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现总结如下 [宋]陆游书愤

早岁那知世事艰?中原北望气如山。 楼船夜雪瓜州渡,铁马秋风大散关。 塞上长城空自许,镜中衰鬓已先斑。 出师一表真名世,千载谁堪伯仲间? [唐]王昌龄塞下曲

饮马渡秋水,水寒风似刀。 平沙日未没,黯黯见临洮。 昔日长城战,咸言意气高。 黄尘足今古,白骨乱蓬蒿。 [唐]王昌龄从军行七首

烽火城西百尺楼,黄昏独上海风秋。 更吹羌笛关山月,无那金闺万里愁。 琵琶起舞换新声,总是关山旧别情。 撩乱边愁听不尽,高高秋月照长城。 关城榆叶早疏黄,日暮云沙古战场。 表请回军掩尘骨,莫教兵士哭龙荒。 青海长云暗雪山,孤城遥望玉门关。


肃肃秋风起,悠悠行万里。 万里何所行?横漠筑长城。 岂云小子智,先圣之所营。 树兹万世策,安此亿兆生。 讵敢惮焦思,高枕于上京。 北河秉武节,千里卷戎旌。 山川互出没,原野穷超忽。 撞金止行阵,鸣鼓兴士卒。 干乘万骑动,饮马长城窟。 秋昏塞外云,雾暗关山月。 缘岩驿马上,乘空烽火发。 借问长城候,单于入朝谒。 浊气静天山,晨光照高阙。 释兵仍


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dear leaders:

hello! i wish to apply your recruitment for the position. i'm all aspects of the conditions is in line with your requirements.july this year, i graduated from the university of xx, the specialty is xx. before graduating, i worked in?? company chief assistant post. during the internship, my attitude towards work and gained the recognition performance, but also to my assistant's work has a better understanding and confidence.

in college, i have won the scholarship. i also served as


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Notarial Certificate

Chifeng City Notary Public Office of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region of The People’s Republic of China

Notarial Certificate

(2015) C.Z.W.Z.No.77

Applicant: 出生人名字, male, bom on 出生日期, with Identity Card number of 身份证号, now residing at 住址. Notarization matters: Birth

This is to certify that出生人名字was bom in 出生地 on 出生日期. The name of 名字’s father is 父亲名 (with Identity Card number of 身份证号码) and the name of 名字’s mother is 母亲名 (with Identity Card number of 身份证号码).

Chifeng City Notary Public Office Inner Mon


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1.1 Principal Components

Today's average car contains more than 15,000 separate, individual parts that must work

together. These parts can grouped into four major categories: engine, body, chassis and

electrical equipment.

1.2 Engine

The engine acts as the power unit. The internal combustion engine is most common: this

obtains its power by burning a liquid fuel inside the engine cylinder. There are two types of

engine :gasoline(also called a spark-ignition eng


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旁白:Into the clothing store, waiter, the boss on.认为自己马上就要时正式职员了,可不能象现在这样破烂。 A formally staff soon, he thinks that he can not be broken as they are now. (走到一个老板旁边) (A boss walked beside)

我:有没有做的不合适被顾客退回来的服装? I: There was no inappropriate for the customer to return to the clothes?

旁白:(老板用极其轻蔑的眼神看他) Boss with the most contemptuous look to see him (走到一个店员旁) Go near a shop assistant

店员1:等一会儿,马上就来。 Clerk 1: Wait a minute, come at once. 旁白:(店员挑了一件很小的衣服)The clerk pick up a small shop clothes. 我:请你们照顾一下,我过几天在再付款。 I: Pleas


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A series of colorful celebration activities begin on the first day of the first lunar month.

春节过了以后,就是在过去中国的农村里边,文艺的活动逐渐地展开了,有各种的文艺节目,像我们现在看到的北京花会一样,高跷、旱船,另外就是唱戏。 After the Spring Festival, all kinds of entertainment

programs used to be given in the rural areas in China. Just like the flower exhibition in Beijing now, the

entertainment programs include walking on stilts, taking a boat on ground and operas.


No matter in the city or in the country


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Chapter 0 Foundation of Algebra and Calculus

§0 .1 Foundation of Linear Algebra1, n-dimensional vector x=(x1,x2,…,xn), y=(y1,y2,…,yn). operations: x+y, x-y, cx. inner product of two vectors (x,y) length of a vector |x| a vector space V, a subspace of V linear independent of vectors



2, Matrix

a11 a21 A am1

a12 a22 am 2

a1n a2 n amn

m rows, n columns operations: A+B, A-B, cA, AB, AT |A| (determinant of square matrix ) singular or nonsingular matrix A-1 inverse of a square mat


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Egypt, officially the Arab Republic of Egypt, is a country mainly in North Africa, with the Sinai Peninsula forming a land bridge in Western Asia. Covering an area of about 1,010,000 square kilometers (390,000 sq mi), Egypt is bordered by the Mediterranean Sea to the north, the Gaza Strip and Israel to the

northeast, the Red Sea to the east, Sudan to the south and Libya to the west.

Egypt is one of the most populous countries in Africa and the Middle East. The great majority of its estimated 77.4 million[1] live ne


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Greenroad International Logistics Co. Ltd is an innovative, progressive and energetic company, a professional company specialized in providing effective and fast international sea and inland transport service and logistic service.

Greenroad International Logistics Co. Ltd is an innovative, progressive and energetic company, a professional company specialized in providing effective and fast international sea and inland transport service and logistic service.

Table of


Greenroad International Logistics Co. Ltd is an inno


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The sea’s girl

Station: Long long ago, these is a girl, she is a princess of a king form the blue sea. She is very beautiful. She liked the sun of the sky. In the sea, everyone loves her very much. They send her many things. But she likes nothing. She want to go out the palace of the sea. But her grandma doesn’t permit.

Jenney: grandma, please permit me to go out of the sea.

Grandma: Dear ,you are too young to go out. You don’t know that there are a lot of dangers. There are many fishmen. They have large net. They will cat