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Intercultural Communication

Tutor:Tiger Wang


Structure of this Book本书共8章,内容简要列明如下:Chapter 1: Culture(文化), communication(交际), intercultural communication(跨文化交际) 4h — basic definitions,difficult to understand Chapter 2: Communication between cultures— verbal communication (言语交际) 4h Chapter 3: Communication between cultures— nonverbal communication (非言语交际) 4h – basic knowledge about communication, not difficult Chapter 4: Contrasting cultural values (文化价值观比较) 6h – important & difficult




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Intercultural Communication

Tutor:Tiger Wang


Structure of this Book本书共8章,内容简要列明如下:Chapter 1: Culture(文化), communication(交际), intercultural communication(跨文化交际) 4h — basic definitions,difficult to understand Chapter 2: Communication between cultures— verbal communication (言语交际) 4h Chapter 3: Communication between cultures— nonverbal communication (非言语交际) 4h – basic knowledge about communication, not difficult Chapter 4: Contrasting cultural values (文化价值观比较) 6h – important & difficult




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跨文化交际学 第一部分 引论


Culture refers to the total pattern of beliefs ,customs,institutions,objects,and techniques that characterize the life of ahuman community.

The objective culture means we learn the facts about our own or other cultures. The subjective culture includes feelings and attitudes about how things are and how they should be. 2,文化是什么:

Culture is like an iceberg;culture is our software;culture is like the water a fish swims in;culture is the story we tell ourselves about ourselves;culture is the grammer of o


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1、Discuss the relationship between the technological development and the intercultural communication. The developing of technological can improve the intercultural communication through the network TV and so on. 2、Discuss the social functions of compliments. Creating or reinforcing solidarity, greeting people, expressing thanks or congratulations, encouraging people, softening criticism, starting a conversation, or even overcoming embarrassment.

3、Discuss the different syntactic formulas in English and Chinese compliments


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Unit 1

Communication Across Cultures

Warm Up Questions

1. Why is it difficult to explain to a blind person what colors are?

2. Do you sometimes find it hard to make yourself properly understood by others? If you do, why do you think it is hard? It is very difficult for people to understand one another if they do not share the same

experiences. Of course, we all share the experience of being human, but there are many experiences which we do not share and which are different for all of us. It is these different experiences th


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Unit 1

Communication Across Cultures

Warm Up Questions

1. Why is it difficult to explain to a blind person what colors are?

2. Do you sometimes find it hard to make yourself properly understood by others? If you do, why do you think it is hard? It is very difficult for people to understand one another if they do not share the same

experiences. Of course, we all share the experience of being human, but there are many experiences which we do not share and which are different for all of us. It is these different experiences th


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Cultural differences in everyday conversations

Cultural differences on politeness between western and Chinese can be found in many aspects of daily communication, including addressing, greeting and parting, compliments, apologies, thanks, etc.

1. Greeting and Parting

When people meet acquaintances or friends, people usually greet each other. The purpose of greeting is to establish or maintain social contact. So formulaic expressions are often used, but such formulaic expressions often causes conflict because of t


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跨文化交际学 第一部分 引论


Culture refers to the total pattern of beliefs ,customs,institutions,objects,and techniques that characterize the life of ahuman community.

The objective culture means we learn the facts about our own or other cultures. The subjective culture includes feelings and attitudes about how things are and how they should be. 2,文化是什么:

Culture is like an iceberg;culture is our software;culture is like the water a fish swims in;culture is the story we tell ourselves about ourselves;culture is the grammer of o


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Case 2 (P8)

White Dress女王的白色长裙:Case analysis: The Indian women might think the wedding ceremony is a funeral if they see the western bride in white gown. The case reflects the similes and metaphors in the text. 案例分析:印度女人可能觉得婚礼是一个葬礼,如果他们看到西方的新娘的白色礼服。这个案例反映了明喻和隐喻在文本。

Culture is like an iceberg: we can identify the color of the dress worn by women in different cultures, but we do not know the values underneath. Culture is like the water a fish swims in: people wear dress of different colors for different context but


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单位名称:华中师范大学 填表日期:2008年 10月20 日 论文题目 作者姓名 邓兆红 攻硕期间及获得硕士学位后一年内获得与硕士学位论文有关的高中英语课程标准视野下学生跨文化交际能力实证研究 论文答辩日期 2007.6 学科专业方向 学科教学.英语 发表学术论文 (题目,刊名,时间,社会影响) 论文所产生的实际影响(对作者工作及所在单位工作) 出版专著(名称、出版社、出版时间) 《翻译及其在高中英语教学中的应用》2006年4月发表在《中学生英语》杂志 《跨文化交际在高中英语教学中的应用》2006年5月发表在《江汉论坛》 《语段在高中英语阅读教学中的应用分析》2007年11月发表在中国教育学会英语专业委员会会刊《英语教育》 我校(沙市中学)是一所湖北省重点中学,学科教学研究氛围浓厚。笔者所撰写的论文都是围绕我校教学科研中心课题而进行的。针对目前高中英语课程标准下的高中英语教学中所面临的一些问题,笔者进行了认真的思考和研究,并在学校同行的帮助下,应用到教学研究的实践中,在一定的程度上推动了我校教育科研工作的发展,同时,对我校的英语教学工作也起到了一定的指