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(μ¥??ìa)1: I could not move my hands                 they were not mine. A: even though B: as if C: like D: so


(μ¥??ìa)2: The dictionary defines a workaholic_____ “ a person obsessively addicted to work.” A: as B: for C: that D: like ?yè·′e°?:

(μ¥??ìa)3: You've got to __________ in yourself, or you'll never succeed. A: trust B: believe C: confirm D: help ?yè·′e°?:

(μ¥??ìa)4: the traditional approach ________ with com

17春《大学英语》(三)作业 - 2

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17春《大学英语》(三)作业_2 交卷时间:2017-08-07 11:52:59 一、单选题 1.

(4分)You have nothing to ______ by refusing to listen to our advice.

? ? ? ?

A. gain B. grasp C. seize D. earn

纠错 得分:4

知识点:Unit 01 语法概述 2.

(4分)Studies show that the things that contribute most to a sense of happiness cannot be bought, _______ a good family life, friendship and work satisfaction.

? ? ? ?

A. as for B. in view of C. in case of D. such as

纠错 得分:4

知识点:Unit 01 语法概述 3.

(4分)Our journey was slow because the train stopped ______ at different villages.

? ? ? ?

A. con

17春《大学英语》(三)作业 - 2

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17春《大学英语》(三)作业_2 交卷时间:2017-08-07 11:52:59 一、单选题 1.

(4分)You have nothing to ______ by refusing to listen to our advice.

? ? ? ?

A. gain B. grasp C. seize D. earn

纠错 得分:4

知识点:Unit 01 语法概述 2.

(4分)Studies show that the things that contribute most to a sense of happiness cannot be bought, _______ a good family life, friendship and work satisfaction.

? ? ? ?

A. as for B. in view of C. in case of D. such as

纠错 得分:4

知识点:Unit 01 语法概述 3.

(4分)Our journey was slow because the train stopped ______ at different villages.

? ? ? ?

A. con

大工15春《大学英语2(远程英语2)》在线测试2 答案

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一、单选题(共 20 道试题,共 80 分。)

1. ________ always succeed. A. Honest and clever students B. Students who honest and clever C. Honest students and clever D. Students are honest and clever 正确答案:A

2. The boss, not the workers, should be responsible for the accident. They just carried out the order ________. A. as told B. as are told C. as telling D. as they told 正确答案:A

3. — Who's got all my money? — He ______. A. does B. is C. has D. was


4. — Shall I wake you up tomorrow? — Yes, _______. A. pl

大工15春《大学英语2(远程英语2)》在线测试2 答案

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一、单选题(共 20 道试题,共 80 分。)

1. ________ always succeed. A. Honest and clever students B. Students who honest and clever C. Honest students and clever D. Students are honest and clever 正确答案:A

2. The boss, not the workers, should be responsible for the accident. They just carried out the order ________. A. as told B. as are told C. as telling D. as they told 正确答案:A

3. — Who's got all my money? — He ______. A. does B. is C. has D. was


4. — Shall I wake you up tomorrow? — Yes, _______. A. pl


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【奥鹏】[大连理工大学]大工19春《大学英语2(远程英语2)》在线测试2 试卷总分:100 得分:100

第1题,She hasn't () tennis before. A、play B、played C、playing 正确答案:

第2题,— Anne acts quite unfriendly. — I think she's ______ than unfriendly. A、shyer B、shier

C、more shy rather D、more shy 正确答案:

第3题,Manchester United beat Chelsea () in the semi-finals. A、easyly B、easily C、easilly 正确答案:

第4题,Jerry played very(). A、well B、good C、OK 正确答案:

第5题,I()English for about ten years. A、have studied B、studied C、study

D、have study 正


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(单选题)1: 对于爆破漏斗测定爆力法,还没有统一的测定条件标准,因此,只能在      的测试条件下,例如,在同一岩石中,同一重量药包和相同埋入深度等条件下进行爆炸,才能比较不同炸药的爆力。 A: 相似 B: 特定 C: 规定 D: 同一规定 正确答案:

(单选题)2: 常用的碳氢氧型炸药,主要的有毒气体是 和NO2,它不仅污染环境,严重危害采矿工人的人身安全,而且对井下瓦斯、煤尘爆炸反应起催化作用,故有毒气体的含量是矿用炸药的一项重要的安全指标。 A: N2O3 B: NO C: CO2 D: CO


(单选题)3: 由爆破引起的振动常常会造成爆源附近的地面以及地面上的一切物体产生颠簸和摇晃,凡是由爆破所引起的这种现象及其后果,叫做 。 A: 爆破振动 B: 地震 C: 地震效应 D: 爆破地震效应 正确答案:

(单选题)4: 在实际设计中,设计流过每个电雷管的电流一般比最小准爆电流大得多,直流取2~2.5A,交流取 。 A: 2.0~4.0A B: 2.5~3.0A C: 2.5~4A D: 2.5~5.0A 正确答案:

(单选题)5: 如发


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(单选题)1: 对于爆破漏斗测定爆力法,还没有统一的测定条件标准,因此,只能在      的测试条件下,例如,在同一岩石中,同一重量药包和相同埋入深度等条件下进行爆炸,才能比较不同炸药的爆力。 A: 相似 B: 特定 C: 规定 D: 同一规定 正确答案:

(单选题)2: 常用的碳氢氧型炸药,主要的有毒气体是 和NO2,它不仅污染环境,严重危害采矿工人的人身安全,而且对井下瓦斯、煤尘爆炸反应起催化作用,故有毒气体的含量是矿用炸药的一项重要的安全指标。 A: N2O3 B: NO C: CO2 D: CO


(单选题)3: 由爆破引起的振动常常会造成爆源附近的地面以及地面上的一切物体产生颠簸和摇晃,凡是由爆破所引起的这种现象及其后果,叫做 。 A: 爆破振动 B: 地震 C: 地震效应 D: 爆破地震效应 正确答案:

(单选题)4: 在实际设计中,设计流过每个电雷管的电流一般比最小准爆电流大得多,直流取2~2.5A,交流取 。 A: 2.0~4.0A B: 2.5~3.0A C: 2.5~4A D: 2.5~5.0A 正确答案:

(单选题)5: 如发


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1. I () to Mary in London last night myself.
A. spoke
B. speak
C. spoken
正确答案:A 满分:5 分 得分:5
2. I () my mother. We are both moody and impatient.
A. look like
B. like
C. take after
正确答案:C 满分:5 分 得分:5
3. We don't need to fix the time () we get there.
A. by
B. when
C. until
正确答案:C 满分:5 分 得分:5
4. I lived there () 20 years.
A. for
B. from
C. since
正确答案:A 满分:5 分 得分:5
5. () they were eating, they discussed the website.
A. After
B. While
C. Before
正确答案:B 满分:5 分 得分:5

东大15秋学期《大学英语(四)》在线作业2 答案

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试卷总分:100 测试时间:-- 试卷得分:100 一、单选题(共20道试题,共100分。)得分:100

1.106. Government reports, examination compositions, legal documents and most business letters are the main situations ________ formal language is used. A. in which B. on which C. in that D. at what


2.51. I'm excited about the ______ of going to the States. A. request B. division C. possibility D. reality


3.80. I doubt whether he can _______ his efforts much longer as he looks very tired. A. hold up B. hold on C. kee