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航运英语大全来源: 邢 清ˇ_ˇ的日志

缩写 英文意义 中文意义 AA Always afloat 经常漂浮 AA Always accessible 经常进入 AA Average adjusters 海损理算师 AAR Against all risks 承保一切险 AB Able bodied seamen 一级水手 AB Average bond 海损分担证书 A/B AKtiebolaget (瑞典)股份公司 A/B Abean 正 横

ABS American Bureau of Shipping 美国船级协会 ABT About 大约

ABB Abbreviation 缩略语 A/C,ACCT Account 帐目 AC Alter couse 改变航向

AC Account current 活期存款,来往帐户 AC Alernating current 交流电

ACC Accepted; acceptance 接受,同意 ACC.L Accommodation ladder 舷梯

A.&C.P. Anchor & chains proved 锚及锚链试验合格 ACV Air


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n. 利坚草;芦苇草;细茎针茅;字母A,a的代称 n. (Alfa)人名;(阿拉伯)阿勒法;(西、俄、尼日利)阿尔法


英 [brɑ?'v??; 'brɑ?v??] 美 [,brɑ'vo] 口语练习

n. 喝彩;亡命徒 vt. 喝彩 int. 好极了

n. (Bravo)人名;(英、法、西、意、葡、塞)布拉沃

[ 复数 bravos或bravi ]



n. 查理(男子名)


英 ['delt?] 美 ['d?lt?]

n. (河流的)三角洲;德耳塔(希腊字母的第四个字) n. (Delta)人名;(英、罗、葡)德尔塔


英 ['ek??] 美 ['?ko]

vt. 反射;重复 vi. 随声附和;发出回声 n. 回音;效仿

[ 复数 echoes 过去式 echoed 过去分词 echoed 现在分词 echoing ]



n. 通讯中用以代表字母f的词


英 [g?lf] 美 [g?lf]

n. 高尔夫球;高尔夫球运动 vi


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[1]______, as the chemical extinguisher agent, should be used for an electric fire. A. dry chemical or foam B. foam or soda acid

C. carbon dioxide or foam D. carbon dioxide or dry chemical ? agent [?eid??nt] (化学)剂

? carbon dioxide [?kɑ:b?n] [da???ksa?d] 二氧化碳


[2]______: A room on or near the bridge provided with the necessary fittings and furniture for the handling and stowage of charts and where the chronometers are placed.

A. Captain?s cabin B.


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第六卷 WWWJK 06

1. When the ship causes oil pollution to the port, she will be____. A. fined B. levied C. paid D. deducted

当船舶在港内造成油污染时,会()A.被罚款B.被征收(税等);C.被付款 D.被减免 A

2.our ship is slow in going astern, please __ . A., be careful B. be kind enough C. be nice D. be looked after

我船正慢速后退,请()A.,小心,注意安全B.耐心C.有教养的,体面的,正派的 D.被照看 A

3.All echo-sounders can measure the______. A. actual depth of water

B. actual depth of water below keel

C. average depth from waterline to hard bottom D. average depth of water to soft bottom


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______ offers a detailed description of tidal theory and its application to the analysis and prediction of tides and tidal streams.C

A.Ocean Passages for the World(NP136) B.Admiralty Tidal Stream Atlases

C.Admiralty Manual of Tides(NP120) D.Admiralty Tidal Handbooks(NP122 1-3)

How does foam extinguish an oil fire ________.C A.By cooling the oil below the ignition temperature B.By removing the fuel source from the fire C.By excluding the oxygen from the fire D.By increasing the weight of the oil

The range of a light on Admir


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901:无限航区、近洋航区船舶船长 904:沿海航区船舶船长/大副 考试大纲

航海英语 902:无限航区、近洋航区船舶大副 905:沿海航区船舶二/三副

1 船舶证书 1.1 各类证书的内容、展期与更新 1.2 各类报表(海事、海关、检疫、边防等) 2 航海图书资料 2.1 航路指南 2.2 进港指南 2.3 其他航海出版物(灯标表、天文历、航海员手册、大洋航路等) 2.4 海图及海图作业 2.5 航海通告与警告 3 航海英文函电 3.1 航海日志、夜航命令、常规命令 3.2 各种业务申请书(接种、医疗、检修、加班、油水、物料供应、船员遣返等) 3.3 各种业务通知书(宣载书、就绪通知书、滞期通知书、到离港通知书等) 3.4 各种英文业务电传、传真、电子邮件等 3.5 海事声明与延伸海事声明 3.6 海上事故报告(碰撞、搁浅、火灾、溢油、货损货差、人身伤亡等) 3.7 船舶检验报告 3.8 货物检验报告 4 船舶安全管理 4.1 国际安全管理规则 4.2 港口国监督文件及报告 4.3 船舶安全基本知识 5 航运法规与业务 5.1 承运人的责任与海牙规则 5.2 共同海损与汉堡规则 5.3 提单 5.4 航次租船合同 5.5 定期租船合同 5.6


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[1]______, as the chemical extinguisher agent, should be used for an electric fire. A. dry chemical or foam B. foam or soda acid

C. carbon dioxide or foam D. carbon dioxide or dry chemical ? agent [?eid??nt] (化学)剂

? carbon dioxide [?kɑ:b?n] [da???ksa?d] 二氧化碳


[2]______: A room on or near the bridge provided with the necessary fittings and furniture for the handling and stowage of charts and where the chronometers are placed.

A. Captain?s cabin B.


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[1]______, as the chemical extinguisher agent, should be used for an electric fire. A. dry chemical or foam B. foam or soda acid

C. carbon dioxide or foam D. carbon dioxide or dry chemical ? agent [?eid??nt] (化学)剂

? carbon dioxide [?kɑ:b?n] [da???ksa?d] 二氧化碳


[2]______: A room on or near the bridge provided with the necessary fittings and furniture for the handling and stowage of charts and where the chronometers are placed.

A. Captain?s cabin B.


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[1]Which signal of the follwings is not provided with onboard lifeboat? 答案:D

A.Rocket parachute signals B.Buoyant smoke signals C.Hand flare signals D.Self-igniting signals

[2]According to IMO regulations,______shall be posed outside lifeboat? 答案:A A.the retro-reflective tapes B.the reflective tapes C.the flashing bands D.the anti-flashing bands

[3]Which one of the following is not required on survival crafts? 答案:D A.Anti-seasickness medicine B.Immersion suits C.axes D


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1. BFor details of these and other lights the larger scale charts and Admiralty Lists should be ______.

A.considered B.consulted C.concluded D.commanded

2.D Many of the lights on this coast are placed so high as to be frequently obscured by ______.

A.power B.tower C.cover D.low clouds 3. AThe lighthouse if ______ at night may be in trouble.

A.invisible B.it is invisible C.isn't visible D.unvisible 4. BSeveral shoals ______