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Unit 1 Laughter is good for you


1. A stand-up comedian may make fun of an audience member, or he or she might decide to tell different jokes in response to the reactions of an audience.

单口喜剧演员可能就某一观众开玩笑,或是根据观众的反应讲不同的笑话。 (1) make fun of – 开……的玩笑,嘲笑… 意思相当于laugh at Don’t make fun of people with disabilities. 不要嘲笑残疾人。 【相关拓展】

注意fun 是不可数名词,与fun有关的短语或句型有: have fun =have a good time 玩得开心 It is fun to do sth. 做某事有趣

What fun it is to do sth! 做某事多有趣啊! (2)response n. 回答,答复;反应,反响 in respo

译林牛津高中英语模块五Unit 1 教材答案

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M5 U1答案

Welcome to the unit Sample answers

1 Sure I do. My best friend is Mary. she is an honest, kind-hearted, diligent and smart person. What I like most about her is her carefree attitude. Her motto is “Life is too short to be unhappy”. She is very caring and she always tries to cheer me up when I’m happiness to others is bliss. I love her infections laugh and her strong will power. That’s why I regard her as my best friend. 2 I get on fairly well with my friends. Whenever we have problems, we ask for each other’s opini


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Module 7 Unit 1 Living with technology

1. audio/video n./adj. 音/视频→audio/electronic device→device/instrument/appliance n./c/→equipment n./u/

2. review n/v. ①回顾/综述②复习/温习③复查/复审④批评/评论⑤视察/阅兵

3. wire n.电线/缆→wireless adj.;long-distance adj.→be distant from…

4. transmit vt.(-ted/ting) 转送/传达/传染/传播/传导→transmission n.

5. broadcast ①v. (broadcast/broadcast或-ed/-ed) ②n./c/→broadcasting n./u/

6. be sure/certain of/about…;be sure/certain to do sth;be sure/certain that-clause;make sure/certain + of sth/to do sth/that-clause;uncertain用法同certain;


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Unit 1

betray vt. 出卖,背叛

quiz n. 小测验

pretend vi. & vt. 假装;装扮,扮作

cheerful adj. 愉快的,高兴的;令人愉快的

washroom n. 洗手间,厕所

admit vt. & vi. 承认;允许进入,接纳

beg vt. & vi. 请求,恳求;乞讨

swear (swore, swore) vt. & vi. 发誓;郑重承诺;咒骂,说脏话 spy vi. 从事间谍活动;搜集情报

n. 间谍

spy on 暗中监视,窥探

truly adv. 真诚地。诚恳地,衷心地

forgive (forgave, forgiven) vt. 原谅,宽恕

sincerely adv. 真诚地

childhood n. 童年,幼年

superb adj. 极佳的;卓越的

focus vi. & vt. 集中注意力于……;(使)聚焦

n. 焦点;重点

pace n. 速度;步伐;节奏

keep pace with (与……)步调一致,(与……)同步

manner n. 方式;态度,举止



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Module 7 Unit 1 Living with technology

1. audio/video n./adj. 音/视频→audio/electronic device→device/instrument/appliance n./c/→equipment n./u/

2. review n/v. ①回顾/综述②复习/温习③复查/复审④批评/评论⑤视察/阅兵

3. wire n.电线/缆→wireless adj.;long-distance adj.→be distant from…

4. transmit vt.(-ted/ting) 转送/传达/传染/传播/传导→transmission n.

5. broadcast ①v. (broadcast/broadcast或-ed/-ed) ②n./c/→broadcasting n./u/

6. be sure/certain of/about…;be sure/certain to do sth;be sure/certain that-clause;make sure/certain + of sth/to do sth/that-clause;uncertain用法同certain;


