Text Comprehension
1. It was a military campaign in which many soldiers died. The effects on Churchill were () he lost his political position and he was overwhelmed with grief.
2. He felt so inspired to paint that he was distracted from his personal problems.
3. His sister-in-law’s painting inspired him to try his hand at it; his wife rushed out to buy all the materials he would need; and the wife of Sir John Lavery helped him overcome his fear of the blank canvas.
4. The blank whiteness of the
一份耕耘一份收获 答案只是参考请大家努力自学 21世纪大学英语读写教程第二册课文翻译及课后答案 第一单元 UNIT1 翻译 TEXT A 温斯顿丘吉尔——他的另一种生活 玛丽索姆斯 我的父亲温斯顿丘吉尔是在40几岁开始迷恋上绘画的当时他正身处逆境。1915年作为海军大臣他深深地卷入了达达尼尔海峡的一场战役。原本那次战役是能够缩短一场血腥的世界大战的但它却失败了人员伤亡惨重为此丘吉尔作为公务员和个人都付出了代价他被免去了海军部的职务失去了显赫的政治地位。 “我本以为他会因忧伤而死的。”他的妻子克莱门泰因说。被这一不幸压垮的他同家人一起退隐到萨里郡的一个乡间居处---耘锄农场。在那儿正如丘吉尔日后所回忆的“绘画女神拯救了我” 一天他正在花园里漫步正巧碰上他的弟妹在用水彩画素描。他观看了她几分钟然后借过她的画笔试了一下身手----于是缪斯女神施展了她的魔法。自那天以后温斯顿便爱上了绘画。 任何能让沉浸在忧思中的温斯顿分心的事情都让克莱门泰因高兴。于是她赶紧去买来她所能找到的各种颜料和画具。水彩颜料、油画颜料、纸张、帆布画布---很快耘锄农场里便堆满了一个绘画者可能想要或需要的各样东西。 画油画最终成了温斯顿的一大爱好---但是最初几步却出奇地艰难。
Text Comprehension
1.It was a military campaign in which many soldiers died.The effects on Churchill were()he lost his political position and he was overwhelmed with grief.
2.He felt so inspired to paint that he was distracted from his personal problems.
3.His sister-in-law’s painting inspired him to try his hand at it;his wife rushed out to buy all the materials he would need;and the wife of Sir John Lavery helped him overcome his fear of the blank canvas.
4.The bla
21世纪大学英语读写教程第二册A - B课文翻译及课后翻译题
Text B、Little Sister of the Poor By Kenneth L. Woodward
1.With a will of iron and a heart of love, Mother Teresa served the dying and desperate in India and around the world.凭着钢铁般的意志和一颗爱心,德肋撒嬷嬷为印度和全世界垂死和绝望的人们鞠躬尽瘁。
2.When she died last week in Calcutta — just days after her 87th birthday — she was known the world over as Mother Teresa. Thin and bent, she had been hospitalized with numerous illnesses over the last two years. That night, after finishing dinner and her prayers, Mother Teresa
complained of a pain in her b
21世纪大学英语读写教程第二册A B课文翻译及课后翻译题
Text A、Winston Churchill—His Other Life
My father, Winston Churchill, began his love affair with painting in his 40s, amid disastrous
circumstances. As First Lord of the Admiralty in 1915, he had been deeply involved in a campaign in the Dardanelles that could have shortened the course of a bloody world war. But when the
mission failed, with great loss of life, Churchill paid the price, both publicly and privately: He was removed from the Admiralty and lost his position of political influence.我的父亲温斯顿?丘吉尔是在 40 几岁开始迷恋上绘画
21世纪大学英语读写教程第二册A - B课文翻译及课后翻译题
Text B、Little Sister of the Poor By Kenneth L. Woodward
1.With a will of iron and a heart of love, Mother Teresa served the dying and desperate in India and around the world.凭着钢铁般的意志和一颗爱心,德肋撒嬷嬷为印度和全世界垂死和绝望的人们鞠躬尽瘁。
2.When she died last week in Calcutta — just days after her 87th birthday — she was known the world over as Mother Teresa. Thin and bent, she had been hospitalized with numerous illnesses over the last two years. That night, after finishing dinner and her prayers, Mother Teresa
complained of a pain in her b
Text A
Pre-reading Activities
First Listening
1.Before you listen to the tape have a quick look at the paragraph below. It's similar to what you'll hear on the tape, but there are some differences. As you listen the first time, underline the sections of the paragraph that are different from what you hear on the tape. Don't worry yet about what the exact differences are-just underline where they appear.
Steven Hawking, the world-famous scientist and author, lost his ability to speak in 1985. Already confined to a wheelchai
Page4/20 1.charles 2.barbara 3.angela 4.rob
Page6 1.2001 2.583,000 3.11 ; 2001 4.220,000 ; 2005-2006 ; eight and a half ; five and a half
Page10 1.(6)2.(4)3.(5)4.(2)5.(3)6.(1)
Page11 1.I want to shoot some pictures of students in the classroom. 2.What are your hopes for the future? 3.Do you want to land on the moon?
Page14 1.describe the American system 2.financial aid and rules about employment
3.English language requirements 4.for information and advice
Page15 1.with
一份耕耘,一份收获 答案只是参考,请大家努力自学
第一单元 UNIT1 翻译
第六单元 Vocabulary III.
1. insight 2. obstacles 3. paralyzed 4. poses 5. proclaimed 6. predicted 7. Initially 8. eccentric 9. gap 10 inherit Translation X.
他被称为“活着的最有才华的人”,“20世纪后期最伟大的天才”,以及“爱因斯坦的继承人”。因《时间简史》一书而闻名遐迩为众人所知的斯蒂芬霍金是一个多重意义上的明星科学家。霍金擅长于用一种为非科学家所喜爱的文体揭示宇宙的奥秘,这种天赋使他声誉鹊起,也使他的书在英国和美国都成了畅销书。该书因在《星期日泰晤士报》十大畅销书名单上持续了184周,并在全世界销售了500多万册而在《吉尼斯世界纪录大全》上赢得了一席之地——对一本科学书籍来说,这简直是前所未闻的成功。 XI.
1. Stephen Hawking, a British scientist specializing in theoretical cosmology has been proclaimed the greatest genius of the