Efficient computation of optimal actions
Ef cientcomputationofoptimalactions
Optimalchoiceofactionsisafundamentalproblemrelevantto eldsasdiverseasneuroscience,psychology,economics,computerscience,andcontrolengineering.Despitethisbroadrelevancetheabstractsettingissimilar:wehaveanagentchoosingactionsovertime,anuncertaindynam
Accurate and Efficient SLA Compliance Monitoring
Accurate and Ef?cient SLA Compliance Monitoring
Joel Sommers University of Wisconsin-Madison jsommers@6a664dba1a37f111f1855b08
Paul Barford University of Wisconsin-Madison pb@6a664dba1a37f111f1855b08
Nick Duf?eld
A T&T Labs-Research
Amos Ron University of Wisconsin-Madison amos@6a664dba1a37f111f1855b08
Service level agreements(SLAs)de?ne performance guarantees made by service providers,e.g,in terms of packet loss,delay,delay variation,and network availability.In this paper,we describe a new
Efficient active queue management for Internet routers
Recently, there has been much interest in active queue management to be deployed in routers and also in router mechanisms that protect users from connections that are not very responsive to congestion notification. The RED manifesto [3] recommends schemes
Recently, there has been much interest in active queue management to be deployed in routers and also in router mechanisms that protect users from connections that are not very responsive to congestion notification. The RED manifesto [3] recommends schemes
Recently, there has
Efficient Round Robin Scheduling Algorithm with Dynamic Time
I.J. Education and Management Engineering, 2015, 2, 10-19
Published Online June 2015 in MECS (afb467dba76e58fafbb00314)
DOI: 10.5815/ijeme.2015.02.02
Available online at afb467dba76e58fafbb00314/ijeme
Efficient Round Robin Scheduling Algorithm with Dynamic Time
Lipika Datta a
a Computer Science and Engineering Department, College of Engineering and Management Kolaghat, K.T.P.P.
Township, Purba Medinipur, W.B., PIN: 721171, India
Round Robin (RR) scheduling algorithm is the widely used scheduling algorithm in multitaski
Cell Zooming for Cost-Efficient Green Cellular Networks
Wireless cellular networks have been growing
rapidly in the last few decades. The subscriber
number and traffic volume in cellular networks
have explosively increased. Network operators are
always trying their best to satisfy user require-
ments cost-efficiently. In each cell, the base station
(BS) transmits common control signals and data
signals to mobile users (MUs), and the cell size is
defined as the area in which MUs can receive con-
trol signals from the BS. At the stage of network
planning, cell size and capacity
A 20 mV Input Boost Converter With Efficient Digital Control
A 20mV Input Boost Converter With Ef?cient Digital Control for Thermoelectric Energy Harvesting
Eric J.Carlson,Kai Strunz,and Brian P.Otis ,Member,IEEE
Abstract—This paper presents a low power boost converter for thermoelectric energy harvesting that demonstrates an ef?ciency that is 15%higher than the state-of-the-art for voltage conversion ratios above 20.This is achieved by utilizing a technique allowing synchronous recti?cation in the discontinuous conduction m
Space-efficient terrain rendering using constrained Delaunay triangulation
Space-Ef?cient Terrain Rendering using
Constrained Delaunay Triangulation
Sung-Soo Kim,Jong-Hyun Park
Spatial Information Technology Center
ETRI(Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute)
161Gajong-Dong,Yusong-Gu,Daejon305-350,South Korea
Abstract—This paper proposes a new terrain visualization technique as-
sociated with the conversion process from a contour-based data model to a
TIN model.
The main research related to processing these contour lines had been fo-
cused on interpolation methods to create the digital terrai
Accurate and efficient gesture spotting via pruning and subgesture reasoning
Abstract. Gesture spotting is the challenging task of locating the start and end frames of the video stream that correspond to a gesture of interest, while at the same time rejecting non-gesture motion patterns. This paper proposes a new gesture spotting a
AccurateandE cientGestureSpottingvia
Increasing Network Lifetime Of An IEEE 802.15.4 Wireless Sensor Network By Energy Efficient
the volume of traffic that is processed by intermediate nodes increases considerably as data approaches the PAN coordinator. This problem is referred to as the reachback problem. In this work we focus on a more fundamental implication of reachback on opera
Increasing Network Lifetime Of An IEEE 802.15.4 Wireless Sensor Network By Energy Efficient Routing
Muhammad U. Ilyas
Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI – 48824, United States
Abstract—In a multi-ho
3 - Hardware - Verification - of - a - Hpyer-Efficient - Kasper - APEC - 2015 - 01 - 图文
? 2015 IEEE
Proceedings of the 30th Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC 2015), Charlotte, NC, USA, March 15-19, 2015.
Hardware Verification of a Hyper-Efficient (98%) and Super-Compact (2.2kW/dm3) Isolated AC/DCTelecom Power Supply Module based on Multi-Cell Converter Approach
M. KasperC. W. ChenD. BortisJ. W. KolarG. Deboy
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