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0901班 俸翠红

We Must Protect Our Ecological System

We live in the world relying on the unique ecological system which is the most important for us. In nature, we call the environment except for objects, but including the social environment. Human beings are the product of the environment because we constantly transform the human environment to seek our own survival and development. Certainly, the ecological system is the basic condition for human survival, which is depended on the balance of available ecological system.


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Unit 10

1. We need not have subscribed to the Yahoo Internet service, because the university did the subscription free of charge for its faculty and postgraduate students a week ago.

2. I simply had no idea of whom my grandmother was referring to when she was talking about a young man with glasses from her neighborhood who brought her a train ticket with his own money and walked her onto the train.

3. His situation was desperate as he was now felt to the tender mercies of his creditors.

4. The president declared resolutely


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Unit 10

1. We need not have subscribed to the Yahoo Internet service, because the university did the subscription free of charge for its faculty and postgraduate students a week ago.

2. I simply had no idea of whom my grandmother was referring to when she was talking about a young man with glasses from her neighborhood who brought her a train ticket with his own money and walked her onto the train.

3. His situation was desperate as he was now felt to the tender mercies of his creditors.

4. The president declared resolutely


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编制人:徐海云 审核人:卞娇艳 编制时间:2011年11月21日

班级 姓名 学号


1.根据拼音写汉字或给加点的字注音。(10分) 风mǐ( ) kān称( ) 贿lù ( ) 雄jù( ) 山lán ( ) 悄( )怆 参( )差 谛( )听 瑰丽( ) 藻荇( ) .....2.找出下列成语中的别字,并加以改正。(4分) 积善修行 可见一斑 心弛神往 轻描淡写 人迹罕致 恍如隔世 磷次栉比 善男信女 接风洗尘 禄禄无为 写错的字 改 正 3.按要求默写。(12分)

(1) ,自缘身在最高层。(作者: 作品:《登飞来峰》) (2)《望岳》中写远望泰山山势的句子是 , 。 写凝望之景的句子是 , 。



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编制人:徐海云 审核人:卞娇艳 编制时间:2011年11月21日

班级 姓名 学号


1.根据拼音写汉字或给加点的字注音。(10分) 风mǐ( ) kān称( ) 贿lù ( ) 雄jù( ) 山lán ( ) 悄( )怆 参( )差 谛( )听 瑰丽( ) 藻荇( ) .....2.找出下列成语中的别字,并加以改正。(4分) 积善修行 可见一斑 心弛神往 轻描淡写 人迹罕致 恍如隔世 磷次栉比 善男信女 接风洗尘 禄禄无为 写错的字 改 正 3.按要求默写。(12分)

(1) ,自缘身在最高层。(作者: 作品:《登飞来峰》) (2)《望岳》中写远望泰山山势的句子是 , 。 写凝望之景的句子是 , 。



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Key to exercises: Vocabulary exercises: I. Explain the italicized part in each sentence in your own words. 1. having a very enjoyable and exciting time

2. disconnected and refused to take my phone call 3. go away from him or refuse to be with him

4. didn’t give up or endured being with him although this was unpleasant 5. experience so much pain and stress

6. endure all the hard experiences by myself

II. Fill in the blank in each sentence with a word or phrase taken from the box in its appropriate form.

1. invincible 2.


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The throw-away products in China

We do not have to look far afield to find the throw-away




chopsticks ,disposable bowls and disposable cups are easily seen in supermarkets, restraunts and even people’s houses. The throw-away things become very popular with housewives.So why do disposable products so popular in the society?

I think the big change of people’s life style plays an important role in it.During the high-speed economic development period,people lay more emphasis on efficiency


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Part 1 Text-processing

Teacher-aided Work


Listen to the recorder and take notes. Then fill in each gap in the following passage with ONE word according to what you have heard. Finish your work within 10 minutes.

Tape script:

E. B. White was born in 1899 in Mount Vernon, New York. He served in the army before going to Cornell University. There he wrote for the college newspaper, the Cornell Daily Sun. After he graduated, he worked as a reporter for the Seattle Times in 1922 and 1923. As he put it, he found th


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Lesson 6 Blackmail

1. ―I’ll tell you, Duke---I’ve been in this town and this hotel a long time. I got friends all over. I oblige them; they do the same for me, like letting me know what gives, an’

where. There ain’t much, out of the way, which people who stay in this hotel do, I don’t get to hear about. Most of’em never know I know, or know me. They think they got their little secret tucked away, and so they have---except like now.



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学 科 数学 年 级 五 主备人 燕明英 备课组长 刘云霄 备课组成员 周克霞、刘云霄、曹淑萍、燕明英、冯淑梅、焦华。 备课时间 第七周 地点 五年级办公室 记录人 燕明英 备课内容 分数的意义和性质 使学生掌握分数与除法之间的关系,并能进行简单的应用; 教学目标 培养学生动手操作的能力和抽象,概括,归纳的能力. 分数的数感培养,以及与除法的联系. 教学重难点 抽象思维的培养. 分数与除法的关系 讨论的中心问题 分数的基本性质 燕明英(说教学设计): 一、复习引入 1.30÷5的商是多少?30和5都扩大2倍,商是多少?30和5都缩小原来的1/24呢? 2.分数与除法有什么关系? 二、新授 1.教学例1 (1)请拿出事先准备的一张纸条,把它平均分成两份,其中的一份涂上颜色,用分数表示涂色部分是多少? (2)请拿出第二张纸条,把他平均分成4份,把其中 的两份涂上颜色,用分数表示出来是多少? (3)把第三张纸条平均分成8份,把其中的4份涂上 色,用分数表示出来。 (4)比较三张纸条的涂色部分,它们的长度怎样? (