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AAPG(American Association of Petroleum crude oil, crude 原油

crude oil cracking 源由裂解 Geologists) 美国石油地质学家协会 abandoned well 废弃井

accumulation of oil 石油聚集 acidic rock 酸性岩类 acid treating 酸处理

acid treatment of well 井内酸处理 acoustic wave 声波 additive 添加物 aeolian deposit 风化 afterburning 二次燃烧 agglomerate 集块岩 air pollution 空气污染 albertite 黑沥青 alkali rock 碱性岩类 alluvial deposits 冲积层

API(American Petroleum Institute) 美国石油协会 anticline 背斜

antirusting oil 防锈油 asphalt 沥青

ASTM(American Society for Testing Materials)


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Unit 1 Chemical Industry 化学工业

1.Origins of the Chemical Industry

Although the use of chemicals dates back to the ancient civilizations, the evolution of what we know as the modern chemical industry started much more recently. It may be considered to have begun during the Industrial Revolution, about 1800, and developed to provide chemicals roe use by other industries. Examples are alkali for soapmaking, bleaching powder for cotton, and silica and sodium carbonate for glassmaking. It will be noted that these are all in


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1.数学分支branches of mathematics,算数arithmetics,几何学geometry,代数学algebra,三角学trigonometry,高等数学higher mathematics,初等数学elementary mathematics,高等代数higher algebra,数学分析mathematical analysis,函数论function theory,微分方程differential equation


3.形form,数number,数字numeral,数值numerical value,图形figure,公式formula,符号notation(symbol),记法/记号sign,图表chart

4.概念conception,相等equality,成立/真true,不成立/不真untrue,等式equation,恒等式identity,条件等式equation of condition,项/术语t


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化学专业课程中英文对照 普通化学 General Chemistry 分析化学 Analytical Chemistry 有机化学 Organic Chemistry 物理化学 Physical Chemistry 谱学导论 Introducton of Spectroscopy 无机化学 Inorganic Chemistry

普通化学和分析化学实验 Experiments of General and Analytical Chemistry 现在基础化学 The Principle of Mordern Chemistry

现在基础化学实验 Experiments of Modern Fundamental Chemistry 有机化学实验 Experiments of Organic Chemistry

仪器分析和物理化学实验 Experiments of Instrumental Analysis and Physical Chemistry 合成化学实验 Experiments of Synthetic Chemistry 现代化学专题 Topic of Modern Chemistry


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化学专业课程中英文对照 普通化学 General Chemistry 分析化学 Analytical Chemistry 有机化学 Organic Chemistry 物理化学 Physical Chemistry 谱学导论 Introducton of Spectroscopy 无机化学 Inorganic Chemistry

普通化学和分析化学实验 Experiments of General and Analytical Chemistry 现在基础化学 The Principle of Mordern Chemistry

现在基础化学实验 Experiments of Modern Fundamental Chemistry 有机化学实验 Experiments of Organic Chemistry

仪器分析和物理化学实验 Experiments of Instrumental Analysis and Physical Chemistry 合成化学实验 Experiments of Synthetic Chemistry 现代化学专题 Topic of Modern Chemistry


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Elements and Compounds


Elements are pure substances that can not be decomposed(分解) into simpler substances by ordinary chemical changes. At present there are 109 known elements. Some common elements that are familiar to you are carbon, oxygen, aluminum, iron, copper, nitrogen, and gold. The elements are the building blocks of matter just as the numerals 0 through 9 are the building blocks for numbers. To the best of1 our knowledge, the elements that have been found on the earth also comprise(包含) the entire universe.



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?Warm-up Tasks

Task 1: True or False Statements

1. T

2. F

3. T

4. T

5. F

6. F

7. F Task 2: Senten ___ Completion 1. visit patients in their homes 2. take care of their own illness 3. type 1 diabetes

4. her public health ___rtificate

5. the day-to-day autonomy

?Study & Practi ___

I. Reading Comprehension

1. B

2. D

3. C

4. A

5. B II. Words to Practi ___

1. ambulation

2. discharge

3. abuse

4. caregivers

5. Counseling

6. supervision

7. tuberculosis

8. disabled

9. municable 10. regimen III. Translation

A. Translate the following senten


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Unite 1

2、Translate the following phrases into Chinese /English

(1)Compression Members 受压构件 (2)critical buckling load 临界屈曲荷载

(3)the slenderness ratio 细长比 (4)stub column 短柱

(5)reduced modulus 简化模量 (6)Effective length 计算长度

(7)Residual stress 残余应力 (8)Trial-and-error approach 试算法

(9)Radius of gyration 回转半径 (10)Tangent modulus 切线模量.

3、Translate the following sentence into Chinese

(1)This ideal state is never achieved in reality, however, and some


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Exercises 0

Write an article about yourself, including personal background, family, education, interests, ambitions and others. Write as much as you would like to.

About Myself

My name is Qin Zheng. I am from Xiangshan, which is a small town in Ningbo District. It is very beautiful and nowadays a lot of films and TV programmes are shot there. More and more people went there for a holiday. The people there are laborious, virtuous and warm hearted. I’m much felicitated that I was born and raised


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Exercises 0

Write an article about yourself, including personal background, family, education, interests, ambitions and others. Write as much as you would like to.

About Myself

My name is Qin Zheng. I am from Xiangshan, which is a small town in Ningbo District. It is very beautiful and nowadays a lot of films and TV programmes are shot there. More and more people went there for a holiday. The people there are laborious, virtuous and warm hearted. I’m much felicitated that I was born and raised