阀门规格书中所用的缩写词解释如下: 1、
阀门型式 BC: 球型止回阀 FB: 全 孔 HL:升降式 ISRS:内螺纹升杆 OSY:外螺纹带支架 PRSB:压力自紧密封阀盖 PRSC:压力自紧密封阀帽 RB:缩孔
SWG:旋启式止回阀 OFFSET:偏心 BI两偏心:(BI-ECC) TRI三偏心:(TRI-ECC) S-OUT 1:一个排放口 S-OUT 2:两个排放口 2、端部连接 BITE: 咬合连接 BW:对焊连接 FF:全平面
WFR/RF:无法兰夹嵌型 LF:大凹面
LG:大槽面 LM:大凸面 LT:大榫面 SW:承插焊 RF:突面 RJ:金属环连接 FNPT:60°内锥管螺纹 3、 结构
BB:螺栓连接的阀盖 BC:螺栓连接的阀帽 FLEXIBLE:弹性阀盘 INT:整体阀座 LB:加长阀盖 LOOSE:松套阀盘 NB:无阀盖
NL: NON-LUBRICATED (SLEEVED) PB :压力密封阀盖 PC: 压力密封阀帽 REN:可拆换阀座 SC:螺纹连接的阀帽 SB:螺纹连接的阀盖 SE:侧装式 SOLID:钢性阀盘
Cabin Announcement
[1] 1.2.2 Flight Plan announcement
A.Flight Plan Announcement for First/Business Class
Ladies and Gentleman,
You are flying on China Southern Airlines’_____aircraft with a seating capacity of
We expect to arrive at ____airport at ____(Beijing time).(The local time in____will be____.)
Feel free to adjust your seat back to a more comfortable position.
[787] If you are seating by the window you can change the view by adjusting the button below the window.
During this flight,we will serve you with (din
The Annoyance On the Job 工作的烦恼
I am a college student, this is my fourth year in the college, which means that I will graduate soon. Nowadays, many of my classmates have taken the action to find the job interview, while I tell myself to calm down, actually, I have no idea about my future, so I haven’t taken the action.
When the graduate season comes, students have to worry about their jobs, for me, I have many annoyances, first, I don
英语新闻 中英文对照1
Residents in Tokyo have recently reported several sightings of possibly the most patient pet-walker in the world: an elderly man who takes his enormous African spurred tortoise (or sulcata) out for walks around the town.
Judging by the tortoise’s size, the mysterious pair has probably been together for a very long time, and the tortoise always plods faithfully by its owner’s side. It even tolerates the occasional silly costume!
Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5 Unit 6 Unit 7 Unit8 Unit 9 Unit 10 Unit 11 Unit 12 Unit 13 Unit 14 Unit 15
Teaching Plan for English Pronunciation Practice
Basic Concepts: Syllables, Stress & Rhythm
Consonants: Stops Consonants: Fricatives and Affricates
Consonants: Nasals, Approximants & Literal(s) Vowels: Front Vowels & Central Vowels Vowels: Back Vowels Vowels: Diphthongs
Stressed Syllables & Unstressed Syllables Stressed Words & Unstressed Words in a Sentence Strong Forms and Weak Fo
班级: 姓名:
Today is Thursday, what day is 101000 days later?
54不喜欢足球的女生有21人,喜欢足球的男生有( )人。
The number of boys and girls in a class is equal, one fifth of the students who like football are girls, and the boys like football are one quarter of the whole class. There are 21 girls who are not fond of football, then ( ) boys like football.
3、某列火车通过长为82米的铁桥用了22秒,如果火车速度加快一倍,它通过706米的铁桥就用50秒,火车的长度是( )。
The train go through a bridge with 22 seconds which
英语专业学生作业 江苏周庄中英文导游词
英语专业翻译 周庄英文导游词
The Taiping Bridge is located at the eastern mouth of Hougang to connect Chenghuang Dam and Xianjiang Street. It was built during the Jiajing period
For Him(中英文)
. - Troye Sivan&Allday We are runnin' so fast 我们狂奔向前
And weFor Him never look back 从不回望过去
And whatever I lack you make up 我破败不全 你修残补缺
We make a really good team 我们如此天造地设
And though not everyone sees 尽管没人看好
We got this crazy chemistry 我们依然爱得疯狂 Between us 离不开彼此
Jump starting your car cause this city's a bore 跳上你的车启动出发,逃离这令人生厌的城市 Buying e-cigarettes at the convenience store 在便利店买包香烟
Making new cliches on our own little tour 开展我们自己旅程的新篇章 Let's ride 启程吧
You don't have to say I love you to say I love you 你
? 我生命里最大的突破之一,就是我不再为别人对我的看法而担忧。此后,我
? 你四处寻觅,欲得一席宁静之地,但你只有在书海的一角才能找到它。——
? 一个人能够,并且应该让自己做到的,不是感到安全,而是能够接纳不安全
? 我们心不在焉,百事无心,觉得做什么都没意思。并不是疲倦了,是因为我
? 我们常常痛感生活的艰辛与沉重,无数次目睹了生命在各种重压下的扭曲与
? \
the greatest accomplishment.\
— Ralph Waldo Emerson
Time erodes all such beauty. But what it cannot diminish is the
Landscape Design Development Package Drawing Schedule Sheet No Description Sheet Size
Revision Reference Additional Drawing Deleted Drawing Remarks
Drawing File Name
Internal Drawing Date Internal Revision Date Cover Sheet Materials Schedule General Legend
Standard Symbols & Abbreviations
Landscape Plans (LP-) (Bound Separately) Reference Plan Part 01 Client Project Scale Designed By Drawn By Checked By Approved By Setting-Out Plan
Levels/Drainage/Irrigation Plan Materials Plan Lighting Plan
Landscape Sections