English writing (week 3)
Problems I found in reviewing your writing
Drafting a TitleSuggestions for Titling an Essay: A title should not restate the assignment or the thesis statement. Write the title in the middle of the first line. Capitalize the first and last words of the title and all other words (including words following hyphens in compound words) except articles, coordinating conjunctions (and, or, but, nor, for), short preposition (fewer than five letters) and the ‘to’ in infinitives. If the word falls after a colon or semic
Introduction to Embedded Systems
Edward A. Lee & Sanjit A. SeshiaUC Berkeley
Copyright © 2008-11, Edward A. Lee & Sanjit A. Seshia, All rights reserved
Chapter 5: Hierarchical State Machines
The StateCharts paper
Lee & Seshia, UC Berkeley: 2
Recall Synchronous Composition:
Synchronous composition
Lee & Seshia, UC Berkeley: 3
Recall Asynchronous Composition:
Asynchronous composition with interleaving semantics
Lee & Seshia, UC Berkeley: 4
Recall program
English writing (week 3)
Problems I found in reviewing your writing
Drafting a TitleSuggestions for Titling an Essay: A title should not restate the assignment or the thesis statement. Write the title in the middle of the first line. Capitalize the first and last words of the title and all other words (including words following hyphens in compound words) except articles, coordinating conjunctions (and, or, but, nor, for), short preposition (fewer than five letters) and the ‘to’ in infinitives. If the word falls after a colon or semic
3rd Week
Practice 1: Insert the article a or an where necessary
1. Helium is gas which consists of one proton and one neutron.
2. Labor union is organization of workers formed to improve their economic status and working conditions. 3. White dwarf is star that is unusually faint given its extreme temperature.
4. Rice is cereal grain that usually requires subtropical climate and abundance of moisture for growth. 5. Transduction is technique is which genes are inserted into host cell by means of viral infection. 6. Heat is for
introduction - applied research methods- WEEK 1 (3)(3)
Applied Business Research Methods ULMS515
Module Information 15 credit module Semester 1, Weeks 1-6 Lecture and seminar (group allocation is fixed) Mandatory for MSc Management, MSc HRM, MSc
Consumer Marketing, MSc International Business, MSc Entrepreneurship Handbook for information Assignment – writing a research proposal Core reading – Business Research methods – Blumberg, B. Module Leader – Dr. Dilani Jayawarna, dilanij@liverpool.ac.uk, Rm FE7, Chatham Building
Lecture 3 Diction
Better late than the late. (原文为美国高速公路上矗立的安全警示牌) Tension is building up.
(l This war is becoming the most important story of this generation. (2 It is quite another story now.
(3 Some reporters who were not included in the session broke the story.
(4 He’ll be very happy if that story holds up. (5 The Rita Haywoth’s story is one of the saddest.
(6 A young man came to Scotti’s office with a story.
(7 Last Dec. the Post first reported that probes were being made in each of those cities, but officials re
Part I Writing
1. 目前人们是否真的越来越少使用手写了 2. 打字在哪些方面能代替手写,哪些方面不能 3. 练习手写字(或书法)是否还有必要
Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)
Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions. For the first seven questions, choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). For the last three questions, complete the sentences with the information given in the passage.
A Healthy Mix of Rest and Motion
Some gym goers are tortoises (乌龟). T
Unit 8 Days of the week教案
Unit 8 Days of the week教案1
1.学生能听懂、会说、认读并书写词汇:day, today, week
2.学生能听懂、会说句子:What day is today? How many days are there in a week?
3. 学生能了解字母a,e,I,o,u在单词中的发音及规则。
4. 学生能听懂、识别和使用单词中的元音。
6. 了解字母a,e,I,o,u在单词中的发音及规则。
2.句型Peter goes to the school library on Monday afternoon.
2.Listen and choose.播放录音,学生模仿朗读。
week6练习 验证控件
Week6 ASP.NET验证控件的应用
相关知识点 —验证控件
验证控件是 ASP.NET 技术中用于实现用户输入数据验证的服务器控件,可以实现对用户输入数据的空值验证,格式验证,类型验证,范围验证等,保证数据的准确输入。验证方式可以包括客户端验证和服务器端验证,验证控件支持这两种验证方式的设计。
练习1 设计并实现一个带验证控件的用户注册页面,命名为UserRegister.aspx。 要求如下:
(1) 页面浏览效果如图3-1和图3-2所示。 (2)“用户名”、“密码”、“确认密码”、“生日”、“电话号码”和“身份证号”等信息必须输入。
(3) “密码”和“确认密码”的输入值必须一致。
(4) “生日”的输入值必须在1970-1-1到2000-1-1之间。
(5) “电话号码”的输入信息格式必须如0573-83642378形式。 (6) “身份证号”中的出生年月信息必须为合法的日期数据。 (7) 能汇总显示所有的验证错误信息,并以独立的对话框显示。
(8) 当验证控件出现验证错误时,焦点会定位在出现验证错误的文本框中。 (9) 若通过所有的验证
高考英语单词 Week 7
高考英语单词 Week 7
Tom lived in the __________(东部) of the city and he always turned a deaf ________(耳朵) to his parents and teachers wen he was young. In an ____________(地震) one of his teachers was killed in order to save his life. It had an important ___________(影响) on Tom and he spared no __________(努力) to make great progress in memory his teacher. He always got up ___________(早) every morning to study. Thanks to the ____________(教育者)he had a good ____________(教育). He liked ______________(电学) and became an ___________(电的)