英语中对女性的称呼可谓丰富,且谐趣十足。这些称呼多用于口语,表现出称呼者对被称呼者的态度、情感以及彼此之间的微妙或显而易见的关系。 1、old hen老婆子
俗语,男性用语,专用于中年以上的女性。除开玩笑的场合外,女性不太欢迎这一称谓。因为“old hen”的字面意思是“老母鸡”。这一表达的来源是:从男人们的眼光来看,母鸡来回乱跑,凑在一起唧唧喳喳,或者互相对啄。Three old hens from the neighbored were standing on the corner gossiping.有三个邻居老婆子站在街角上说长道短。说到hen还要提到与hen相关的表达:hen-pecked怕老婆的,本义是“被母鸡啄的”。意思是“象软弱的公鸡经常被强壮的母鸡啄伤。男子慑于女性的淫威,表现得服服帖帖”。这个表达出自1690年德莱顿的喜剧《安菲特律翁》和1712发行的杂志《旁观者》。理解了上面的意思,那么hen party就不难理解为“女人的聚会”。后引申为凡是只有女人参加的社交性聚会都叫hen party。与它相对的是stag party雄鹿会,只有男子参加的聚会。
2、spring chicke
提供法律咨询服务 长江基建集团有限公司 李嘉诚基金会 中石化 戴文能源公司 油气开发
Weichai Group Ferretti Group Fosun
Folli Follie Group
outbound merger and acquisition (M&A); cross-border M&A; overseas M&A
provide legal consultancy services
Cheung Kong Infrastructure Holdings Ltd the Li Ka Shing Foundation
China Petrochemical Corporation (Sinopec Group) Devon Energy
oil and gas exploration 潍柴集团
法拉帝集团(欧洲豪华游艇设计制造公司) 复星国际(中国综合类民营企业集团)
芙丽芙丽集团(一家设计、制作和销售首饰、手表及时尚配饰的希腊公司) 光明乳业集团
提供法律咨询服务 长江基建集团有限公司 李嘉诚基金会 中石化 戴文能源公司 油气开发
Weichai Group Ferretti Group Fosun
Folli Follie Group
outbound merger and acquisition (M&A); cross-border M&A; overseas M&A
provide legal consultancy services
Cheung Kong Infrastructure Holdings Ltd the Li Ka Shing Foundation
China Petrochemical Corporation (Sinopec Group) Devon Energy
oil and gas exploration 潍柴集团
法拉帝集团(欧洲豪华游艇设计制造公司) 复星国际(中国综合类民营企业集团)
芙丽芙丽集团(一家设计、制作和销售首饰、手表及时尚配饰的希腊公司) 光明乳业集团
第一部分 口译基础理论和技巧 Basic Theories and Skills of Interpretation
第一章 口译基础知识 Basic Knowledge
口译(interpretation)与笔译(translation)作为翻译活动的两种实践形式,从本质上来讲都是在寻求原语(source language)与目标语(target language)之间的意义对等。翻译行为旨在“理解”一“话语篇章”,然后用另一种语言“重新表达”这一“话语篇章”。“话语篇章”从根本上来讲是语言知识同语言外知识结合的产物,是翻译的对象。“理解”离不开语言外知识,“重新表达”的质量也和译者的主题知识息息相关。口译和笔译的最终目的在于保证使用不同语言的人们之间顺利交际(交流),因此,翻译的重点应当着眼于原语与目标语之间的意义上对等,而并非是其语言形式上的机械对应。
2-1 机场迎宾 Greetings at the Airport 英译汉
A:先生,请问您是从伦敦来的泰莱克教授吗? Excuse me, sir; is this Prof. Tallack from London?
Yes, I’m Dai Jiajia, manager of Human Resources, the Haitong Group. I have been expecting you, Prof. Tallack.
A:我很高兴在我的家乡接待您。人人都说这是个一流的现代化国际机场。欢迎,欢迎。我们非常高兴您能成行啊。非常感激您不辞辛劳,在百忙中抽空来我海指导。 I’m very glad to have the pleasure of meeting you in my hometown. This is indeed a first-class international airport, as everybody says so. You’re welcome. We’re very happy that you ma
Speech of an international CEO at the provincial level forum in china Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, It is a great honor to be invited to speak at this forum of international development. As one of the first international retail enterprises that have settled in this province, we have set up 4 joint ventures with a total investment of rmb 3.5 billion yuan, and moreover, we have opened over 20 large-scale supermarkets in the major cities, last year we launched a plan to support small and medium suppliers in the
Speech of an international CEO at the provincial level forum in china Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, It is a great honor to be invited to speak at this forum of international development. As one of the first international retail enterprises that have settled in this province, we have set up 4 joint ventures with a total investment of rmb 3.5 billion yuan, and moreover, we have opened over 20 large-scale supermarkets in the major cities, last year we launched a plan to support small and medium suppliers in the
Speech of an international CEO at the provincial level forum in china Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, It is a great honor to be invited to speak at this forum of international development. As one of the first international retail enterprises that have settled in this province, we have set up 4 joint ventures with a total investment of rmb 3.5 billion yuan, and moreover, we have opened over 20 large-scale supermarkets in the major cities, last year we launched a plan to support small and medium suppliers in the
口 译 材 料
Lecture 1: 基本语言技巧 对译
1. 美国是最发达的资本主义国家,中国是最大的发展中国家。
The United States is the most developed country and China is the largest developing country. 2. 中华民族是由五十六个民族组成的大家庭。
The Chinese nation is a big family composed of 56 ethnic groups. 3. 新中国的成立,标志着中华民族实现了空前的大团结。
The founding of the People’s Republic of China marked an unprecedented great unity of the Chinese nation.
对译:除了添加一些语法词(a, the, and)外,英语的句子结构与汉语相比没有做任何变化,只是将汉语词汇变为英语词汇,必要时将词或者短语的顺序做了调整,这种不改变原文结构,仅在必要时调整语序的翻译方法,我们称之为“对译”。
对译要求译者具有四个方面的基本功:1. 词汇
1.3 美国副总统复旦演讲
1.4 Speech by Wang Guangya at Princeton University
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Good evening.
I am honored to be invited to your seminar tonight. For me, for my colleagues and for many other Chinese, Princeton has long been a familiar name. With a history longer than the country, it ha