Unit8 SectionA 短语
1. 属于某人belong to sb
2. 一定是must be
3. 可能是could/may/might be
4. 一定不是can’t be
5. 玩具卡车toy truck
6. 她最喜欢的作家her favorite writer
7. 唯一的一个小孩the only little kid
8. 在野餐时at the picnic
9. 去野餐go to a picnic/go for a picnic/go on a picnic
10. 听流行音乐listen to pop music
11. 参加一个音乐会attend a concert
12. 粉色发带pink hair band
13. 我其余的朋友the rest of my friends
14. 捡起pick up
15. 奇事strange happenings
16. 彼此认识know each other
17. 没什么事nothing much
18. 周围around here
19. 这几天these days
20. 不寻常之事something unusual
21. 奇怪的声音strange noises
22. 我家窗外outside my win
新目标英语九年级上学期Unit - 6全单元课件 - 图文
Section A
When I was young I'd listen to the radio Waiting for my favorite songsWhen they played I'd sing along,It makes me smile.
Those were such happy times and not so long agoHow I wondered where they'd gone.
But they're back again just like a long lost friend
What do you think of this song?
I prefermusic that is gentleand has greatlyrics.Do you like music?
pop music
jazz music
Unit 1
1.Check in : 在旅馆的登记入住。 Check out: 在旅馆结账离开。 2.By: ①通过?..方式(途径)。例:I learn English by listening to tapes.
②在?..旁边。例:by the window/the door ③乘坐交通工具 例:by bus/car
④在??之前,到??为止。例:by October在10月前 ⑤被 例:English is spoken by many people. 3.how与what的区别:
how通常对方式或程度提问,意思有:怎么样 如何,通常用来做状
what通常对动作的发出者或接受者提问,意思为 什么,通常做宾语,
①How is your summer holiday? It’s OK.(how表示程度 做表语) ②How did you travel around the world? I travel by air.
③What do you learn at school? I learn English, math and many other subjects
九年级新目标Unit 1短语
Unit 1
1.和…合作/ 和…一起工作 work with 2.制作单词卡 make word cards 3.读教科书 read the textbook 4.听磁带 listen to the tape 5.向…寻求/要… ask sb for… 6.为考试做准备/备考 study for a test 7.看录像 watch the videos
8.和…谈话 have conversations with sb 9.大声朗读 read aloud
10.练习发音 practice pronunciation 11.学到很多 learn a lot 12.口语表达能力 speaking skills 13.英语口语 spoken English 14.有点儿紧张 a little nervous 15.作报告 give a report 16.听报告 have a report 17.知道大意 get the main ideas
Unit 1 How do you study for a test?
1、make flashcards 制作抽认卡
2、make vocabulary list 列词汇表
3、listen to cassettes/ tapes 听磁带
4、study for a test 备考
5、practice conversations with friends 与朋友练习会话
6、practice pronunciation 练习发音
7、speaking skills 口语技巧 ;说的技巧
8、more specific suggestions 更具体的建议
9、watch English movies/videos 看英文电影/录像
10、study grammar 学语法
11、not at all 根本不
12、get excited
新目标九年级英语单元知识点、短语及句型总结 - 图文
? 新目标九年级英语单元知识点、短语及句型总结 ? 银丰中学 快要告别寒假,快要告别长假,快要告别地震带给我们的食不安胃、睡不安寝的惨状,带着新的憧憬,我们又迎来了充满希望和挑战的新学年。 新学年即将开始,对我们来说,有意义的不是沉浸在昨天的回忆中,而是更多地思考如何不断地完善和提高自己。新学年开始之际,我送给大家三句话: 第一句话:认识自我,对自己说:“我能行!” 在生活中,我们获得的每一滴成功,遭受的每一次挫折,似乎都要经过放大镜,进入父母、老师的心底。我们每一点进步,每一个成长,无不受到大家默默的关注和赞赏。面对这般关爱,我们能说:“我不行吗?” 有人说:“说你行,不行也行;说你不行,行也不行。”这是一种信心上的心理暗示,会对我们的学习、生活产生重要的影响。我们每个人都是一个独特的生命个体,没有人能替代我们,我们应该勇敢地对自己说:“我能行!”这是心灵对生命的允诺,是我们前行的力量。 第二句:锻炼自我,对自己说:“让人们因我的存在而感到幸福!” 在我们的学习、生活中,肯定有快乐和烦恼的交织,肯定有喝彩与孤独的交响,肯定有理想与现实的交战。“不以物喜,不以己悲”理应成为我们
新目标英语九年级第二单元学案 第二课时学案
Unit 2 I used to be afraid of the dark.
Period 2 Section A(3a-4) 日期:2010年 月 日 星期
1. 谈论人们过去害怕的事物和经历
2. 掌握词汇及短语: alone, airplane, still, dark, terrify, be afraid of,
be terrified of, fly in an airplane, go to sleep, with the light on 3. 掌握句型:①I used to be afraid of the dark. ② I don’t like to be alone.
③My friend is still afraid of big dogs. ④Did you use to be afraid of high places?
4. 掌握语法: 一般现在时与一般过去时的区别;be afraid/terrified of 的用法 二、预习准备 I. 中译英
1. 害怕蛇____________________________ 2. 孤独一人_________
九年级新目标英语短语和重要句型归纳(Unit 1-10)
Unit1.How do you study for a test? 1.听磁带listen to tapes 2.向老师请求帮助ask the teacher for help 3.制作抽认卡.make flashcards
4.观看英语录象watch English-language videos
5.朗读read aloud
6.练习语音.practice pronunciation 7.说的技能speaking skills 8.太…而不能.too …to 9. 询问有关…ask about 10.学英语的最好方法
the best way to learn English
11.具体的建议specific suggestions
12.观看演员说话watch the actors say the words
find watching movies frustrating 14.得到大量的写作练习.
get lots of writing practice 15.一点也不.not at all 16.变得兴奋get excited
17.结束做…end up d
一、单项选择:从A、B、C三个选项中选择最佳答案填空。(15 分)
()1. - Jim ,why didn’t you go to Beijing by train ?- Bad luck ! When I got to the station , the train ________.
A left
B had already left
C has already left
( ) 2 -What did you see , Susan? – Oh, I saw many people ________ trees on the hill .
A to plant
B planting
C planted
( ) 3 Yesterday I was late for class because ________ the time I got up my brother had got in the shower .
A By
B At
C For
( ) 4 -What _______ to you ? - I am sorry I overslept .
A happen
B happened
新目标九年级英语单元知识点、短语及句型总结 - 图文
Unit 1 一、知识点
1.Check in : 在旅馆的登记入住。 Check out: 在旅馆结账离开。 2.By: ①通过?..方式(途径)。例:I learn English by listening to tapes. ②在?..旁边。例:by the window/the door ③乘坐交通工具 例:by bus/car ④在??之前,到??为止。例:by October在10月前 ⑤被 例:English is spoken by many people. 3.how与what的区别:
how通常对方式或程度提问,意思有:怎么样 如何,通常用来做状语、表语。 what通常对动作的发出者或接受者提问,意思为 什么,通常做宾语,主语。 ①How is your summer holiday? It’s OK.(how表示程度 做表语) ②How did you travel around the world? I travel by air. ③What do you learn at school? I learn English, math and many other subjects