上Unit 1 1. Britain is no longer an imperial(帝国) country. T
2. The Commonwealth(共和国,民主国) of Nations includes all European countries. F 3. 1 in 10 of the British population are of non-European ethnicity(种族地位,种族特点). F
4. The stereotype(陈规,刻板模式) of the English gentleman never applied(使适用) the majority of the British people. T
6. Northern Ireland is part of Great Britain. F
7. When people outside the UK talk about England, they mistake it as Britain sometimes. T 8. The Scots and Welsh have a strong sense of being Br
(2014-2015-2 练习册)
Exercises for General Introduction
Part One: Multiple Choices
1. The color of white in American flag symbolizes _________.
A. innocent B. hardness C. justice D. valor
2. How many stars and strips are there on the original flag of the United States? A. 13, 13 B. 48, 13 C. 50, 50 D. 50, 13 3. What is the motto of the United States?
A. Everyone is created equal B. Freedom is everything C. In god we trust D. Rely on yourself 4. ___
(2014-2015-2 练习册)
Exercises for General Introduction
Part One: Multiple Choices
1. The color of white in American flag symbolizes _________.
A. innocent B. hardness C. justice D. valor
2. How many stars and strips are there on the original flag of the United States? A. 13, 13 B. 48, 13 C. 50, 50 D. 50, 13 3. What is the motto of the United States?
A. Everyone is created equal B. Freedom is everything C. In god we trust D. Rely on yourself 4. ___
(2014-2015-2 练习册)
Exercises for General Introduction
Part One: Multiple Choices
1. The color of white in American flag symbolizes _________.
A. innocent B. hardness C. justice D. valor
2. How many stars and strips are there on the original flag of the United States? A. 13, 13 B. 48, 13 C. 50, 50 D. 50, 13 3. What is the motto of the United States?
A. Everyone is created equal B. Freedom is everything C. In god we trust D. Rely on yourself 4. ___
A Brief Introduction to English-speaking CountriesZhang Huahong School of Foreign StudiesAvailable at /hhzhang/index.htm
Preliminary Considerations1. The significance of the study 2. The suggested way of study 3. Means of course evaluation 4. Teaching and learning focus 5. Text books: Book 1, Book 2 of英语国家社会与文化入门
Weekly Assignments1.Do the exercises of two chapters. 2.Work in groups of four discussing the Questions For Thought after the text in speaking class, as assigned by the monitor, prepared for presentation. 3.Group mem
(2014-2015-2 练习册)
Exercises for General Introduction
Part One: Multiple Choices
1. The color of white in American flag symbolizes _________.
A. innocent B. hardness C. justice D. valor
2. How many stars and strips are there on the original flag of the United States? A. 13, 13 B. 48, 13 C. 50, 50 D. 50, 13 3. What is the motto of the United States?
A. Everyone is created equal B. Freedom is everything C. In god we trust D. Rely on yourself 4. ___
1、地理位置美国位于北美洲南部, 美国位于北美洲南部, 东临大西洋, 东临大西洋,西濒太平 北接加拿大, 洋,北接加拿大,南靠 墨西哥及墨西哥湾。 墨西哥及墨西哥湾。 全境由东向西可分为5 全境由东向西可分为5个 地理区: 地理区:东南部沿岸平 原分大西洋沿岸平原和 墨西哥沿岸平原两部分。 墨西哥沿岸平原两部分。 这一地带海拔在200 200米以 这一地带海拔在200米以 下,多数由河川冲积而 成,特别是密西西比河 三角洲, 三角洲,是世界上最大 的三角洲,土质油黑, 的三角洲,土质油黑, 土壤肥沃。 土壤肥沃。河口附近有 一些沼泽地。 一些沼泽地。位于这一 地理区的佛罗里达半岛 是美国最大的半岛
1、地理位置三面环海, 美国 三面环海,海岸 线总长达2 27万公里 万公里, 线总长达2、27万公里, 另有两块“飞地” 另有两块“飞地”远离 本土:一块是北美州西 本土:一块是北美州西 北部的阿拉斯加, 北部的阿拉斯加,另一 块是中太平洋北部的夏 威夷。总面积为937 937万 威夷。总面积为937万 平方公里, 平方公里,在世界占第 四位。 四位。 全国50个州,一个特区, 50个州 全国50个州,一个特区, 海外领地包括关岛、 海外领地包括关
1.1 复习笔记
I. Name and constituents
1. Full name
2. Constituents
II. Effects of its imperial past
1. Establishment of the Commonwealth of Nations
2. Its role as a European nation
3. Economic influence
4. A multiracial nation
III. Differences in society
1. Race difference
2. Class difference
3. Region difference
IV. Introduction to England
1. Physical features
1 / 111
2. History of invasions
V. Introduction to Scotland
1. Physical features
2. History
3. Retaining strong Scottish identity
VI. Introduction to Wales
1. Physi
“铁肩担道义,妙手著文章”形容的是以下哪个职业?() A、新闻工作者 B、律师 C、教师 D、政治家
我的答案A 得分: 0.0分 2
孙志刚事件促进了以下哪项法律法规的废止?() A、《国有土地上房屋征收与补偿条例》 B、《城市户口管理暂行条例》 C、《中华人民共和国户口登记条例》 D、《城市流浪乞讨人员收容遣送办法》 我的答案:D 得分: 25.0分 3
1978年著名的社论《实践是检验真理的唯一标准》最初发表在哪份报纸上? A、人民日报 B、参考消息 C、光明日报 D、新华日报
我的答案:C 得分: 25.0分 4
从社会影响而言,新闻最根本的属性是每日都在影响社会的工作。() 我的答案:√
? ? ? ?
A、赫斯特 B、贝内特 C、普利策
我的答案:C得分: 25.0分
? ? ?
A、文化大革命时期 B、大跃进时期 C、改革开放时期
我的答案:B得分: 25.0分
我的答案:√得分: 25.0分
Chapter1 Introduction
The flag of the United Kingdom, known as the Union Jack, is made up of three crosses.
The second Nordic Invasion at the end of the 8th century changed the history of Western Europe.
Britain is separated from the rest of Europe by the English Channel in the south and North Sea in the east.
invasion from the Roman Empire and its influences (Roman civilization was based on city life in hundreds of walled towns linked by military roads; The Romans introduced Christianity into Britain. )