

Video4Linux2 - en - 图文

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The Video4Linux2 API: an introduction

[Posted October 11, 2006 by corbet]

Your editor has recently had the opportunity to write a Linux driver for a camera device - the camera which will be packaged with the One Laptop Per Child system, in particular. This driver works with the internal kernel API designed for such purposes: the Video4Linux2 API. In the process of writing this code, your editor made the shocking discovery that, in fact, this API is not particularly well documented - though the user-space side is, instead, q

Video4Linux2 - en - 图文

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The Video4Linux2 API: an introduction

[Posted October 11, 2006 by corbet]

Your editor has recently had the opportunity to write a Linux driver for a camera device - the camera which will be packaged with the One Laptop Per Child system, in particular. This driver works with the internal kernel API designed for such purposes: the Video4Linux2 API. In the process of writing this code, your editor made the shocking discovery that, in fact, this API is not particularly well documented - though the user-space side is, instead, q

Analysis of MPEG-2 Video Streams

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Analysis of MPEG-2Video Streams

Damir Isovi′c and Gerhard Fohler

Department of Computer Engineering

M¨a lardalen University,Sweden



MPEG-2is widely used as video coding standard for contents such as DVD or dig-ital video broadcasting,DVB.It de?nes a layered structure,composing three different

types of frames into groups for temporal and spatial compression of video information.

In this paper we present an exhaustive analysis av various MPEG streams,taken from original DVDs.The purpose is t

linux 作业2

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作业2: shell编程基本知识 1. 必做题

1. 写出以下文件的用途 (1)/etc/passwd (提示:通过man 5 passwd查看此文件描述说明) (2)/etc/shadow (提示:通过man 5 shadow查看此文件描述说明) (3)/etc/group (提示:通过man 5 group查看此文件描述说明) (4)/etc/gshadow (提示:通过man 5 gshadow查看此文件描述说明) 答:(1)/etc/passwd文件中每个用户都有一个对应的记录行,它记录了这个用户的一些基本属性 (2)etc/shadow是只有系统管理员才有权利进行查看和修改的文件,文件中的记录行与/etc/passwd中的一一对应,它由pwconv命令根据/etc/passwd中的数据自动产生。它的文件格式与/etc/passwd类似,由若干个字段组成,字段之间用“:”隔开。




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以下命令中可以重新启动计算机的是() + reboot

以下关于 Linux 内核版本的说法,错误的是() + “1.3.2”表示稳定的发行版本

下面关于 shell 的说法,不正确的是() + 一种和 C 类似的程序设计语言

在 Linux 中,选择使用第二号虚拟控制台,应按()键 + Alt+F2

()命令可以将普通用户切换成超级用户 + su

以下()内核版本属于测试版本 + 2.3.4

RHEL 5的默认文件系统为()

+ ext3执行命令 chmod o+rw file 后,file 文件的权限变化为()

+ 其他用户可读写 file 文件若要改变一个文件的拥有者,可通过()命令实现

+ chown光盘所使用的文件系统类型为()

+ ISO9660使用 vi 编辑只读文本时,强制存盘并退出的命令是()

+ :wq!使用()命令把两个文件合并成一个文件

+ cat一个文件属性为 drwxrwxrwx,则这个文件的权限是

+ + + +

任何用户皆可读取、可写入 root 可以删除该目录的文件 给普通用户以文件所有者的权限 文件拥有者有权删除该目录的文件


+ 硬链接和符号链接都是产生一个新的 inode用 ls -al 命令列出下面的

Video coding using the H.264 MPEG-4 AVC compression standard

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Apple Computer where much of this work was done.

E-mail addresses:apuri@01a8cf0e76c66137ee061959(A.Puri),schen@


0923-5965/$-see front matter r2004Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.


VCRs/set-top-boxes and computers,and digital broadcast video delivered via terrestrial,cable or satellite networks,allowing digital TV and HDTV. While MPEG-1addressed coding of non-inter-laced video at lower resolutions and bit-rates[23] offerin

新时代交互英语视听说4apply video文本

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Unit 1

A: So what did you do today? B: I went out with Susie. A: Susie?! B: Yeah.

A: How long has it been since you've seen Susie?

B: Oh, It's been, not that long. Maybe two weeks is all, or so. A: My gosh.

B: She's my best friend after all.

A: That's true. Yeah. So, what did you do with her today? B: We went to see two movies, and out to eat. A: Two movies? B: Yeah. A: Two? B: Yeah. A: Why?

B: We sneaked into the second.

A: You don't pay for the second movie? B: Shh...

A: Alright, a

Video coding using the H.264 MPEG-4 AVC compression standard

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Apple Computer where much of this work was done.

E-mail addresses:apuri@01a8cf0e76c66137ee061959(A.Puri),schen@


0923-5965/$-see front matter r2004Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.


VCRs/set-top-boxes and computers,and digital broadcast video delivered via terrestrial,cable or satellite networks,allowing digital TV and HDTV. While MPEG-1addressed coding of non-inter-laced video at lower resolutions and bit-rates[23] offerin


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1、inux是所谓的free software,这个free的含义是( C )

A 不需要付费 B 发行商不能向用户收费 C 可自由修改和发布 D 只有LINUX作者才能向用户收费

2下列哪个选项不是linux支持的( B )

A.多用户 B.超进程 C.可移植 D.多进程

3、下列属于块设备的是( B )

A 终端 B 键盘 C 游戏杆 D 硬盘

4、下面关于shell的说法,不正确的是( C )

A 一种和C类似的程序语言 B 操作系统的外壳 C 用户与LINUX内核之间的接口程序 D 一个命令语言解释器

5、hda2表示( D )

A IDE0接口上的从盘 B IDE0接口上的第二个逻辑盘 C 接口上主盘的第二个分区 D IDE0接口上主盘的第二个主分区

6、安装linux系统对磁盘分区的要求是( B )

A 至少一个分区 B 至少两个分区 C 至少三个分区 D 至少4个分区

7、系统引导的过程一般包括如下几步:1 MBR中的引导装载程序启动;2 用户登录; 3 Linux 内核运行;4 BIOS自检。正确的顺序是( ) A 4231 B 2431

Linux纸质作业 练习2

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1. 假如你是某公司网络管理员,需要给Linux主机配置网络参数,使之能连入公司局域网


a) 服务器主机名设置为WebServer。

b) 网卡eth0的第1个IP地址设置为192.168.1.10/24,第2个IP地址为192.168.1.100/24,


c) 设置DNS服务器的IP地址为192.168.0.6,域为。 试给出具体配置步骤。 答:1.设置服务器主机名。

[root@debian ~]# vi /etc/hostname

用vi编辑/etc/hostname文件,输入WebServer 2.设置网卡参数

[root@server ~]#vi /etc/network/interfaces

用vi编辑/etc/network/interfaces文件,输入以下内容。 auto lo

iface lo inet loopback

# The primary network interface auto eth0

iface eth0 inet static

address network 192.168.1.