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第一单元 1 沁园春雪 2 雨说

3 星星变奏曲 4 外国诗两首

写作.口语交际.综合性学习雨的诉说 第二单元

5 敬业与乐业

6 纪念伏尔泰逝世一百周年的演说 7 傅雷家书两则 8 致女儿的信

写作.口语交际.综合性学习演讲:微笑着面对生活 第三单元 9 故乡

10 孤独之旅 11 我的叔叔于勒 12 心声

综合性学习.写作.口语交际青春随想 第四单元

13 事物的正确答案不止一个 14 应有格物致知精神 15 短文两篇

16 中国人失掉自信力了吗

综合性学习.写作.口语交际好读书读好书 第五单元

17 智取生辰纲 18 杨修之死 19 范进中举 20 香菱学诗

写作.口语交际.综合性学习金钱,共同面对的话题 第六单元 21 陈涉世家 22 唐雎不辱使命 23 隆中对 24 出师表 25 词五首


课外古诗词背诵 名著导读 附录


1《沁园春·雪》 毛泽东(1936年2月)



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UNIT 1 The Developing World\\n Topic 1 Our country has developed rapidly.\\n Section A\\n 1a Look, listen and say\\n (In the classroom after class)\\n Kangkang: Hi, Jane. Did you have a good summer holiday?\\n Jane: Yes. What about you?\\n Kangkang: Not bad. Rita, you have just come back from your hometown. How was your trip?\\n Rita: I went to many places near my home in India.\\n In one place I saw children working for a cruel boss.\\n I felt sorry for them. Where have you been, Jane?\\n Jane: I have been to Mount Huang w


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Unit 1 Topic 1短语

1. come back from 回来

2. feel sorry for 为……感到遗憾

3. by the way 顺便问一下

4. take photos 照相

5. do farm work 干农活

6. for a long time 长时间

7. tell stories 讲故事8. have summer classes 上暑期班

9. at present 现在;目前

10. live a hard life 过困难的生活

11. in order to 为了

12. give support to 支持

13. keep in touch with 保持联系

14. see sth oneself 亲眼目睹

15. far away 遥远的

16. in the open air 在户外

17. sorts of 各种

18. succeed in doi


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1、Hi! I'm Kangkang. My granny has lived in Beijing for more than forty years. She has seen the changes in Beijing herself.

In the 1960s, the roads were narrow and there weren't many ring roads. The living conditions in the city were poor.Usually, a big family were crowded in small house.Many families couldn't get enough food and only a few children had the chance to receive a good education.Life was so hard that people had no time or money to enjoy leisure activities. People kept in touch with their friends and relatives fa


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1. 回来 come back 2. 发生 take place 3. 太……以至于 so…that… 4. 拍照 take photos 5. 顺便说一下 by the way 6. 去过某地 have been to +地名

7. 去了某地 have gone to +地名 8. 参加 take part in 9. 向……学习 learn from 10. 在过去 in the past

11. 过着艰苦的生活 live a hard life

12. 为...支付... pay for 13. 为了 in order to 14. 给某人提供帮助 give support to sb.

15. 获得良好的教育 get a good education

16. 某人亲眼看见某物 see sth. oneself

17. 与……保持联系 keep in touch with…

18. 遥远的far away

仁爱英语九年级上册 图文并茂 词汇

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仁爱英语九年级上册 图文并茂 词汇 volunteer

义务工作者;志愿者 volunteer carers/helpers 义务护理者;无偿援助者

bell 钟声;铃声

四级作文常用词汇 同等学力英语词汇表 新托福词汇 职称英语考试词典


grandson 孙子, 外孙

Bridgitte Lin Ching Hsia is a veteran actress. 林青霞是个银幕表演经验 丰富的演员.

social 社会的

social issues/problems/reforms 社会话题╱问题╱改革

shut 关闭;合拢

Philip went into his room and shut the door behind him. 菲利普进了自己的房间,随手把门关上。


掘, 挖, 钻研, 搜集


十三岁到十九岁的少年, 十几岁的少年, 青少年

granny 奶奶

education 教育;培养;训练 health education 健康教育

toeic词汇 2012高考英语单词 公共英语三级单词

英语六级词汇量 英语六级高频词汇表

childhood 童年, 幼年

The car will s


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I. 听力部分(30分)


1._________2. 3. 4. 5. B. 听句子,选择正确应答语。每个句子读一遍。(5分,每小题1分)

6. A. You’re right. B. I like it very much. C. Don’t say so. 7. A. One year ago. B. It’s terrible. C. Since last year. 8. A. They have. B. Nobody has. C.Only once 9. A. Yes, I will. B. Can I help you? C. You’re welcome.

10. A. He’s been to Guangzhou. B. He’s gone to Guangzhou. C. He’s her


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Step1 Skim(浏览) the passage and find the main idea. 主题句(topic sentence)一般出现在文章的开头和结尾。

Step2 Read it carefully and determine(确定) the meaning and the right form(形式) of each blank(空格).

1. 利用上下文(context), 确定空格处词语的意义。 2. 注意词语搭配(collocation)。

3. 根据语法规则(laws of grammar), 判断正确形式。 Step3 Read the passage again to check the answers. A(words:162)

We live in the \ 1 computers to do all kinds of work. But more than 30 years ago, 2 couldn't do much. They were very big and expen


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姓名:_________ 学号:________ 得分:________

Ⅰ. 单项选择。(15分)

( ) 1. —Hello, this is Tom. Is Jack in?

—Sorry, he to his uncle’s home. May I take a message?

A. has been

B. go

C. is going

D. has gone ( ) 2. —Could you tell me ? —Sorry, I don’t know.

A. where are my socks

B. where can I find my socks

C. where my socks are

D. where my socks put

( ) 3. We are short energy and water the overpopulation.

A. of; because

B. of; because of

C. in; because

D. in; because of ( ) 4. —We really shouldn’t us


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姓名:_________ 学号:________ 得分:________

Ⅰ. 单项选择。(15分)

( ) 1. —Hello, this is Tom. Is Jack in?

—Sorry, he to his uncle’s home. May I take a message?

A. has been

B. go

C. is going

D. has gone ( ) 2. —Could you tell me ? —Sorry, I don’t know.

A. where are my socks

B. where can I find my socks

C. where my socks are

D. where my socks put

( ) 3. We are short energy and water the overpopulation.

A. of; because

B. of; because of

C. in; because

D. in; because of ( ) 4. —We really shouldn’t us