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Lesson 2

1. The story about the Brothers Grimm may evoke warm memories of story time in the comforting arms of a parent.

A. recall B. create C. release D. collect

2. One of the secrets of successful travel lies in always turning adversity to your advantage. A. unfamiliarity B. exploration C. pleasure D. difficulties 3. The claws of bears may be used to climb trees, rip open nests and beehives, or catch prey. A. clear B. tear


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一、选 择 题

Lesson 1

1. The Car Connectivity Consortium was founded under U.S. law as a limited liability corporation.

A. assets B. Business C. Responsibility D. investment 2. His wife set about upbraiding him for neglecting the children. A. encouraging B. criticizing C. Understanding D. hating

3. Do you look forward to old age, or do you dread frailty, loss of memory and dependence on others?

A. loneliness B. poverty C. weakness D. illness

4. About 1-2% of the population are affected by temporary


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一、选 择 题

Lesson 1

1. The Car Connectivity Consortium was founded under U.S. law as a limited liability corporation.

A. assets B. Business C. Responsibility D. investment 2. His wife set about upbraiding him for neglecting the children. A. encouraging B. criticizing C. Understanding D. hating

3. Do you look forward to old age, or do you dread frailty, loss of memory and dependence on others?

A. loneliness B. poverty C. weakness D. illness

4. About 1-2% of the population are affected by temporary


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Lesson 1Spillonomics: Underestimating Risk (1)

Lesson 2Humbled by Nature, Humble by Culture (9)

Lesson 3How We Broke the Murdoch Scandal (14)

Unit Two Reading Biographies and Personal Recollections

Lesson 4 BillClinton (21)

Lesson 5Steve Jobs (39)

Lesson 6 A Beautiful Mind (42)

Unit Three Reading Essays

Lesson 7 A Christmas Sermon on Peace (57)

Lesson 8Left for Dead (64)

Lesson 9Spell of the Rising Moon (68)

Unit Four Reading Scientific and

Technical Articles

Lesson 10OurPicture of the Uni


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Lesson 1Spillonomics: Underestimating Risk (1)

Lesson 2Humbled by Nature, Humble by Culture (9)

Lesson 3How We Broke the Murdoch Scandal (14)

Unit Two Reading Biographies and Personal Recollections

Lesson 4 BillClinton (21)

Lesson 5Steve Jobs (39)

Lesson 6 A Beautiful Mind (42)

Unit Three Reading Essays

Lesson 7 A Christmas Sermon on Peace (57)

Lesson 8Left for Dead (64)

Lesson 9Spell of the Rising Moon (68)

Unit Four Reading Scientific and

Technical Articles

Lesson 10OurPicture of the Uni

研究生英语阅读教程(提高级 第三版)课文全翻译

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研究生英语阅读教程(提高级 第三版)课文全翻译




[1] 回想起来,模式似乎很清楚。早在“深水地平线”钻机自爆前的很多年,BP 石油公司为了省钱甘冒安全的风险就已经声名狼藉。2005 年得克萨斯州炼油厂爆炸中有15 名工人丧生。联邦监管机构和前国务卿詹姆斯·贝克三世领导的专门小组认为,削减成本是事故的部分原因。第二年,阿拉斯加腐蚀的管道将石油漏入普拉德霍湾。就连乔·巴顿,对全球变暖持怀疑态度、来自得克萨斯州的共和党众议员,都谴责BP 管理人员“对安全和环境问题表现得漠不关心”。

[2] 这种冷漠大部分源于对利润的过度追求,不管出现什么情况。但似乎也还有另一个因素在起作用,一个更普遍的人性的因素。BP 的管理人员在估计似乎不太可能发生但一旦发生就会带来巨大损失的事件真正会发生的可能性时,犯了一个可怕的错误。

[3] 也许理解这一点最简单的方法就是思考一下BP 高管们如今的想法。显然,考虑到清理费用和对BP 声誉的影响,高管们真希望可以回到过去,多花些钱让“深水地平线”更安全。他们没有增加这笔费用就表明他们认为钻机在当时的状态下不会出问题。

[4] 尽管针对BP 高管的所有批评可能都是他


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第1课 A

1、For some______reason,she was attracted to Paul,a narrow-minded gug. 2、With major life_______like losing a loved one,for instance,the mind’s first reaction is denial.

3、Police keep track of the kidnapper using electronic_______equipment. 4、They used pressure_______to force them to return,including cutting food and water supplies.

5、I was _______with longing for those innocent days of early childhood. 6、Police said they believed the attack was in_______for the death of the bombing.

7、He ________hasty note to his w


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Lesson 2

1、 the story about the brothers grimm may evoke warm memories

of story time in the comforting arms of a parent. A recall B create C release D collect

2、 one of the secrets of successful travel lies in always turning

adversity to your advantage.

A unfamiliarity B exploration C pleasure D difficulties 3、 The claws of bears may be used to climb trees, rip open nests and beehives ,or catch prey.

A clear B tear C throw D dig

4、 The analysts are diss

研究生学术英语答案 - 图文

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Unit 1英译汉:15

Outlines are essential to effective speeches.By outlining, you make sure that related ideas are together, that your thoughts flow from one to another, and that the structure of your speech is coherent. You will probably use two kinds of outlines for your speeches--the detailed preparation outline and the brief speaking outline.


In a preparation outline, you should state your specific purpose and central idea, and identi


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Unit 1

Genetically Modified Foods—Feed the World?

I. Comprehension and Appreciation

1. What is the author’s overall position on this issue? Is he for or against genetically modified foods?

He is on the side of GM foods, and he thinks that fears that genetically modified, pest-resistant crops might kill good insects as well as bad appear unfounded.

2. Do you know GM foods are already part of our lives? What kind of GM foods have you had? How does the author support the fact that the genetic is out of the bottle? Have you g