香港朗文WTE 3B写作答案

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姓名:_______ 日期:________


1、 We often _____ (play) on the playground.

2、 Look, the boys _____ (play) basketball on the playground.

3、 Ryan _____ (show) me his photo album(相册) yesterday.

4、 He always______ (get) up at six o’clock.

5、 Mark _____ (see) a doctor two days ago.

6、 We _____ (not go) to school last Monday.

7、 Mandy _____ (not like) sweets and ice cream.

8、 My mother ______ (go) shopping on Mondays?

9、 There _____ (be) two apples and an orange on the table.

10、The st


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一. 写出下列动词的过去式。

1. play-- 2. go--- 3. eat-- 4. take— 5. meet--- 6. is--- 7. pick--- 8. are--- 9. wash--- 10. catch--- 11. do-- 12. have--- 13.give— 14. make-- 15. come-- 16.swim— 二. 选词填空。

on to between 1. The library is ____ the ground floor ____ the left.

2. The computer room is ____ the fifth floor next ___ the art room. 3. The toilets are ______ the school office and the music r


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[00:01.00]Chapter 1 Weather and seasons [00:04.64]Spring [00:06.41]Summer [00:08.17]Autumn [00:09.94]Winter [00:11.87]Warm

[00:14.06]B Act Ting Ting and Beeno.Talk about the other seasons.

[00:21.26]What's the weather like in Spring? [00:25.57]It's warm and foggy.

[00:28.62]C How does Mike make friends? Read and find out.

[00:37.42]1 Hey you! Give me the ball. [00:44.46]I want to play too.

[00:47.90]You're a bit rude. We don't want to play with you.

[00:53.13]2 Why don't they want to play with me? [01:04.06]Come over here,

香港朗文WTE 4A第三单元 词汇语法 知识点

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4B Chapter 3 背诵内容


1.postcard [?p??stkɑ:d] n. 明信片

daf98bdcbc1e650e52ea551810a6f524cdbfcbc9ic [?k?m?k] n. 连环漫画可数名词复数:comics

3.cola [?k??l?] n.可乐 food 快餐

5.cup noodles [?nu?dlz] 杯面

6.electric [??lektr?k](adj.电动的)fans 电风扇 [?m??ba?l](adj. 可移动的)phones 移动电话/手机

8.air-con ['e?k?n] n. 空调全称:air-conditioner ['e? k?n?d???n?]

9.chewing gum [?t?u:??] [g?m] n. 口香糖

10.hopscotch [?h?psk?t?] n. 跳房子

11.marble [?mɑ:bl] n. 弹珠

12.shooter [??u:t?] n. 射手

13.flick [fl?k] v. 轻弹,轻击

14.lose [lu:z] v. 输掉过去式:lost

15.quiz [kw?z] n. 小测验

16.trainer [?tr


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朗文1B单元测验 LWTE Test For Grade 1

Book 1 B Chapter 1&2

Class________ Name_____________ Score______________ Part A Listening Part Ⅰ.Listen and choose the right picture. 1. 2. 3. 4 5

Ⅱ.Listen and tick or cross.

1.( ) 2. ( )

3.( ) 1

4.( ) 5. ( ) 6.( )

7. ( ) 8. ( ) 9.( )

10. ( ) 11. ( ) 12.( )

13. ( ) 14. ( ) 15.


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朗文1B单元测验 LWTE Test For Grade 1

Book 1 B Chapter 1&2

Class________ Name_____________ Score______________ Part A Listening Part Ⅰ.Listen and choose the right picture. 1. 2. 3. 4 5

Ⅱ.Listen and tick or cross.

1.( ) 2. ( )

3.( ) 1

4.( ) 5. ( ) 6.( )

7. ( ) 8. ( ) 9.( )

10. ( ) 11. ( ) 12.( )

13. ( ) 14. ( ) 15.


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香港朗文LWTE 2B 语法汇总练习:

一、 用like 和likes 填空

1. My father __________ salty food 。

2.1 _________ c hilli fish too.

3. We ___________ potato chips.

4. Sam ______________ ice cream.

5. My dogs ____________ beef 牛 肉).

6. They _____________ fish too.

7. Does Lily _____ hamburgers?

8. Mr.Huang doesn ' t _________ s our plums.

二、 用 don' t like 和 doesn ' t like 填空

1. Paul __________ potato chips.

2. The childre n _________ p ea nu ts.

、用 Do 和 Does, don '和 doesn '填空,

3. ________ the childre n like chilli fish?

4. ________ Bee no like ice cream?

5. ___


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…………………………… … … … … … … … … … … 号…学线 订 装 … 名…姓… … … … … … … … … … …级…班………………………………

Longman Welcome to English 2B Mid-Term Examination

Class ___________ Name _______________ Score __________

Part I Listening (听力部分)30%

I. Listen and circle (听句子,选择所听到的单词)1*5% ( )1. A. 7:15 B. 7:30 C. 7:00 ( )2. A. to many

B. too much

C. some

( )3. A. but

B. and C. or ( )4. A. any B.some

C. too ( )5. A. was


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第五小学 焦 平


一 、教学内容Unit 1 A: Read and say.

二 、教学目标 1、 理解,掌握对话内容,用正确的语音语调朗读对话,初步表演对话。

2、 正确运用日常交际用语Welcome to our school. Who’s that boy? I’m new here.

3、 能正确的听、说、读 单词 boy, woman, teacher, student, nurse 三、 教学重点 能正确理解对话内容,朗读对话,初步表演对话

四、 教学难点 流畅地朗读对话, 并能在理解对话内容的基础上表演对话 五、 课前准备 1、 人物图片 Mike ( student ), Miss Li( teacher ) Miss King ( nurse) Gao Shan (student ) 人物头饰 Ben

2、 单词卡片 student, teacher, woman, teacher ,boy 六、 教学过程(一) Free talk 1、 Hello, nice to meet you.

2 、How are you ? / H

Legal English 3B

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Legal English

Ch.3 Old-fashioned and Old Use Adverbs and Modal Verbs in Legal Documents 一、法律文书中的古旧副词:

我们可以觉察到词根为here, there的古旧副词在法律文书中,尤其是合约条文中广泛应用。所谓古旧副词,主要以here、there、where为词根,然后与-after, -by, -in, -before, -of, -to, -under, -with, -about, -among, -around, -at, -for, -from, -on, -upon等介词合成的副词,如:hereafter, hereby, herein, hereinafter, hereinbefore, hereof, hereto, hereunder, hereupon, herewith; thereafter, thereby, therefrom, therein, thereafter, thereinbefore, thereon, thereof, thereupon, therewith; whereas, whereby, wher