英国文学史 paraphrase 解释Hamlet哈姆雷特
To be, or not to be: that is the question:
Should I live on or should I kill myself? That is a question. Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer 65 Whether it is determined to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, The fatal attacks of cruel destiny,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, Or to fight against numerous troubles. And by opposing end them? To die: to sleep; No more; and by a sleep to say we end
The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks 70
And make them end by defiance. To die
1. What is Literature?
Literature refers to the practice and profession of writing. It comes from human interest in telling a story, in arranging words in artistic forms, in describing in words some aspects of human experiences. Literature is characterized by beauty of expression and form and by university of intellectual and emotional appeal.
Literature shows us not only what a society is like in a certain age, but also what individuals feel about it, what they hope from it, and how they can change it or escape from it.
I. Multiple choice.
7. The English Renaissance period was an age of ______. A. poetry and drama C. novel and poetry
B. drama and novel D. romance and poetry
2. Renaissance first started in _______, with the flowering of the fields of painting, sculpture and literature. A. France C. Germany
B. Italy D. Britain
10. _____ is the essence of the Renaissance. A. Poetry C. Humanism
B. Drama D. Reason
11 “To be, or not to be—that is the question” is a line taken from ______. A. Hamlet C. King Lear
B. Othello
D. The Merchant of V
I. Multiple choice.
7. The English Renaissance period was an age of ______. A. poetry and drama C. novel and poetry
B. drama and novel D. romance and poetry
2. Renaissance first started in _______, with the flowering of the fields of painting, sculpture and literature. A. France C. Germany
B. Italy D. Britain
10. _____ is the essence of the Renaissance. A. Poetry C. Humanism
B. Drama D. Reason
11 “To be, or not to be—that is the question” is a line taken from ______. A. Hamlet C. King Lear
B. Othello
D. The Merchant of V
British Literature
I. Multiple Choice.
The Middle Age
1. When we speak of the Old English prose, the first name that comes into our minds is_______, who is the first scholar in English literature and has been regarded as father of English learning. A. William Shakespeare B. Beowulf
C. Julius Caesar D. Venerable Bede
2. The most important work of Alfred the Great is _______, which is regarded as the best monument of the Old English prose.
A. The Song of Beowulf B. The Anglo-Sa
填空 A.
1. Dickens‘ writings from 1836 to 1841 show the characteristic of youthful _______.
2. Dickens‘ writings from 1842 to 1850 show the character of _______. 3. Dickens‘ writings from 1852 to 1870 show the feature of ______.
4. Nicholas Nickleby touches upon a burning question of the time—the education of ____ in private schools.
5. _____ is a great novel of social satire and famous for its criticism of both the British and American bourgeoisie.
6. The theme of Dombey and Son is the pride of wealth, or ―_____‖.
I. Multiple choices
B. Julius Caesar C. Alfred the Great D. Claudius
A. Langland B. Wycliffe C. Gower
A. novel B. drama
D. Essay
A. Langland B. Gower
D. Chaucer
B. Sir Gawain C. Francis Bacon
D. John Dryden
b. William Shakespeare c. Phillip Sidney d. Thomas Campion
7. The epoch of Renaissance witnessed a particular development of English Drama. It was _______ b. Thomas Loge
c. Edmund Spenser d. Thomas More
8. At the beginning the 16th century the outstanding humanist_____ wrote his Utopia in which he ga
1. _____is a folk legend brought to England by Anglo-Saxons from their continental homes, it is
a long poem of over 3000 lines and the national epic of the English people.
A. Beowulf
B. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
C. The Canterbury Tales
D. King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table
2. The father of English poetry, the author of Troilus and Criseyde is also the one of the _____.
A. Romeo and Juliet B. The Faerie Queen
C. Tamburlaine D. The Canterbury Tales
3. The group of
British Writers and Works
The Anglo-Saxon Period
The Venerable Bede 比得673~735
Ecclesiastical History of the English People 英吉利人教会史
Alfred the Great 阿尔弗雷得大帝849~899
The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle 盎格鲁—萨克逊编年史
The Late Medieval Ages
William Langland 威廉·兰格伦1332~1400
Piers the Plowman 农夫比埃斯的梦
Geoffery Chaucer 杰弗里·乔叟1340(?)~1400
The Books of the Duchess悼公爵夫人
Troilus and Criseyde特罗伊拉斯和克莱希德
The Canterbury Tales坎特伯雷故事集
The House of Fame声誉之宫
Sir Thomas Malory托马斯·马洛里爵士1405~1471
Le Morte D’Arthur亚瑟王之死
The Renaissance
Sir Philip Sydney菲利普·锡
Part one:Early and medieval English literature
1.Beowulf《贝奥武甫》------the national epic of the English people ,it is also the epic of the Anglo-Saxon.(P3)
2.The name of the terrible monster------Grendel(格伦德尔)(P3)
3.the most striking feature in its poetical form is the use of alliteration(头韵),others are metaphor (暗喻)and understatement(保守陈述)(P5)
4The Norman Conquest (诺曼征服)marks the establishment of feudalism in England. (P6) 5.The romance(传奇文学)(P8)
The most popular of literature in fedual England was the romance. It