

人教版八年级英语下册Unit7 学案

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Unit7 学案

Task 1--复习:请同学们回顾上节课2b文章,完成写作提纲中所需的具体信息。

What they look like___________________ Basic information Where they live_____________________ What they eat_______________________ What they can do____________________ Pandas

人教版八年级英语下册Unit7 学案

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Unit7 学案

Task 1--复习:请同学们回顾上节课2b文章,完成写作提纲中所需的具体信息。

What they look like___________________ Basic information Where they live_____________________ What they eat_______________________ What they can do____________________ Pandas

名师指导:人教版八年级上册英语Unit7 - - 重点词语解析

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名师指导:Unit7重点词语解析 (Section A. B )

1. shake n ( 牛奶和冰淇淋摇匀制成的)混合饮料 milk shake 奶昔 (1) How do you make a banana milk shake?


shake v –shook * shake one’s hand with sb和某人握手 (2) His father shook his hand with the headmaster yesterday. 昨天他父亲和校长握了手。

2. blender 果汁机, 搅拌机 turn on the blender (1)Turn on the blender to make orange juice.


turn off the blender

(2)Please turn off the blender after you finish making apple juice.你做完苹果汁后请关闭搅拌机。

3.cut –cutting –cut 切, 割, 砍cut ……into……

cut up 切碎(代词做宾语放在中间)

(1) Cu

名师指导:人教版八年级上册英语Unit7 - - 重点词语解析

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名师指导:Unit7重点词语解析 (Section A. B )

1. shake n ( 牛奶和冰淇淋摇匀制成的)混合饮料 milk shake 奶昔 (1) How do you make a banana milk shake?


shake v –shook * shake one’s hand with sb和某人握手 (2) His father shook his hand with the headmaster yesterday. 昨天他父亲和校长握了手。

2. blender 果汁机, 搅拌机 turn on the blender (1)Turn on the blender to make orange juice.


turn off the blender

(2)Please turn off the blender after you finish making apple juice.你做完苹果汁后请关闭搅拌机。

3.cut –cutting –cut 切, 割, 砍cut ……into……

cut up 切碎(代词做宾语放在中间)

(1) Cu

人教版八年级上册Unit - 7

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Unit 7

Will people have robots ?


一.单项选择(共15小题,计15分) ( )1. — Where will you live? — I will live ________ a space station.

A. at B. in C. on D. to

( )2. There ________ an English film this evening.

A. will B. is going to have C. is going to be D. will have

( )3. —What do you usually have for breakfast?

—_______milk and _____eggs. A. A little;a few B. A

little;a little

C. A few;a little D.A

few;a few

( )4. Beijing is a very beautiful city. I fel


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Unit 7 第一课时 课前预习

【预习内容】:Section A 1a~1c 【预习重点】:

1. 试读下列单词、短语。

1)单词:shake, blender , cut, up, peel, pour, into 2)短语:milk shake, turn on, cut up 2. 朗读下列句子:

1) Turn on the blender. 2) Cut up the bananas. 3) Drink the milk shake.

4) Pour the milk into the blender.

5) Put the bananas and ice ream into the blender. 6) Peel tree bananas. 【预习练习】


turn on __________ cut up _________ put …into… ________, pour…into… 【我不懂的地方】


【学习内容】Section A 1a~1c 【学习目标】:

掌握下列单词及短语:shake, blender , cut, up, peel, p


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初二英语Unit 7 周测题


1.最高的/最危险的山脉 25.实现谁的梦想 2.比世界上其他任何山都高 26.3.在所有的咸水湖中 274.有一个更悠久的历史 28,5.有最多/最少的人口 29.6.世界上最古老的国家之一 30.7.主要原因之一 31.8.可以随便做某事 32.9.在今天的长城之旅中 33.10.最流行的问题 34.11.谈论/提及 35.12.正如你所看到的那样 36,13.据我所知


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Unit 7


1. Include/including

Include: 动词;including 介词 2. Freeze/freezing

Freeze: 动词; freezing: 形容词,极冷的 3. Achieve/come true

Achieve:达到,完成,成功achieve my dream/the goal come true: 变为现实 My dream came true at last. 4. Success/succeed/successful/successfully 5. In the wall/on the wall

in the wall:在墙内,为墙的一部分,on the wall在墙上,为外来物 6. Feel free :随便做某事 7. As far as I know:就我所知 8. Take in:吸入,吞入

9. In the face of:面对(问题,困难等) 10. Even though=even if:即使,虽然 11. Walk into:走路时撞着 12. Fall over:绊倒 1


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Unit 7


1. Include/including

Include: 动词;including 介词 2. Freeze/freezing

Freeze: 动词; freezing: 形容词,极冷的 3. Achieve/come true

Achieve:达到,完成,成功achieve my dream/the goal come true: 变为现实 My dream came true at last. 4. Success/succeed/successful/successfully 5. In the wall/on the wall

in the wall:在墙内,为墙的一部分,on the wall在墙上,为外来物 6. Feel free :随便做某事 7. As far as I know:就我所知 8. Take in:吸入,吞入

9. In the face of:面对(问题,困难等) 10. Even though=even if:即使,虽然 11. Walk into:走路时撞着 12. Fall over:绊倒 1

人教版八年级英语上 Unit7 Will people have robots sectionA G

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Unit 7 Will people have robots?


Grammar Focus一般将来时—— The simple future tense1. 概念: (1)表示将要发生的动作或存在的状态。

We will go to see him tomorrow.我们明天来看他。 (2)表示将来经常或反复发生的动作。 From now on, I will come every day. 从现在起,我每天都来。/

2. 基本句型肯定句 主语 + will +V原形 否定句 主语 + will +not + V原形 一般疑问句 Will +主语 + V原形 特殊疑问句 特殊疑问词 + 一般疑问句 简略回答 Yes, I will. No, I won’t. (注意缩写形式



3. Will 表示将来时态,其后常跟的时间 状语 tomorrow 明天 next week 下周 next year 明天 before 不久

next month 下个月

soon 不久

the day after tomorrow 后天 the year after next 后年 the week after next 下下周/

一般将来时—— The simple fu