Base-Resolution Analysis of 5-Hydroxymethylcytosine in the mammalian genome
CARMA Collision Avoidance and Resolution Multiple Access
Collision Avoidance and
Resolution Multiple Access with Transmission Groups
Rodrigo Garc′e s and J.J.Garcia-Luna-Aceves
Baskin Center for Computer Engineering and Information Sciences
University of California at Santa Cruz
Santa Cruz,CA95064,USA
garces@f04558dbd15abe23482f4dcd jj@f04558dbd15abe23482f4dcd
The CARMA-NTG protocol is presented and analyzed.
CARMA-NTG dynamically pides the channel into cycles of
variable length;each cycle consists of a contention period and
a group-transmission period.During the contention period,
BASE后的字母或数字指的是传输介质,反应介质特点,比如说10BASE-T中的T指双绞线,10BASE-5指传输距离500米(即粗缆) IEEE标准共有以下几种:
10BASE-F:光纤。分为FP,FL,FB 三种链接类型,FP使用无源集线器连接,传输距离500米,FB使用有源连接器,传输距离3000米,FL可以使用多个中继器,可以进一步延长器传输距离。
100BASE-T4:4对3类非屏蔽双绞线,传输距离100米 100BASE
Knowledge Base for Datastage - 图文
Knowledge Base of DataStage Usage 1. Generallly, for the new parallel job, the attribute as “Enable Runtime Column Propagation
for new links” should be un-checked. Otherwise, there will be data-type compatibility issue in the director log after the running.
2. We can use below wizard to connect to the related database and import the table
definitions firstly. Then in the source/target, we can just import the columns base on the available table definitions.
3. Generally, in the table definition, for the “extended” attribut
SAS - base - 70 - 有答案版
1.The following SAS program is submitted:
by Department Gender;
if First.<_insert_code_> then Payroll=0; Payroll+Wagerate;
if Last.<_insert_code_>; run;
The SAS data set WORK.SALARY is currently ordered by Gender within Department.
Which inserted code will accumulate subtotals for each Gender within Department? A. Gender
B. Department
C. Gender Department D. Department Gender
Answer: A
2.Given t
(109) QUESTION 109
The contents of the raw data file EMPLOYEE are listed below: ----|----10---|----20---|----30 Ruth 39 11 Jose 32 22 Sue 30 33
John 40 44
The following SAS program is submitted: data test;
in file' employee';
input employee_ name $ 1-4;
if employee_ name = 'Sue' then input age 7-8; else input idnum 10-11; run;
Which one of the following values does the variable AGE contain when the name of the employee is \
A. 30 B. 33 C. 40
D. . (missing numeric value)
The c
An analysis of historic production trends in Australian base
An analysis of historic production trends in Australian
base metal mining
Gavin M.Mudd ?
Department of Civil Engineering,Institute for Sustainable Water Resources,Monash University,Clayton,Victoria 3800,Australia
Received 22August 2005;accepted 29May 2006
Available online 19January 2007
The base metal mining sector,including copper,lead –zinc –silver and nickel,has been a prominent and critical feature of the Australian minerals industry.The various mines and fields have been producers of world significance,including Brok
SAS base 考试必备 70真题(附答案)
1.The following SAS program is submitted:
data WORK.TOTAL; set WORK.SALARY; by Department Gender;
if First.<_insert_code_> then Payroll=0; Payroll+Wagerate;
if Last.<_insert_code_>; run;
The SAS data set WORK.SALARY is currently ordered by Gender within Department.
Which inserted code will accumulate subtotals for each Gender within Department? A. Gender
B. Department
C. Gender Department D. Department Gender
Answer: A
2.Given t
SAS Base认证考试—70题(61-70)
SAS Base认证考试—70题(61-70)
Q 61
Consider the data step: data WORK.TEST; infile 'c:\\class1.csv' dsd; input Name Sex
Age Height Weight;
if Age NE 16 and Age NE 15 then Group=1; else Group=2; run;
Which statement produces a functionally equivalent result for assigning Group a value? A. if Age not in(15,16) then Group=1; else Group=2; B. if (Age NE 16) or (Age NE 15) then Group=1; else Group=2; C. where Age not between 15 and 16 then Group=1; else Group=2; D. both A or C will work. 答案:A
本题知识点:IF语句、IN的使用 参考第17
March 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.11-11/0316r3
IEEE P802.11
Wireless LANs
This submission contains a proposed resolution to CID 11001, which is assigned to the author for resolution.
R1: updated following 2011-03-14 TGmb meeting. Changes made during that meeting are highlighted thus.
R2: Added comment 11002
R3: Minor adjustments to exclude .11u unanswered questions from changes and tidy up for motioning, shown thus.
Submission page 1 Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation
March 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.11-11/0316r3 The Comments