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Technical report 1--- International Transport Modes Table – International transport modes

ModTotal e mode cost Sea £620 £24.8 Cost per Tranpallet sit time 1.slowest 2.vulnerable to bad weather 3.less punctual 4.high risk 4 1.improve efficiency 1.high total cost 2.the weight houroperations 2.increase security limit s 3.use information technology 3.not too far 4.faster speed from the airport 2 1.large capacity 1.confined to railroad days 2.relatively punctual 3.economical 2.less flexible 4.relatively high speed 5.less prone


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2. Main participants on market: Retail clients, Commercial banks, foreign exchange brokers, central banks.

Retail clients are those people who bought foreign exchange currency.

Commercial banks carry out the business of the retail clients and earn profit from them.

Foreign exchange brokers help the commercial banks to sell foreign exchange currency. They prefer to choose the price of currency which is valuable.

Central banks do operation to control the domestic currency exchange rate.

Two main foreign exchange markets: Spot fore


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HND专升本 项目介绍

英国专升本课程与一般大学开设的升本课程有着本质的区别,学生读完北安普顿大学京港直读课程计划,将会获得备受海外大学认可的英国本科学历,这样学生只需要最后一年所获得的大学本科证书的学位等级来申请国外不同排名的学校。优秀学生将能进入全英排名前20的知名高校进行深造,如2.1学位的学生能申请的学校包括:Birmingham,Newcastle,Reading, Leeds, Southampton, Lancaster, Surrey, Royal Holloway, Sueeex, Liverpool, Aberdeen, Cardiff, Leicester, 如果雅思分数比较高,可以尝试申请Durham,Edinburgh, Mancheste。 学生状况 本科阶段:

无需通过雅思或入学考试,无需出国,只需在校学生或在职人员,参加并符 合校内英语标准即可入学,降低入学难度,节省学习雅思时间和费用。 本科阶段北京香港修读仅需40%留学费用。 特权



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Business Law

Section A

1.1 Legislation:

The term ‘legislation’ refers to parliament law is Act of Westminster Parliament or the Scottish Parliament. The phrase can also refer to Regulations ( usually issued in the form of Statutory Instruments)which have been introduced by a Government Minister or other approved body but it is important to stress that these individuals or bodies derive their authority from one of the Parliaments.

1.2 Identify the three legislative bodies that can make laws for


●Examples of EU lega


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1.0 The nature of the information

High Strategic Tactical Operational Low This picture shows that different levels (Strategic, Tactical, Operational) have many differences on content, responsbility, aims about information and so on.

Strategic managers is the most senior management of the organization. These managers are involved in the formulation of strategies, and the Tactical manager is the middle managers, which are responsible for ensuring that the goals of strategic management are achieved. Operational managers are t

HND - 商法outcome3

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1. Actually Sole trade illustrates a person business in which the take full responsibilities in both

managing and having the possession of the business. Advantages

Because there are no legal formalities, naturally the business is easy to set up

Usually, the sole trader could take all key decisions without concerning other unnecessary effects

It is the simplest form of business organization recognized by Scots Law. The only one who takes responsibility for the owner is himself.

It is convenient for owner to keep personal tou


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俱乐部会员提出如下问题: 提出如下问题:





1)、财政部、国家税务总局关于股权转让有关营业税问题的通知 财税【2002】第191号




第二十五条 企业发生非货币性资产交换,以及将货物、财产、劳务用于捐赠、偿债、赞助、集资、广告、样品、职工福利或者利润分配等用途的,应当视同销售货物、转让财产或者提供劳务,但国务院财政、税务主管部门另有规定的除外。

3)、财政部 国家税务总局关于土地增值税一些具体问题规定的通知 发文字号: 财税字【1995】第048号



HND 会计考试outcome3

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Report for account.

1. Introduction

This report is written about a management and a planning tool. Those can help the manager to make some decision by some financial information. And the report will divide three parts according to the SSP’s statements (year ended 31 December 2004) in the case. The first part is “Users of financial information’ that identify four

people/organizations who use these accounts and why they require this information and which financial information will supply their needs. The second part is “Sourc


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1. Introduction _________________________________ 2 2.The Strategic Role Of The IPD In Reducing Costs ___ 2 3. The Objectives of The IPD in Making a Decision to Source Oversea ________________________________ 3 4. The Components of the Firm’s International Purchasing Cycle ______________________________ 3 5. The Relationships Between Purchasing and Other Department ___________________________________ 4 6. The Contribution of the IPD to the Appraisal of Overseas Suppliers _____________________________ 5 7 The Need fo


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Individual Report

F84T 34 Managing People and Organizations

Outcome 3

Name: SCN: Class:


Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 2 Section 1: Roles and Activities of Managers within Application ...................................................... 3 Section 2: Likert’s Systems Theory on Leadership within Application ............................................ 4 Section 3: Tannenbaum and Schmidt Theory of Lead