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1. vt.出卖,背叛 2. n.小测验
3. vi.&vt.假装;装扮,扮作
4. adj.愉快的,高兴的;令人愉快的 5. n.洗手间,厕所
6. vt.&vi.请求,恳求;乞讨
7. vt.&vi.发誓;郑重承诺;咒骂,说脏话 8. vi.从事间谍活动;搜索情报n.间谍 9. 暗中监视,窥探
10. adv.真诚地,诚恳地,衷心地 11. vt.原谅,宽恕 12. adv.真诚地 13. n.童年,幼年
14. adj.极佳的;卓越的
15. vt.&vi.集中注意力于……;(使)聚焦 16. n.焦点;重点
17. n.速度;步伐;节奏 18. (与……)步调一致,(与……)同步 19. n.方式;态度,举止
20. adj.急坏的,糟糕的;恐怖的,令人震惊的21. adj.内疚的;有罪的
22. adj.伤人的;残酷的,残忍的 23. n.&vi.评论,谈论 24. vt.不喜欢,厌恶 25. vi.争吵,争论
26. adj.令人尴尬的,别扭的;笨拙的 27. adj.道歉
28. vt.&n.争吵,争执


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1 a teacher of great _________________ =

a very _____________ teacher 很有经验的老师

2 ________(an) assembly 参加集会

________ school 上学

3 ______/ make money 挣钱

_______/ make a/ one’s living谋生

4 ____ sb. ________ 为某人赢得尊敬_____/ have _________ for sb. 尊敬某人

5 _______ ... to(介词)...把时间/金钱/精力等用于

致力于/献身于/专心于/集中注意力于常考该形式be ____________ to

6 on (the) ______ 平均起来

an ________ student 中等生

the ________ size 平均规模

7It was a real struggle (_____) to be ready on time. struggle to do sth. ____________________ struggle ___ one's feet 挣扎着站


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M7 Unit 1

keep in touch with与……保持联系 evolution n.演变,发展;进化 device n.装置

drawback n.缺点,缺陷;不利条件

principle n.原理,法则;道德原则,行为准则 construct vt.制造;修筑,建造 delay vi. &vt.(使)推迟,延迟 black-and-white adj.黑白的 accessible adj.可使用的;可接触 satellite dish n.卫星电视碟形天线

distribute vt.使分布,分散;分发,分配;分销 percentage n.百分率,百分比

receiver n.无线电视接收机;听筒,受话器;接受者 tube n.管子;管状物;伦敦地铁 disc n.唱片;(计算机)磁盘

wind上 vi. &vt.发条;缠绕;蜿蜒,曲折 wind up上发条

component n.组成部分,成分,部件 eventually adv.最后,终于 portable adj.便携式的,轻便的 cassette n.盒式磁带,卡式磁带

digital adj.数学信息系统的,数码的,数字式的 VCD n.影


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accent n. 口音,腔调;着重点 accesss vt. 进入;使用

ahead adv. 在前面;提前,预先 aid n. & vt. 帮助 aircraft n. 飞机

airfield n. (军用)机场

alphabet n. 字母表,全部字母 analyse vt. 分析 Angle n. 盎格鲁人

anxious adj. 焦虑,忧虑 appearance n. 外观,外貌 approach vt. 靠近;着手处理 as a whole 作为整体,总体上 ash n. 灰,灰烬

aside adv. 除……之外 aside from 除……之外 attach vt. 把…附在…上 attract vt. 吸引

audience n. 观众,听众

aware adj. 意识到的,知道的 backwards adv. 向后;向反方向 bacon n. 熏猪肉,咸猪肉 ban vt. & n. 禁止;取缔 bark n. & vi. (狗)叫 basis n. 基础;基准;原因 battle n. & vi. 战斗

be made up of 由……组成(构成)beard n.

牛津译林版高中英语必修模块三 Unit1 Project 教学设计

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Unit1 Project教学设计

年级 组别 课 题 课标 要求 高一英语备课组 审阅 (备课组长) 审阅 (学科校长) 课 型 新授课

M3 Unit1 project 本节课是以听、说、读、为主的project教学课,理解鲨鱼和鸽子的一些知识。 1. Enable the students to master the structure of each text. 2. Get to know different types of sharks, shark attacks and how to 知识与能力 教 学 目 avoid shark attacks. 3. Master the reasons why pigeons can carry messages and find their way. 过程与方法 标 Self-study, comparative analytical method, inductive method and cooperative learning are adopted in teaching process. 情感、态度与价值To improve students’ abil