高二英语下学期unit 2 教案
Unit 2 Cloning
I. 单元教学目标
技能目标Goals Talk about cloning Practice expressing and supporting an opinion Use the appositive clause Write a composition about cloning Ⅱ.目标语言
Expressing and supporting an opinion I’m happy to accept …. But…. I would never accept…. I’m not bothered about….. I don’t mind but…. I hope you’ll carry on…. 功能句式Are you sure you want to…. I agree with you that…. Is it fair to….? Do you think it is wise to….? I think you should…. Well done to you for…. I don’t understand why you don’t…. I can’t help thinking…
高二英语下学期unit 11单元教案
人教修订版高二英语下Unit 11 Scientific Achievements
Teaching Goals
1.Talk about science and scientific achievement 2.Practise expressing intentions and wishes 3.Learn about Word Formation(1) 4.Write a persuasion essay
Period 1 Warming up, Listening and Speaking
Teaching Aims
1. Learn and master the following
(1) New words : engineering, solar, significant, mankind, constitution (2) Everyday English: If I got the money ,I would…
My plan is…. I hope that …
I would wish/hope/want/intend/plan to… I would like to … I’m thinkin
Contents 目录
一、 教学内容分析 (Analysis of the teaching materials) 二、 教学目标和要求 (Teaching aims and demands)
三、 教学重点与难点 (Teaching difficult and important points) 四、 教学课时安排 (Teaching arrangements) 五、 教学设计步骤 (Teaching procedures) 六、 评估与反馈 (Assessing)
七、 背景知识(Background Information)
一.教材内容分析(Analysis of the teaching materials)
“热身”(warming up )部分提供了四幅分别代表不同时期考古成就的图片。设计了四个问题要求同学们对中国古代四个重要时期的人类生活的习惯进行讨论,包括他们所
高二英语下学期unit 20 Archaeology
Unit 20 Archaeology
Section 1 Background I.Warm up.
呈现一组包括石器时代,青铜时代,汉朝,唐朝的食物,住房,工具等的图片。(Stone Age, Bronze Age, Han Dynasty, Tang Dynasty)配以字幕和相应音乐。 然后讨论: Discussion:
Describe the life of people in China during the periods. 1. What did they eat?
2. Where did they live and what did their homes look like?
3. What kind of tools did they use and what objects have we found from their age? 4. What kind of entertainment did they have? II.Background
⑵配音文字:使用从右向左游走字幕的方式。 The Stonehenge
This anci
教师寄语:一年之计在于春,只有不辞辛苦地春播,才会有果实累累的秋收 高二化学下学期第2周学案 编号:8 编者:隋清华
课题:选修5第二章第2节芳香烃 复习课
1、 掌握苯的分子结构特点。 2、 了解芳香烃、芳香族化合物的概念。 3、 掌握苯的物理性质和化学性质。 4、 掌握苯的同系物与苯在结构和性质上的异同点。 知识回顾 习题训练
1.下列操作达不到预期目的的是 ( ) .
①石油分馏时把温度计插入液面以下 ②用溴水除去乙烯中混有的SO2气体 ③用 乙醇与3 mol/L的H2SO4混合共热到170℃制取乙烯 ④将苯和溴水混合后加入Fe 粉制溴苯 ⑤将饱和食盐水滴入盛有电石的烧瓶中制乙炔 A.①④ B.③⑤ C.②③④⑤ D.①②③④ 2.下列关于有机物的说法错误的是 ( )
A.CCl4可由CH4制得,可萃取碘水中的碘 B.石油和天然气的主要成分都是碳氢化合物
D.苯不能使KMnO4酸性溶液褪色,因此苯不能发生氧化反应 3.下列事实中,能说明苯与一般烯烃在性质上有很大差别的是( )
A.苯不与溴水发生加成反应 B.苯
Unit 18 Inventions
一. 单项选择
1. John said he’d been working in the office for an hour, _____ was true.
A. he
B. this
C. which
D. who
2. Finally, the thief handed everything _____ he had stolen to the police.
A. which
B. what
C. whatever
D. that
3. We must allow _____ the train being late _____ it always is.
A. for
B. of
C. to
D. with
4. He broke _____ his family and has got to live in Australia.
A. down
B. into
C. away from
D. through
5. You have been late for 2 hours; otherwise, we _____ the whole design.
A. have fulfilled
B. fulfilled
C. sh
(本试卷共五大题,满分为150分,考试时间150分钟,请将答案写在答题卷上。) 一,基础选择题(40分)
1、下列词语中,加点字的读音全都正确的一组是( )
A.濒临(bīn) 迁徙(xǐ) 悚然(sòng) 头晕目眩(xuān) ....B.小幺(yāo) 干涸(gǘ) 凛冽(lǐn) 情不自禁(jīn) ....C.咫尺(zhǐ) 河畔(pàn) 摄制(sha) 望风披靡(mǐ) ....D.卓越(zhuó) 参与(yǔ) 搽粉(chá) 逡巡不前(qǖn) ....2、下列词语中,没有错别字的一组是( ) A.卤莽 提词 遐思 直截了当 B.磨蹭 私邸 圆满 言简意赅 C.眺望 就寝 凑和 走投无路 D.灰烬 趿拉 松驰 踌躇满志
3、依次填入下列句子中横线上的关联词语,恰当的一组是( )
一、 基本概念和规律: 1、电源、电流、电阻.
电荷的定向移动形成电流,正电荷定向移动的方向为电流方向(电流强度是标量)电源的正极电势高,负极的电势低.因此电源的电压叫做电动势.电动势E(标量)是由电源本身性质决定........的,表示电源把其它形式的能转化电能本领大小的物理量.若是理想电源即内阻为零,则E=U路,一般电路中应考虑内电阻,则E=U内+U路. (1)在外电路中电流是从高电势流向低电势.
用)或者是伏安特性曲线是直线的电阻,即纯电阻。 (5)电阻定律:R???LS,R.是反映自身的物理量.........
高二英语11-12 单元测试
1. I prefer to travel light. I mean I like traveling without taking __________. A. many luggages B. much luggage C. a luggage D. any luggages 2.I have to finish my homework instead _________.
A. to go out B. of to go out C. of go out D. of going out
3. The new technology will make __________ possible to grow food with very little water. A. it B. it is C. that D. that is
4. He got full makes in this math exam, ______ that he was the best among the class. A. to p
满分:100分 时间:90分钟
1.下列代谢过程和现象中,与碱基互补配对原则无关的是 ( ) A.蛋白质的合成过程 B.DNA分子结构的稳定性 C.遗传物质的复制,转录及表达 D.体细胞内染色体成对存在
2.某患者得了一种遗传病---软骨发育不全症,其父母均为软骨发育不全症。该病为常染体显性遗传病,且显性纯合致死。其父母再生一个患病孩子中为杂合子的概率为多少?( ) A.1/4 B.1/8 C.1 D.1/6
3.下列黏性末端属于同一种限制酶切割而成的是: ( )
-T-C-G--C-A-①② -A-G-C-T-T-A-A-G-T-T-C-C-A -A-A-T-T-C-A-G-C-T-T-C
③-G④-A-GA.①② B.①③ C.①④ D.②③
4.现在地球上的动物大约有150万种,形成这些不同种类的根本原因是 ( ) A. DNA分子的多样性 B. 蛋白质