英美文化 讲义
“英美文化 讲义”相关的资料有哪些?“英美文化 讲义”相关的范文有哪些?怎么写?下面是小编为您精心整理的“英美文化 讲义”相关范文大全或资料大全,欢迎大家分享。
1)American National Flag
? “Stars and Stripes” ? “Star-Spangled Banner” ? 50 stars and 13 stripes
? Meaning: 50 present states, and the 13 earliest state ? 星条旗 2)American Geography
? The Fourth Largest Country ? Western Hemisphere ? North: Canada
? South: Mexico and Gulf of Mexico ? West: Pacific Ocean ? East: Atlantic Ocean
? Climate: Northern Temperate Zone 3)One River: Mississippi River
3rd longest river in the world “father of waters” “Old Man river” dividing line of “East” and “West” 4)Two M
1:The Dreaming
The Drenming is the belief system from ancient times that has bound indigenous groups together .The central principle of the dreaming is that the people who live on the continent have special responsibilities to the land .The people don’t own the land ,instead the land own the people .The stories of the dreaming provide principles of how people should live and interact with each other .They also provide knowledge of the land so that the indigenous people can survive in the life—threatening environment .
Us 3
In 1782, the french who settled in pennsy first asked the question " what is an American" in his book Letters from An American Farmer.
The New world of america was peopled as a result of two long-continuing immigration movements, the first one from Asia and the second from Europe and Africa.
American indians had developed three brilliant civilizations before the Europeans arrived. These three civilizations were the Aztecs, the Incas and the Mayas. Columbus discovered the new world in the year of 1492
The English
1)American National Flag
? “Stars and Stripes” ? “Star-Spangled Banner” ? 50 stars and 13 stripes
? Meaning: 50 present states, and the 13 earliest state ? 星条旗 2)American Geography
? The Fourth Largest Country ? Western Hemisphere ? North: Canada
? South: Mexico and Gulf of Mexico ? West: Pacific Ocean ? East: Atlantic Ocean
? Climate: Northern Temperate Zone 3)One River: Mississippi River
3rd longest river in the world “father of waters” “Old Man river” dividing line of “East” and “West” 4)Two M
“British history has been a history of invasions”what’s your idea about it? British history has been a history of invasions.
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern ireland. Northwestern Europe Island, land on the island of Great Britain from England, Scotland, Welsh and the island of Ireland Northern Ireland 4 sections and numerous small islands.
British used to be invaded by the Roman Empire. Germanic people, the Vikings and Normans. Before the first century AD Britain was made up of many tribal kingdoms
1、 The plot in an ad of HSBC is the Chinese boss invite British colleague to the restaurant , the boss order a bowl of eel noodles. Although
the British colleagues think it has substandard appetite, but in order to show politeness, he quickly eat them up; But in the boss/ s opinion, this express that British colleagues did not have enough and to some extent he suspected his stingy performance, so the boss has ordered a larger eel noodles, who knows the British colleague eat them up again , finaliy the boss ordered the la
“British history has been a history of invasions”what’s your idea about it? British history has been a history of invasions.
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern ireland. Northwestern Europe Island, land on the island of Great Britain from England, Scotland, Welsh and the island of Ireland Northern Ireland 4 sections and numerous small islands.
British used to be invaded by the Roman Empire. Germanic people, the Vikings and Normans. Before the first century AD Britain was made up of many tribal kingdoms
Unit 1 a brief introduction to the united kingdom 1 一 a brief introduction
1.全称 The United Kingdom of Great Britain and northern Ireland--P17 III 1 2.构成
England London Scotland Edinburgh Wales Cardiff
Nothern Ireland Belfast--P17 III2 3.历史
B公元7世纪Anglo –saxons 安格鲁 撒克逊人 C 8世纪末 阿尔弗雷德大帝King Alfred 北欧海盗
D 1066年 诺曼征服Normans William of Normandy Battle of Hastings King Harold
4.英国内战 civil war 资产阶级革命
1. Glasgow 最大城市 --P16 II 8 2. 大学
15世纪 ancient and international university --P17 III 11
一、 单选题(题数:50,共 50.0 分)
World Series is held in ( ) every year.
1.0 分
? A、
? B、
? C、
? D、
正确答案: D 我的答案:D
The first course in western food is called ().
1.0 分
? A、
Main course
? B、
? C、
? D、
正确答案: D 我的答案:D
The two significant mountain ranges of American are ( ) and Appalachian Mountains.
1.0 分
? A、
Rocky Mountains
? B、
Andes Mountains
? C、
Alps Mountains
? D、
Atlas Mountains
正确答案: A 我的答案:A
To buy a handgun, you must be ( ) years
英美国情选择题美国部分 Unit3 America Beginning
1. Which of the following statements was correct around the time of the American Revolution?
A. The American has the mixed blood of Europeans or their descendants.
B. The American had the mixed blood of Europeans with American Indians.
C. The American had the mixed blood of Europeans with black,
D. The American had the blood of the English and their descendants only, 子孙,后裔
2. Which of the following was not one of the three forces that led to the modern development of Europe? A. The growth