

Module2 导学案

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武胜新课程改革 龙庭初中教师导学案


Module2 导学案

编写老师: 谢静 课型: 新授课 授课老师: 谢静 授课时间:2011年11月

导学定位 单词:parent, can, basketball ,piano ,tennis, table tennis, ride, horse, welcome, international 短语:ride a horse, ride a bike, play the piano, play basketball, play football, play unit1 I can speak English

学 tennis 习 句型: I can speak English. 目 I can’t speak English 标 Can you speak English? Yes, I can. No, I can’t. This is Betty. Welcome Betty and Daming to our school.

module2 the natural world

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Unit 3 The Earth 单项填空

1, There are many students like wearing blue jacket. A, he and I B, him and I C, him and me D he and me 2, We must stop _____in class.

A, talk B, to talk C, talks D, talking 3, _______is important to learn English well.

A, It B, This C, That D, talking 4, ______is the weather like today?

A, How B, Which C, What D, When 5, ______of the students in my class are girls. A, One quarters B, Three quarters C, Tree


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Module 2 Life in the Future


You can use different means of transport to get _________in Beijing. Simply ________ (raise) your hand and a taxi appears in no time. You should check the cab has a business permit, _________make sure you ask a receipt. There are 20,000 buses and trolleybuses in Beijing, __________provides a cheap way to get around. But they can get very _______ (crowd), so it’s a good idea __________ (avoid) them during the rush hour. Tourists shouldn’t miss the 103 bus which offers one of the m

外研社book1 module2学案

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Module2 My New Teachers (2) Introduction and Reading

导学案编号:2 编写人:康冰 组长签字: 级部主任签字: 班级:_______________ 姓名:______________

Studying aims【课时学习目标】: 1. Learn Reading and Vocabulary and get students to understand the passage. Keys and difficulties【课时重点难点】: 1. Master the main meanings of the passage.

2. How to help students know and understand passage. 【知识巩固】

1. It is said that first ____________(印象)are very important.

2. He talked loudly and fast,and ________(挥舞)his hands about a lot when he_____(变得激动)

3. I’ve_______(讨厌

Module2 My New Teachers单元教案

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Module2 My New Teachers单元教案Teaching Aims:

1.Knowledge and Skill

a. Speaking: express one’s attitude or views about their teachers and describe what their teachers

look like

b Reading: understand the meanings of certain words in context applying to guessing meaning


c. Writing: develop the ability of using commas

d. Listening: Grasp the ability of listening for specific facts

2.Emotion and Values

a.Improve the relationship between the teachers and the students by comparing the

relationship between teachers and the students in

Module2 What can you do导学案

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Module2 What can you do导学案

Unit 1 I can play the piano.


1.情态动词can 表示能力的肯定、否定与疑问形式。 2.询问和谈论能力

3.帮助学生认识并肯定自己的能力,增强自信心,培养竞争意识和为班集体服务的意识。 重点难点:情态动词can 的用法

【检测联系阶段】 翻译短语

1.打兵兵球___________ 2.弹钢琴___________ 3.骑自行车_________ 4.汉语说得很好____________ 5.想要做___________ 6.担心___________ 7.仅此而已_____________ 8.新学期的俱乐部__________ 9.参加音乐俱乐部____________ 10.在布告牌_____________ 11.煮鸡蛋_________ 12.跳舞很好_____________13.教某人某事_______ 14.选择你最喜欢的俱乐部___________ 15.做某事怎么样______ 【激趣导入阶段】

看图片“what are they doing ? What can you do?” 【竞争展示阶段】 1.读短语(小组长检查


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A sip of Fantasy Literature

--- Reading

Part I Newspaper Reading

---Enjoying Our 21st Century Teens, the 12th edition: Harry’s Run (P4~5)

I. Pre-reading (Present some pictures from The Harry Potter films on Screen) Qs for Warming-up:

1. Do you like the Harry Potter films? What do you think of them?

2. The whole series end; will you miss Harry Potter?

Can you name the seven series of Harry Potter?

Let’s recall them!

Lead in:

Do you want to know some details about the 7th series of Harry Potter?

Let’s come to our

外研版英语必修一module2 教案

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外研新标准book1 module 2 period 6 教案

Module 2 My New Teachers Period 6

Teaching Contents: Task + Module File + (WbP: 75 Reading) Teaching aims:

1.review the whole module 2.finish the task

3.finish the reading on page75 Important Points: 1.ing-forms

2.adjectives describing people

Teaching Process:

I. Introduction: (prepare for the task)

1.In our text “my new teachers” ,we have learned something about three teachers. Do you still remember them?

Which teacher do you like best? Tell me your reason. (students may h

高一英语必修3 module2教案1

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Module 2 Developing and Developed Countries

Period 2 Grammar—Link words


● To learn about link words and sentence cohesion


Step 1: Learning about cohesion

To achieve cohesion, the link of one sentence to the next, consider the following techniques: Repetition. In sentence B (the second of any two sentences), repeat a word from sentence A. Synonymy. If direct repetition is too obvious, use a synonym of the word you wish to repeat. This strategy is call 'elegant variation.'

Antonymy. Using the 'opposite' word, an

高中英语Module2 rSectionⅣOtherPartsoftheModule教案含解析外研版选修7

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Section Ⅳ Other Parts of the Module



In America, the development of social skills③ is considered④ as important as the development of intellectual skills. To help⑤ students develop⑥ these social skills, schools offer a large number of⑦after-school activities, in other words⑧,activities that take place outside classroom lessons⑨. When deciding⑩which students to accept?, employers and colleges look for students who have skills in several areas?. Exam grades are very important, but so are the a