

Secondary Electron Yield Measurements of TiN Coating and TiZrV Getter Film

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In the beam pipe of the positron Main Damping Ring (MDR) of the Next Linear Collider (NLC), ionization of residual gases and secondary electron emission give rise to an electron cloud which can cause the loss of the circulating beam. One path to avoid the

SLAC-TN-03-052\revised27thAugust20041arXiv:physics/0310071v2 [physics.acc-ph] 30 Aug 2004SecondaryElectronYieldMeasurementsofTiNCoatingandTiZrVGetterFilmF.LePimpec,F.King,R.E.Kirby,M.PiviSLAC,2575SandHillRoad,MenloPark,CA940259thOctober2003AbstractInthebeampipeofthepositr