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Unit 7 Business Meetings and Visiting Arrangements Background

Business meetings

Meetings come in all shapes and sizes. There are the everyday office meetings, board meetings, seminars—all the way up to major conferences. And meetings can now be face-to-face, teleconference, videoconference, or online via the Internet. When planning a meeting, you should consider the following four principles:

●Preparation:make sure your meeting has a clear, stated purpose and

an agenda; participants are chosen c

新航标英语Unit 2

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Background Getting Ready Text A Language Focus Text B Vocational Focus

新航标职业英语 综合英语1Vocational English

Skill FocusPractical Learning

顾问 总主审:刘黛琳 外籍主审:Laura Blacks(英) Dan Jenkins(美) 总 主 编:蒋秉章 本册主编:许振雅 刘军 凌伟卿 编 者:刘 军 王 前 封 萍 徐 辉 韩智渊 光盘制作:博速软件

Vocational English

Text B Background

Vocational Focus Getting Ready

Skill Focus Text A

Practical Learning Language Focus

新 航 标 职 业 英 语

Unit 2 Exposition



Vocational English

Text B Background

Vocational Focus Getting Ready

Skill Focus Text A

Practical Learning Language Focus

新 航 标 职 业 英 语

Unit 2 Exposi


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Organization Unit 1


Task 1

Objective: Ss can identify the logos of some famous international companies.


? Ss read Warming-up Task 1. ? Get Ss to look at the logos.

? Go through the pronunciation of any problematic word.

? Ask Ss to give the names of the countries. ? Give the answers.

Background Information

? What is a logo?

A logo is a graphical element that, together with its logo type, forms a trademark or commercial brand. Typically, a logo’s design is for immediate recognition. The logo is one asp

高职高专 - 新职业英语 - 职业综合英语1 - 练习答案

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高职高专 新职业英语 职业综合英语1课后练习答案


task 1

1996 : google begun as larry page's research project .

1998: page and sergey set up the company and registered the google .com 2000: The search engine grew quickly and it began to sell advertising on the website

Recently : Google has also owned Blogger and other hot websites and become the leader in terms of ad-based revenue on the web . Task 4 Model 1

1. The wheels appears to be going back when a car is speeding . 2. Everyone appears to talking about Google earth these days . 3. N


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一、 填空。

1、二亿八千零五十万零三百写作( 入到亿位约是( 2、2.08吨=(





),改写成用万做单位的数是( )万,四舍五


3、在( ) 里填上>、<或=。 0.38×0.78( )0.38

4、 如图,阴影部分占这个图形的(

),这个分数用小数表示是( ),用百分数表示是( )。

÷ ( ) -4( )-6

5、每本练习本a元,王老师带的钱买50本练习本后,还剩下x元,王老师带了( )元钱。 6、聪聪步行上学, 小时步行了2.4千米。聪聪步行的路程和时间的比是( ):( ),比值是(



7、一种玩具飞机打八折出售,表示现价比原价便宜( 是( )元。

8、如果男生人数是女生人数的 ,那么女生人数是男生人数的(





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第一部分 全科医学基础

一、单选题 1.全科医学学科是 A

A 自20世纪60年代起源的新型二级临床专业学科 B 正式建立于20世纪60年代的新型临床二级专业学科 C各门临床医学学科的综合体

D 包含了“六位一体”服务所有内容的预防医学专业学科 E 以内科服务为主的综合临床学科 2.全科医疗的基本特征不包括 E A 为社区居民提供连续性服务 B 提供以病人为中心的服务 C 提供以社区为基础的服务 D 提供以家庭为单位的服务

E 提供以家庭病床为主的基层医疗服务 3.全科医生是 D

A 全面掌握各科业务技术的临床医生

B 提供 “六位一体” 全部服务内容的基层医生 C专门为社区群众提供上门医疗服务的基层医生

D 经全科医学专业培训合格,在社区提供长期负责式医疗保健的医生 E以公共卫生服务为主的医生 4.全科医学的基本原则不包括 D

A 以门诊为主体的照顾

B 为个体提

《新职业英语2》平时作业(1) - 答案

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I. 单选题

Directions: Each of the following sentences is provided with four choices. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence.(每题1分, 共30题)

1. Our national policy should fit in __A____ the changed international situation. A. with B. to C. at D. up 2. We should weigh _____C__ the pros and cons of starting up our own business. A. at B. to C. up D. down 3. We will _______A_____ your suggestion in this new plan. A. incorporate B. underlie C. display D. agree 4. We can ______D__ the safety of t


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第 1 页

[1]Which signal of the follwings is not provided with onboard lifeboat?

A.Rocket parachute signals

B.Buoyantsmoke signals

C.Hand flaresignals

D.Self-igniting signals


[2]According to IMO regulations,______shall be posed outside lifeboat?

A.the retro-reflective tapes


C.theflashing bands

D.theanti-flashing bands


[3]Which oneof thefollowing is not required on survival crafts?


研究生英语补充课文学生用书 - 图文

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Supplementary Text

Lesson One Spell of the Rising Moon

Peter Steinhart

1 There is a hill near my home that I often climb at night. 2 The noise of the city is a far-off murmur. In the hush of dark I share the cheerfulness of crickets and the confidence of owls. But it is the drama of the moonrise that I come to see. For that restores in me a quiet and clarity that the city spends too freely.

3 From this hill I have watched many moons rise. Each one has its own mood. There have been broad, confident harvest moons i


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第五单元 单元高效整合与综合测评

整体感知: 一个主题:社会主义的理论与实践。 三个阶段:社会主义由空想到科学——马克思主义的诞生,社会主义由理论到实践——巴黎公社,社会主义由理想到现实——十月革命。 专题一 国际社会主义运动的发展 1.由空想到科学 (1)圣西门、傅立叶、欧文等空想社会主义者对未来的社会提出了一些天才的设想。 (2)19世纪三四十年代,无产阶级作为一支独立的力量登上了政治舞台,为科学理论的创立提供了必要的条件,马克思、恩格斯在长期革命实践和理论研究中创立了科学理论——《共产党宣言》。从此,无产阶级斗争有了科学理论的指导,社会主义由空想变成了科学。 2.由理论到实践,由理想变为现实 (1)《共产党宣言》揭示了无产阶级的历史使命是用暴力推翻资产阶级建立自己的统治,进而建设社会主义、共产主义社会。 (2)巴黎公社是无产阶级推翻资产阶级统治,建立无产阶级专政的第一次伟大尝试。 (3)1917年,列宁领导十月革命取得胜利,建立了人类历史上第一个无产阶级专政的社会主义国家,社会主义由理想变成了现实。 专题二 巴黎公社和十月革命的比较 巴黎公社 十月革命 革命性质 都是无产阶级推翻资产阶级的社会主义革命 相同 革命方式 都是武