。

这十二位如今都年事已高,历经岁月沧桑,壮志已酬,心力衰竭。许多人在这里耗尽终生。 当我在大厅里偶然遇见他们时,他们总是一副待人友善,行动迟缓,心满意得的样子;与其 他人同乘公共电梯时,也总是彬彬有礼而沉默不语。他们不再拼命工作。他们召开会议, 在由其他人准备和发出的通知上署一下自己的名字。没有人知道到底谁在真正经营这家公司 (甚至那些被委任管理公司的人也不清楚),然而公司确实在运转着。

在上班日子的正常情况下,我害怕杰克格林,因为他是我的上司,我们的部门是他所管的部 门的一部分。格林也对我心怀畏惧,因为我的部门的大部分工作是为

自考 高级英语 课文译文

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Lesson Five Trifles (Part One) 琐事(第一部分) 苏珊·格拉斯珀尔


乔治·亨德森,县法官 亨利·彼得斯,司法官

路易斯·黑尔,附近的农场主 彼得斯夫人 黑尔夫人 场景

约翰·赖特的农场里现已闲置的房屋中的厨房。这是一间阴暗的厨房,人离开时尚未收拾整齐——洗涤槽下有没洗的煎锅,装面包的盒子外面有一块面 包,桌子上有一块擦桌布——还有其他未干完活儿的迹象。后侧,大门打开,司法官走上,身后跟着县法官和黑尔先生。司法官和黑尔先生是中年人,县法官是个年 轻人,三个人都穿着臃肿,立刻走向炉火。他们的身后跟着两个女人——前面的司法官夫人,她身材略显瘦长却很结实,面庞消瘦,而且紧张不安。后面是黑尔夫 人,她身材高大,模样平时还称得上令人愉快,但现在却心烦意乱,一进屋就惊恐地四处张望。两个女人缓缓地走进房间,紧挨在一起站在门边。 县法官:(搓着双手)这儿感觉不错。到炉火这边来吧,女士们。

彼得斯夫人:(向前迈了一步后)我不——冷。 司法官:(解开外套,从炉边走开,仿佛以此标志着开始了公务)黑尔先生,在我们移动任何东西之前,你向亨德森先生讲讲你昨天早晨来这


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第四课 外婆的日用家当 艾丽斯?沃克尔

1 我就在这院子里等候她的到来。我和麦姬昨天下午已将院子打扫得干干净净,地面上还留着清晰的扫帚扫出的波浪形痕迹。这样的院子比一般人想象的要舒适,它不仅仅是一个院子,简直就像一间扩大了的客厅。当院子的泥土地面被打扫得像屋里的地板一样干净,四周边缘的细沙面上布满不规则的细纹时,任何人都可以进来坐一下,一边抬头仰望院中的榆树,一边等着享受从来吹不进屋内的微风。

2 麦姬在她姐姐离去之前将会一直心神不定:她将会神情沮丧地站在角落里,她相貌一般,一面为自己胳膊大腿上晒出的累累疤痕而自惭形秽,一面怀着既羡慕又敬畏的心情怯生生地看着她姐姐。她觉得她姐姐真正是生活的主人(直译:用一只手掌就抓住了生活),想要什么便能得到什么,世界还没有学会对她说半个“不”字。

3 你肯定看过这样的电视节目,孩子在“成功”之后,惊讶地面对着从后台虚弱地摇晃着走进来的父母。 (当然,那场面必定是令人喜悦的:假如电视上的父母和儿女之间相互攻击辱骂,他们该怎么样呢?) 母亲和孩子在电视上拥抱着,笑容浮上她们的脸庞。有时候母亲和父亲哭泣着,孩子伸出双手抱住他们,她的身体从桌子对面靠拢过来,告诉他们如果没


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Lesson 1

1) Little donkeys thread their way among the throngs of people.

little donkeys went in and out among the people and from one side to another 2) Then as you penetrate deeper into the bazaar, the noise of the entrance fades away, and you come to the muted cloth-market.

Then as you pass through a big crowd to go deeper into the market, the noise of the

entrance gradually disappear, and you come to the much quieter cloth-market.

3) they narrow down their choice and begin the really serious


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Lesson 1 the Middle Eastern Bazaar

1) Little donkeys thread their way among the throngs of people.

little donkeys went in and out among the people and from one side to another

2) Then as you penetrate deeper into the bazaar, the noise of the entrance fades away, and you come to the muted cloth-market.

Then as you pass through a big crowd to go deeper into the market, the noise of the entrance gradually disappear, and you come to the much quieter cloth-market.

3) they narrow down their choice and