what's up
“what's up”相关的资料有哪些?“what's up”相关的范文有哪些?怎么写?下面是小编为您精心整理的“what's up”相关范文大全或资料大全,欢迎大家分享。
英文说课稿what&39;s the matter
Unit 5 What’s the matter?
Good morning, everyone!
Today I’ll talk about<Unit 5 What’s the matter? Section A1a~2c>.This lesson is the first lesson of Unit 5. I’ll talk about it in nine steps
<I>. Analysis the text (教材分析)
1. The topic of this unit is to repress yourself and others health problem and give
some advice on health problem. It’s the first lesson of unit five. It offers some basic knowledge, improve the student’s listening, speaking ,reading and writing ability, Also ,it can help us learn next lesson better.
what if she&39;s an angel 帮助他人
unit1what&39;s the matter 作文
Unit 1 What’s the matter?Section B 2a-2e集体备课组成员: 沈厚凤,姚宏伟,程东 丽
Revision Review the conversations in 1b&1c
Teaching Aims To give Ss practice in reading
Task 1 2a. Accidents or problems can sometimes happen when we do sports. Write the letter of each sport next to each accident or problem that can happen. A= soccer B= mountain climbing C=swimming ______ fall down _______get sunburned 被晒伤 摔倒
______ have problems breathing 呼吸困难 ——— cut ourselves _____ get hit by a ball 被球击中 划伤我们自己 ____ hurt our back or arm 伤着我们的背或者胳膊
Task 2 2b-
What’s the weather like today?
What’s the weather like? It’s
sunny/rainy/snowy/windy/cloudy/ hot/cool/cold……
What’s the weather like?
It’s raining/rainy.
What’s the weather like?
It’s snowing/snowy.
What’s the weather like?
It’s windy.
What’s the weather like?= How’s the weather?
Talk about weatherA: What's the weather like today? B: It's cold/hot/dry/wet/rainy/ sunny/cloudy/windy. wind windy cloud cloudy rain rainy snow snowy sun sunny n. Nouns adj. adjectives
what if she&39;s an angel 帮助他人
What do you think of young people born in the 1990s
What do you think of young people born in the 1990s?
This is WangXun born in the 1990s, and I’m from school of economics and management. The situation is the society holds a negative attitude towards us born in the 1990s. They think we lack responsibility, like to show off and care only about ourselves. Facing these one-sided criticisms, we are not convinced at all. So today, I’m going to tell you my views on the young people born in the 1990s.
First of all, we are not as selfish as you said. It maybe true that sometimes we t
1、 Перед началом работ отдел ТБ и ОС проводит инструктажи со всеми работниками
группы МСК. 2、 Все работники группы МСК должны пройти инструктаж по методу проведения работ
перед их началом. 3、 Необходимые кабеля будут подготовлены в лагере.
? В соответствие с методом наблюдения требуются провода различной длины. Необходимые провода отмеряются линейкой и обрезаются.
? Будет проведено тестирование каждого кабеля с использованием мультиметра, кабеля будут связаны друг за другом, каждый кабель бу
What do you think of young people born in the 1990s
What do you think of young people born in the 1990s?
This is WangXun born in the 1990s, and I’m from school of economics and management. The situation is the society holds a negative attitude towards us born in the 1990s. They think we lack responsibility, like to show off and care only about ourselves. Facing these one-sided criticisms, we are not convinced at all. So today, I’m going to tell you my views on the young people born in the 1990s.
First of all, we are not as selfish as you said. It maybe true that sometimes we t
What’s Your Hobby 教学案例 何平辉
What’s Your Hobby? 是《义务教育课程标准实验教科书(PEP)英语》第七册的Unit Four的内容。本单元所要学的 words、 phrases and patterns比较贴近学生生活,文中充满了紧跟时代步伐的文句表达,容易引起学生共鸣,激发学习兴趣。
What’s Your Hobby? 教学案例
设计教师:佛山市高明区更合镇中心小学 何平辉 教学年级:小学六年级
课题名称:What’s Your Hobby?
教材版本:义务教育课程标准实验教科书(PEP)英语 授课时间:40分钟 一、学生分析
What’s Your Hobby? 是《义务教育课程标准实验教科书(P
Unit1 What’s the matter?SectionA 3a--4c
Unit 1 What’s the matter?
Section A
Read the passage in 3a. Do you think it comes from a newspaper or a book? How do you know? Then read the passage again and check ( √ )the things that happened in the story. 1. ____ √ __Wang Ping was the driver of bus No. 26 at 9:00 a.m. yesterday. 2. ——— Bus No. 26 hit an old man on Zhanghua Road. 3. ____ √ __ The old man had a heart problem and needed to go to the hospital right away.
4. ______The passengers on the bus did not want to go to the hospital, so only Wang Ping wen