对齐方式:左对齐 字体: 黑体
字体大小:36x36(以DPS为例) 字体颜色:白色
字体边框:黑色 1个单位 禁止使用标点符号 4)运用分章节的结构形式而产生的字幕规定为: 落序号一律统一使用汉字标写
一、XXXX 章节/段落标题时长≤3秒;
5)节目中图表的使用要布局简练,通 俗易懂,显示重点数据,字体要清晰无误, 简单易懂,避免出现凌乱和繁杂。
现。字体为黑体,并加以彩色渐变半 王 远 透明衬底(任选),字体大小
Disney 1
1.Hello! How are you? 2.Good morning!
3.Hi, Donald! Hi, Daisy! 4.Hi, Minnie! Hi, Mickey! 5.Good morning, Pluto! 6.Hello, Goofy!
7.Hi, Jasmine! Hello, Aladdin!
1.How are you? 2.Fine, thank you.
3.A rabbit, a bird, birds, rabbits. 4.Wake up, wake up, wake up! 5.He’s Bambi. Bambi is a baby. 6.She’s mummy.
7.Go to sleep, Bambi. 8.Mummy rabbit.
1.He’s Daddy.
2.A bird. Is it a bird? 3.Yes, Bambi, it’s a bird. 4.Is it a flower? 5.Yes, it’s a flower. 6.Is it a rabbit? 7.No, it’s a butterfly.
1.Is it a butterfly? 2.N
38 经度线的探索及其对安全航海的作用
TITLE=EXPLORATIONS #1957 - Longitude
BYLINE=Oliver Chanler
This is Steve Ember.
And this is Bob Doughty with the VOA Special English program EXPLORATIONS. Today, we tell about how people learned an important piece of information necessary for safely sailing on the oceans. It is called longitude.
On a foggy October night in Seventeen-Oh-Seven, four English (1) navy ships hit rocks in the Atlantic Ocean and sank. Two-thousand men (2) drowned.
VOA(美国之音)电台英语听力通中英对照WORD文本 ☆★→本套英语资料为我爱英语屋(QQ:18469114)整理制作,愿能助您英语学习一臂之力←☆★
Unit 1
A second day of anti—war protest is planned in Washington
在华盛顿和世界上其它 城市的反战游行已经进 入了第二天。
and other cities around the world. Tens of thousands of people gathered in
星期六,成千上万的人 们
freezing weather In the American capital Saturday to hear
在寒冷的天气中聚集 在美国首都,
speeches opposing the possible American-led war against Iraq.
参加反对由美国领导的 针对伊拉克的可能战争 的演说。
Protestors plan to demonstrate outside the White House Sunday.
示威群众计划星期天到 白宫门外游行。
President Barack Obama is making preparations for a week-long trip to Asia and Australia. The president arrives in Beijing on Monday. During his visit, Mr. Obama plans to meet with Chinese President Xi Jinping. He also will attend the yearly meetings of APEC -- the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum.
? On Wednesday, Mr. Obama goes to Myanmar美 [mi??n'mɑ?r] 缅甸[东南亚国家](即
Burma)for the East Asia Summit and a meeting
粉红小猪妹Peppa pig第四季的字幕 英语翻译 字母 全集 文本 字幕4 16-26 字幕
粉猪妹(粉红小猪妹Peppa Pig)第四季16集Crampy Rabbit’s Dinosaur Park的字幕: 开头部分(每集都一样) I'm Peppa Pig.
This is my little brother George. This is Mummy Pig. And this is Daddy Pig. Peppa Pig.
Crampy Rabbit’s Dinosaur Park
Today is Freddy Fox’s birthday and all the children are going on a big adventure.
Where are we going for your birthday, Freddy? I don’t know, but I can’t wait to get there. We’re here!
Welcome to Crampy Rabbit’s Dinosaur Park! Woo!
Dinosaur! Grr?
George loves dinosaurs.
Are there really dinosaurs here? No, just pre
首先,掌握演员或旁白说话的节奏,遇到自然停顿的地方,就要在文稿上分句; 其次,注意文稿的内容是否正确,一行字幕应该包含一个完整的意思,每行中文字幕最多只可以有十五个字,所以字幕的翻译必须简洁和精到;
翻译一部约两小时的长片,大约需时两至三天,一小时的剧集则要一至两天;翻译纪录片的时间较长,与翻译一部长片的时间差不多,这是纪录片牵涉大量资料之故;至于半个小时的喜剧则因应内容,需要一天或再多一点的时间。 我们在电视台会翻译什么类型的节目?
其实什么类型的节目都有,严肃的、搞笑的、教育性的、煽情的,不一而足。剧集分连续剧和单元剧,连续剧又有不同的题材,以前连续剧的题材比较简单,通常是文艺片或典型的警匪片,现在则越来越广泛和复杂。大家熟悉的如《仁心仁术》( ER )与《白宫群英》( The West Wing ),差不多集剧集与纪录片于一身,而《老友记》(
Ted: Oh, I’m really sorry. Are you OK?`
Ana: I’m fine. But I’m not very good at this.
Ted: Neither am I. Say, are you from South America? Ana: Yes, I am, originally. I was born in Argentina. Ted: Did you grow up there?
Ana: Yes, I did, but my family moved here eight years ago, when I was in high school. Ted: And where did you learn to Rollerblade?
Ana: Here in the park. This is only my second time.
Ted: Well, it’s my first time. Can you give me some lessons? Ana: Sure. Just follow me.
Ted: By the way, my name is
3.Der kleine Pianist(von Brij Kothari) 小小钢琴家(原作:Brij Kothari)
Es war einmal ein kleiner Junge namens Azul. Er spielte sehr gerne Klavier und tr?umte davon, eines Tages Pianist zu werden. Jeden Sonntag ging Azul zum Klavierunterricht und jeden Abend vor dem Schlafengehen spielte er zu Hause. Weil Azul sehr ernsthaft übte, wurde er immer besser. Er verga? vielleicht ab und zu, seine Z?hne zu putzen, aber er verga? niemals, Klavier zu üben.
电影英语对白 《2012世界末日》
-Adrian: Hey, hey, watch out, watch out.
-Satnam: Welcome my friend!
-Adrian: Nice to see you! Glad you made it. This can't be Ajit. He's a little man already. Unbelievable.
-Aparna: I hope you're hungry, Adrian.:
-Adrian: I'm famished. How are you, Aparna?
-Aparna: I made that fish curry you love.
-Adrian: I can't wait. She gets more beautiful every time I see her, why is that?
-Satnam: Strange, isn't it? But her fish curry is still awful.
-Adrian: You were mysterious on the phone. Why didn't you attend the confer