北语 18春《大学英语(二)》
一、单选题 ( 每题4分, 共25道小题, 总分值100分 )
1.I don’t usually have ___ breakfast, but I always eat ___ good lunch. A. /, / B. /, a C. the, / D. /, the 答案 B
2.选出需要改正的一项:The colonel realized (A) that the private was crying (B) because (C) what he had said (D). A. realized B. was crying C. because D. had said 答案 C
3.Not until I began to work ___ how much time I had wasted. A. didn’t realize B. did I realize C. I didn’t realize D. I realized
答案 B
4.___ receiving the gift, Einstein wrote a letter of thanks
北语 18春《大学语文》
一、单选题 ( 每题4分, 共15道小题, 总分值60分 ) 1.下面不是郭沫若的历史剧的是( )。 A. 《屈原》 B. 《虎符》 C. 《高渐离》
D. 《女神之再生》 答案:D
2.鲁迅追忆旧事的散文集为( )。 A. 《野草》 B. 《朝花夕拾》 C. 《湘行散记》 D. 《萍踪忆语》 答案:B
3.杜甫诗歌的主要风格是( )。 A. 沉郁顿挫 B. 苍凉悲壮 C. 飘逸洒脱 D. 清新俊逸 答案:A
4.韩愈的古文主张主要是( )。 A. 文以明道 B. 文以载道 C. 微言大义
D. 文章合为事而著 答案:A
5.被誉为诗史上“双子星座”的诗人是( )。 A. 韩愈和柳宗元 B. 李白和杜甫 C. 苏轼和苏辙
D. 白居易和刘禹锡 答案:B
6.将杂文的文学风格与社会功用发挥到极致从而成为现代散文极为重要的组成部分的是( )。 A. 林语堂 B. 何其芳 C. 鲁迅 D. 巴金
7.《日出》包括( )幕。 A. 三 B. 四 C. 五 D. 六
8.曹禺的戏剧中属于“抗战十大名剧”的是( )。 A. 《雷雨》 B. 《日出》 C.
大家好,现在进入我们地第三阶段地学习,根据课件,这一阶段我们要学习英译汉和写作这两部分地内容,大家要先根据课件地讲解详细地学习,然后再把课件中地自测练习题完成下,下面我们来着重地强调下这部分地重难点内容.b5E2RGbCAP 对英译汉技巧地探讨
(单选题) 1: Time ___ wait for no man. A: /
B: or tide C: and tide D: 's tide 正确答案:
(单选题) 2: He is quite sure that it’s ___ impossible for him to fullfil the task within two days. A: absolutely B: exclusively C: fully D: roughly 正确答案:
(单选题) 3: Three hours ______ enough for us to finish the task. A: are B: has C: is D: were 正确答案:
(单选题) 4: Mr. Smith
【强烈推荐】北语考研总结2008年09月25日 星期四 下午 12:51tcfl注:这篇文章的作者是我的同学,他今年考上了北语,我在他的QQ空间里发现了他的这篇考研总结,没征得他的同意我就偷过来复制这里了。他是一位非常认真、执著的人,是真心喜欢做学问的那种类型的,上大学的时候,他就带领一个团队,编写了一本对外汉语教学同义词辨析辞典。有志于考北语的同学一定要好好看看这篇文章。
1.It was very kind of you to do the washing-up, but you _______ it.(4分)
D. didn’t have to do
答案: 解析:
2.________ seeing the damage he had done, the child felt ashamed.(4分)
C. On
答案: 解析:
3.Henry is often seen ______ English aloud every morning in the classroom.(4分)
D. to read
答案: 解析:
4.The course normally attracts 20 students per year, _______ up to half will be from overseas.(4分)
D. of whom
答案: 解析:
5.Is this the reason _____ at the meeting for his carelessness in his work ?(4分)
A. he explai
文案大全 《大学英语(二)》模拟试卷一
I. Multiple Choice. (2 points for each, altogether 40 points)
Directions: There are 20 sentences in this section. Beneath each sentence there are four choices respectively marked by letters A, B, C and D. Choose the word that you think best complete the sentence. Write your answers on the answer sheet.
1. Studies have shown _______ teenagers often suffer from depression.
2. The
15春《大学英语》(二)作业3 单选题
一、单选题(共 25 道试题,共 100 分。)
1. ___ man can now create radioactive elements, there is nothing he can do to reduce their radioactivity. A. As
B. Whether C. While D. Now that
2. Circus tiger, although they have been tamed, can ___ attack their trainer. A. unexpectedly B. deliberately C. reluctantly D. subsequently
3. My house ___ a living room, a kitchen, a bathroom and a bedroom. A. makes up of B. is composed of C. is made of D. is consiste
15春《大学英语》(一)作业3 单选题
一、单选题(共 25 道试题,共 100 分。)
1. We moved to the front row ___ we could hear and see better. A. so as B. so that C. because D. such that
2. John, ______the bet, had to pay for the dinner. A. lost
B. having lost C. losing
D. having loss
3. ____ is accepted as true is relatively, and not absolutely, true. A. It B. That C. What D. That it
4. I must tell you how _______a letter from you. A. pleased I was to receive
15春《大学英语》(二)作业1 单选题
一、单选题(共 25 道试题,共 100 分。) 1. He is going to the garden to ___. A. watering the plant B. have watered the plant C. have the plant watered D. water him the plant
2. There was once an ___ idea that the earth was flat and motionless. A. absurd B. intrinsic C. eternal D. offensive
3. The snails are going to leave their old house and move to a new ___. A. ones B. one
4. Knowig something as a whole is far from know