英美文化chapter1 The country答案
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Chapter 4 Economy Recent History of British Economy * Economic decline
* After World War II, the British economy experienced a period of great difficulty and relative economic decline. Causes
* two World Wars-great economic loss
* the era of the British Empire was over-decolonization (losses of raw material & market) * military expense (until the process of decolonization completed in the 1960s) Policies
* \
* an economy in which there is some public ownership as well as privately owned business
* During the 20t
1、 The plot in an ad of HSBC is the Chinese boss invite British colleague to the restaurant , the boss order a bowl of eel noodles. Although
the British colleagues think it has substandard appetite, but in order to show politeness, he quickly eat them up; But in the boss/ s opinion, this express that British colleagues did not have enough and to some extent he suspected his stingy performance, so the boss has ordered a larger eel noodles, who knows the British colleague eat them up again , finaliy the boss ordered the la
1、芽孢:某些细菌在其生长发育后期, 在细胞内形成的一个圆形或椭圆形、壁厚抗逆性强的休眠构造。
2、糖被:包被于某些细菌细胞壁外的一层厚度不定的透明胶状物质, 成分是多糖或多肽。 3、菌落:将单个细菌细胞或一小堆同种细胞接种到固体培养基表面,当它占有一定的发展空间并处于适宜的培养条件时,该细胞就会迅速生长繁殖并形成细胞堆,此即菌落。
5、孢囊:指固氮菌尤其是棕色固氮菌等少数细菌在缺乏营养的条件下,由营养细胞的外壁加厚、细胞失水而形成的一种抗干旱但不抗热的圆形休眠体,一个营养细胞仅形成一个孢囊。 6、质粒:指细菌细胞质内存在于染色体外或附加于染色体上的遗传物质,绝大多数由共价闭合环状双螺旋DNA分子构成。
矩阵是什么? 矩阵的代数性质
线性映射的相加表示为矩阵的相加 线性映射的复合表示为矩阵的相乘
定义一个矩阵有几种方式:可以通过定义矩阵的每一个元素 来定义一个矩阵,也可以通过矩阵具有的性质来定义一个矩阵。如:对称矩阵可以定义为:aij=aji 也可以定义为: (x, Ay)=(Ax,y),
还可以定义为: Ax=?f(x), 其中f(x)=xTAx/2,即它对向量x的作用相当于函数f(x)在x处的梯度。
2. 矩阵可以表示为图像
矩阵的大小可以表示为图像。反之,一幅灰度图像本身就是矩阵。图像压缩就是矩阵的表示问题. 这时矩阵相邻元素间有局部连续性,既相邻的元素的值大都差别不大。
3. 矩阵是二维的(几何性质)
矩阵能够在二维的纸张和屏幕等平面媒体上表示,使得用矩阵表示的问题显得简单清楚,直观,易于理解和交流。 很多二元关系很直观的就表示为矩阵,如关系数据库中的属性和属性值,随机马尔科夫链的状态转移概率矩阵,图论中的有向图或无向图的矩阵表示等
Kotler - Chapter1
Chapter 1 Marketing: Creating and Capturing Customer Value
1) All of the following are accurate descriptions of modern marketing, EXCEPT which one? A) Marketing is the creation of value for customers.为顾客创造价值
B) Marketing is managing profitable customer relationships.建立稳固关系 C) Selling and advertising are synonymous with marketing.
D) Marketing involves satisfying customers' needs.为顾客创造价值 E) Marketing is used by for-profit and not-for-profit organizations. Answer: C Diff: 2 Page Ref: 2 and 4 Skill: Concept Objective: 1-
矩阵是什么? 矩阵的代数性质
线性映射的相加表示为矩阵的相加 线性映射的复合表示为矩阵的相乘
定义一个矩阵有几种方式:可以通过定义矩阵的每一个元素 来定义一个矩阵,也可以通过矩阵具有的性质来定义一个矩阵。如:对称矩阵可以定义为:aij=aji 也可以定义为: (x, Ay)=(Ax,y),
还可以定义为: Ax=?f(x), 其中f(x)=xTAx/2,即它对向量x的作用相当于函数f(x)在x处的梯度。
2. 矩阵可以表示为图像
矩阵的大小可以表示为图像。反之,一幅灰度图像本身就是矩阵。图像压缩就是矩阵的表示问题. 这时矩阵相邻元素间有局部连续性,既相邻的元素的值大都差别不大。
3. 矩阵是二维的(几何性质)
矩阵能够在二维的纸张和屏幕等平面媒体上表示,使得用矩阵表示的问题显得简单清楚,直观,易于理解和交流。 很多二元关系很直观的就表示为矩阵,如关系数据库中的属性和属性值,随机马尔科夫链的状态转移概率矩阵,图论中的有向图或无向图的矩阵表示等
1)American National Flag
? “Stars and Stripes” ? “Star-Spangled Banner” ? 50 stars and 13 stripes
? Meaning: 50 present states, and the 13 earliest state ? 星条旗 2)American Geography
? The Fourth Largest Country ? Western Hemisphere ? North: Canada
? South: Mexico and Gulf of Mexico ? West: Pacific Ocean ? East: Atlantic Ocean
? Climate: Northern Temperate Zone 3)One River: Mississippi River
3rd longest river in the world “father of waters” “Old Man river” dividing line of “East” and “West” 4)Two M
1:The Dreaming
The Drenming is the belief system from ancient times that has bound indigenous groups together .The central principle of the dreaming is that the people who live on the continent have special responsibilities to the land .The people don’t own the land ,instead the land own the people .The stories of the dreaming provide principles of how people should live and interact with each other .They also provide knowledge of the land so that the indigenous people can survive in the life—threatening environment .
Us 3
In 1782, the french who settled in pennsy first asked the question " what is an American" in his book Letters from An American Farmer.
The New world of america was peopled as a result of two long-continuing immigration movements, the first one from Asia and the second from Europe and Africa.
American indians had developed three brilliant civilizations before the Europeans arrived. These three civilizations were the Aztecs, the Incas and the Mayas. Columbus discovered the new world in the year of 1492
The English
1)American National Flag
? “Stars and Stripes” ? “Star-Spangled Banner” ? 50 stars and 13 stripes
? Meaning: 50 present states, and the 13 earliest state ? 星条旗 2)American Geography
? The Fourth Largest Country ? Western Hemisphere ? North: Canada
? South: Mexico and Gulf of Mexico ? West: Pacific Ocean ? East: Atlantic Ocean
? Climate: Northern Temperate Zone 3)One River: Mississippi River
3rd longest river in the world “father of waters” “Old Man river” dividing line of “East” and “West” 4)Two M