三一口语测试适于6-7岁以上母语为非英语的英语学习者。此项测试共分为四段12个级别。1-3级为预备段;4-6级为初级段;7-9级为中级段;10-12级为高级段。高级别的考试涵盖低于该级别的其他级别的内容。考试形式为考生与考官进行一对一的交谈。考试成绩评定:A优秀,B良好,C 及格,D不及格。 预备段
考试时间:1级-5分钟, 2级-6分钟, 3级-7分钟。 总体要求:
● 考生在考官帮助下,能听懂考官简明、慢速、直接的指令和要求,并做出相应的手势或动作。
● 就个人的学习、工作情况和业余活动与考官进行简单交谈。
● 使用基本句型以及熟记的短语、词组以及惯用语句描述自己或他人的行为、物品和场景。 要点提示:
● 预备段考试主要以问与答的形式进行,考官善于调动考生以有限的语言能力参与到真实有趣的交流中去。
● 考官可能使用与考试级别相符的考具,如图片、实物等。考生应熟悉日常生活中所使用物品的名称。
● 考生若没有听清考官的问题或指令,可以用\,please?\,\或\?\等语句或词语,请求考官重复或解释。但是多次使用此类语句会影响最终成绩。
● 1级考生可以使用一、两个单词作简短回
三一口语话题I like reading
I like reading Outline:
1. Why do I like reading? 2. My first book
3. My favorite kind of book 4. My favorite author
5. What I benefit from reading 6. Reading books on-line
7. I want to be a writer in the future.
1. Why do I like reading?
Well, I like reading because reading can give me a fun relax. I can’t think that one day if there’s no book. I will never be happy. Reading is now a part of my life. Sometimes, my parents call me a little bookworm, as I will be reading whenever I have some
*建议各位拿到范文的考生,不要完全使用文中的内容,不然到考试中会因为脱离了自己的实际失去灵活性,从而得不到理想的成绩。文章使用方法如下: 1. 看清文章的题目及话题表(注意:不是以问题形式出现的); 2. 结合文章内容加以适当改动,写出一篇适合自己的文章; 3. 就该篇文章提出问题,14-19个为宜; 4. 利用该话题文章为基点进行发散性提问;
5. 使用符合要求的语言对问题进行回答,从而取得好成绩。
1.假日,周末,季节性活动 2.购物
4.业余爱好和体育活动 5.食物
(1)刘艳雯 北戴河旅游
1.where I went this summer vacation 2.what I did there
3.how was people there like
4.the comparison between this vacation and last vacation
My family trip in summer vacation
This summer vacation my family went to Bei Daihe, we
三一口语 六级自选话题 Robot
三一口语 六级自选话题 robot
1 What is robot?
Robot is a machine, people invented the robot to help us do a lot of things. For example, the robot can help the the doctors do some very specific operations; and it also can do some housework for us; the most important thing is that it can do some dangerous jobs, such as, remove the bomb and repair the cars. In a word, robot is a very useful machine.
2 How to make a robot?
Now we have robot class at school, so I know how to make robot. First, we need to assemble many parts together as t
三一口语 六级自选话题 Robot
三一口语 六级自选话题 robot
1 What is robot?
Robot is a machine, people invented the robot to help us do a lot of things. For example, the robot can help the the doctors do some very specific operations; and it also can do some housework for us; the most important thing is that it can do some dangerous jobs, such as, remove the bomb and repair the cars. In a word, robot is a very useful machine.
2 How to make a robot?
Now we have robot class at school, so I know how to make robot. First, we need to assemble many parts together as t
三一口语四级自选话题climbing mountain
Climbing Mountains
What I like about climbing mountains
I am interested in climbing mountain. I like climbing mountains very much because it can relax me and make me stronger. When I climb the mountain, I can forget studying stress. My parents like climbing mountains too. They think climbing mountains is a good sports and it is good for my health.
When I went to climb mountains last time
Last time, on May 1st, we climbed the Baihuijian Mountain. There were 20 persons. It was a big group. There were nine students an
摘要: 1. What is my favorite season? Well, to be frank, I like spring best, because in spring, it s warm and sunny. It is not as cold as winter, and not as hot as summer. In spring, I can wear my pretty dress
1. What is my favorite season?
Well, to be frank, I like spring best, because in spring, it's warm and sunny. It is not as cold as winter, and not as hot as summer. In spring, I can wear my pretty dress and attend a lot of outdoor activities. I like to fly a kite. I feel very happy and excited when I fly a kite. Flyi
Freshman admission list of General university in Jiangsu Province in 2007University number: 1101 Number 55 Candidates category Rural fresh Choice 1 History Educational system 4 Geography Politics Biology Total score Feature score Admission process Autonomous Enrollment Chinese Mathematics Foreign language Physics Candidates characteristics University name: Nanjing University Candidates number Name Group: Top university Gender Female Name of the school Account category: General Date of birth policital status Member of the Co
满腹经纶 对于 ( ) 相当于 ( ) 对于 震撼 A.才能;精彩绝伦
文科600分相当于理科几多分 能考上哪些院校
假如在西部,北京,西南这些高考考区,这分数不管文理必定是打击985的。假如在河北,河南该当是一本线以 上,但是报考985比拟风险。假如高考600分在山东理科很有多是二本中游成果,文科该当是接近一本线的。