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I. The Cambridge Business English Certificate (BEC) is an international Business English examination, which offers a language qualification for learners who use, or will need to use, English for their work. Recognition of BEC is increasing rapidly as a growing number of companies are using the examination as a focus for in-company training courses.

II. BEC is available at 3 levels:

Cambridge BEC Preliminary

Cambridge BEC Intermediate (Vantage)

Cambridge BEC Advanced (Higher)

III. Cambridge BEC Preliminary

商务英语 Unit 1 参考答案

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Unit 1 Globalization

Part I Business Vocabulary

Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. This part totals 20 points, one point for each sentence.

1 There are too many examples in aviation and other _____ B _____ of what has happened to companies that have tried to do that.

A sect

商务英语Unit 1测试题

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商务英语Unit 1-unit 15测试题 姓名:______ 班级:_______ 分数:______

一. Listening (2.5’*8=20’)

( )1. A.give his ankle a good rest B.treat his injury immediately

C.continue his regular activities D.be careful when climbing steps ( )2. A.on a train B.on a plane C.in a theater D.in a restaurant ( )3. A.a tragic accident B.a fad occasion

C.Smith’s unusual life story D. Smith’s sleeping problem

( )4. A.review the details of all her lessons B.compare notes with his classmates

C.talk with her a

商务英语Unit 9 参考答案

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Unit 9 Money

Part I Business Vocabulary

Directions: There are 10 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. This part totals 20 points, two points for each sentence.

1 Do you _____C_______ used items, such as clothing?.

A give off B give up C give away D give out

2 Yule Catto, the ch

剑桥商务英语Unit 1a Job description

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Unit 1a Job descriptionTeaching Objectives: 1. To enable Ss to talk about jobs 2. To practice listening for specific information 3. To review the present simple

Materials needed: tape-record


Unit 1a Job descriptionUnit overview Duties Warmer T: elicits to what extent Ss use business cards. Listening 1: Ss listen to identify speakers at a Chamber of Commerce meeting Listening 2: Ss predict two people’s duties and listen to confirm their predictions before listening again to complete notes about the people

剑桥商务英语Unit 1a Job description

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Unit 1a Job descriptionTeaching Objectives: 1. To enable Ss to talk about jobs 2. To practice listening for specific information 3. To review the present simple

Materials needed: tape-record


Unit 1a Job descriptionUnit overview Duties Warmer T: elicits to what extent Ss use business cards. Listening 1: Ss listen to identify speakers at a Chamber of Commerce meeting Listening 2: Ss predict two people’s duties and listen to confirm their predictions before listening again to complete notes about the people

商务英语资料for unit 5

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1. Absenteeism would affect our productivity. 2. line of business

3. sophisticated/shrewd/sly/impulsive/moody/aggressive 4. dynamic/reliable/trustworthy/innovative/pioneering/ adaptable/motivated/flexible

compatible/tolerant/understanding/charismatic/efficient passionate/professional

5. a high salary/a company car/ health insurance/fast promotion/full pension of retirement/long holiday/paid annual leave 6. relocate

7. conform to the local environmental standards 8. dismiss/fire

9. performance-based bonus/dividend/perks 10


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有两种基本的货币活动:货币收支和货币借贷。货币收支,通常称为货币流通,是指货币的取得和使用。由于货币在时空上分布的不均衡,货币往往时多时少、此余彼缺。于是就出现了以信用为基础的货币借贷,即以偿还本金和一定利息为条件的借贷活动。利息是向他人提供货币所取得的收入而利率则是决定利息高低的关键,它是利息与本金的比率。 货币收支和货币借贷,密切联系,相互渗透,形成了一个新的范畴---金融,即货币的融通。因此,金融市


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商务英语专业 精读四 第一单元 课件及答案

Business English Intensive ReadingUnit One Advertising

商务英语专业 精读四 第一单元 课件及答案

本课程在专业建设与人才培养中的地位学分及比例 课程类别及性质 学时

学分 公共必修课程模块通识教育课程平台 公共选修课程模块 学科基础课程平台 必修 专业必修课程模块 21


占总学分百分比 12

百分比小计 24 206+156+5周305+98+1周 25.6 33.9 720+138 356+18+6周 162 396

42 21 45 25.5 9:师范 (22:非师范) 12 13 29 29 59.5 6.8 7.4 16.5 16.5 45 12 25.6 14.5 5.1 (12.5)


专业任选课程模 块专业方向课程限选模块 教师教育课程限选模块

216 172+62+54 41周 2137+472+54 +52周

集中性实践教学平台 合计




辅修专业 24.5

商务英语专业 精读四 第一单元 课件及答案

课程性质与教学目标 《高等学校商务英语专业本科教学要求》 (试行)把商务英语定义为:在经济全 球化环境

商务英语 for MBA(1)

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春眠不觉晓,处处闻啼鸟, 夜来风雨声 花落知多少。

This spring morning in bed I’m lying, Not to awake till birds are crying. After one night of wind and showers, how many are the fallen flowers?

Only for MBA

2015 国际商务英语

清明时节雨纷纷 路上行人欲断魂

借问酒家何处有 牧童遥指杏花村

The Day of mourning for the dead it‘s raining hard, My heart is broken on my way to the graveyard. Where can I find a wineshop to drown my sad hours? A herdboy points to a cot amid apricot flowers.

Chief Editor: Dr. Michael Xie

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