Item 1 of 63 Mark item for review
When attempting to minimize memory usage, the most efficient way to do group processing when using the MEANS procedure is to use:
the BY statement.
GROUPBY with the NOTSORTED specification.
the CLASS statement.
multiple WHERE statements.
Item 2 of 63 Mark item for review
The SAS data set WORK.CHECK has a variable named Id_Code in it. Which SQL statement would create an index on this variable?
Item 1 of 63 Mark item for review
When attempting to minimize memory usage, the most efficient way to do group processing when using the MEANS procedure is to use:
the BY statement.
GROUPBY with the NOTSORTED specification.
the CLASS statement.
multiple WHERE statements.
Item 2 of 63 Mark item for review
The SAS data set WORK.CHECK has a variable named Id_Code in it. Which SQL statement would create an index on this variable?
Item 1 of 63 Mark item for review
When attempting to minimize memory usage, the most efficient way to do group processing when using the MEANS procedure is to use:
the BY statement.
GROUPBY with the NOTSORTED specification.
the CLASS statement.
multiple WHERE statements.
Item 2 of 63 Mark item for review
The SAS data set WORK.CHECK has a variable named Id_Code in it. Which SQL statement would create an index on this variable?
SAS Base认证考试—70题(61-70)
SAS Base认证考试—70题(61-70)
Q 61
Consider the data step: data WORK.TEST; infile 'c:\\class1.csv' dsd; input Name Sex
Age Height Weight;
if Age NE 16 and Age NE 15 then Group=1; else Group=2; run;
Which statement produces a functionally equivalent result for assigning Group a value? A. if Age not in(15,16) then Group=1; else Group=2; B. if (Age NE 16) or (Age NE 15) then Group=1; else Group=2; C. where Age not between 15 and 16 then Group=1; else Group=2; D. both A or C will work. 答案:A
本题知识点:IF语句、IN的使用 参考第17
SAS Base认证考试(70真题+答案详解)
SAS Base认证考试—70题
SAS分多个认证种类:base,advanced,clinic等,但大多需要先通过base认证。 但凡这类商业组织提供的考证,基本都是题库型,所以想考过难度并不大。
对于只想拿SAS认证的人,如果熟练掌握网上流传甚广的sas真题70题,通过base认证基本就没问题。 Q 1
1. The following SAS program is submitted: data WORK.TOTAL; set WORK.SALARY; by Department Gender;
if First.<_insert_code_> then Payroll=0; Payroll+Wagerate; if Last.<_insert_code_>; run;
The SAS data set WORK.SALARY is currently ordered by Gender within Department. Which inserted code will accumulate subtotals for each Gender within Department? A. Gender B. Depa
SAS 考题 123
SAS 考题 123
Base SAS 1
The following SAS program is submitted: data test;
set sasuser.employees;
if 2 le years_service le 10 then amount = 1000;
else if years_service gt 10 then amount = 2000; else
amount = 0;
amount_per_year = years_service / amount; run;
Which one of the following values does the variable AMOUNT_PER_YEAR contain if an employee has been with the company for one year? A. 0 B. 1000 C. 2000
D. . (missing numeric value)
Answer is D.
Base SAS 2
The following SAS program is submitted: data test;
set sasuser
SAS 考题 123
SAS 考题 123
Base SAS 1
The following SAS program is submitted: data test;
set sasuser.employees;
if 2 le years_service le 10 then amount = 1000;
else if years_service gt 10 then amount = 2000; else
amount = 0;
amount_per_year = years_service / amount; run;
Which one of the following values does the variable AMOUNT_PER_YEAR contain if an employee has been with the company for one year? A. 0 B. 1000 C. 2000
D. . (missing numeric value)
Answer is D.
Base SAS 2
The following SAS program is submitted: data test;
set sasuser
第四章 数据步程序设计数据步的程序代码一般都是顺序执行, 数据步的程序代码一般都是顺序执行, 然而,数据步中有一些控制语句,如分支, 然而,数据步中有一些控制语句,如分支, 循环语句,可控制程序的执行流程. 循环语句,可控制程序的执行流程. IF DO … END GOTO RETURN
4.1 IF 语句两种IF语句 两种 语句: 语句● 条 件 IF 语 句 , 带 有 一 个 THEN 子 句 和 ELSE子句(可选).只对满足 语句中所 子句( 子句 可选) 只对满足IF语句中所 指定条件的观测值才执行SAS语句 . 如果 语句. 指定条件的观测值才执行 语句 THEN子句不被执行, 那么可选择的 子句不被执行, 子句不被执行 那么可选择的ELSE 子句给出另一种替换作用. 子句给出另一种替换作用. 子集IF语句 语句, 子句. ●子集 语句,无THEN子句.用来使 子句 用来使SAS 系统继续处理那些满足IF 子句中条件的观 系统继续处理那些满足 测值. 测值.
IF-THEN/ELSE语句 语句格式:
SAS 复习
2012年6月27日 12:00~13:30 两个大机房(A1、A2)
1、在Excle文件中输入数据,处理数据;【略】 例如:学生体检数据
name 刘明 蔡行 李敏 李涛 夏天 郭红 胡月 程彬 杨兵 刘进 王苗苗 张思凡 age 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 sex 男 男 女 男 男 女 女 女 男 男 女 女 weight 0.94 0.91 1.39 1.02 1.06 1.01 1.02 1.07 1.12 1.14 1.16 1.15 height 13.59 14.20 16.15 15.44 15.30 15.04 15.07 17.04 18.09 18.80 19.93 18.20 bust 50.4 50.0 51.6 51.9 51.0 51.9 52.7 53.7 54.1 53.5 55.5 51.4 2、根据现有数据进行必要的处理【换顺序】 3、将数据导入SAS数据集。【略】 二、描述性统计
第四章 数据步程序设计数据步的程序代码一般都是顺序执行, 数据步的程序代码一般都是顺序执行, 然而,数据步中有一些控制语句,如分支, 然而,数据步中有一些控制语句,如分支, 循环语句,可控制程序的执行流程. 循环语句,可控制程序的执行流程. IF DO … END GOTO RETURN
4.1 IF 语句两种IF语句 两种 语句: 语句● 条 件 IF 语 句 , 带 有 一 个 THEN 子 句 和 ELSE子句(可选).只对满足 语句中所 子句( 子句 可选) 只对满足IF语句中所 指定条件的观测值才执行SAS语句 . 如果 语句. 指定条件的观测值才执行 语句 THEN子句不被执行, 那么可选择的 子句不被执行, 子句不被执行 那么可选择的ELSE 子句给出另一种替换作用. 子句给出另一种替换作用. 子集IF语句 语句, 子句. ●子集 语句,无THEN子句.用来使 子句 用来使SAS 系统继续处理那些满足IF 子句中条件的观 系统继续处理那些满足 测值. 测值.
IF-THEN/ELSE语句 语句格式: