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2014年7月12日 (社会话题)年轻人是否适合政府岗位

题目:Some people think young people are not suitable for important positions in the government,while other people think it is a good idea for young people to take on these positions. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

There is a debate about whether young generation is qualified for important positions in the government. In this essay, I will discuss the viewpoints of both supporters and opponents and give my own opinion.

It is generally believed that young people are immature


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2014年7月12日 (社会话题)年轻人是否适合政府岗位

题目:Some people think young people are not suitable for important positions in the government,while other people think it is a good idea for young people to take on these positions. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

There is a debate about whether young generation is qualified for important positions in the government. In this essay, I will discuss the viewpoints of both supporters and opponents and give my own opinion.

It is generally believed that young people are immature


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雅思教父刘洪波2010权威作品 《最简化雅思写作》


从零开始,单词、词组、句式、思想 完全应对官方四大评分标准 最新研发最简化15句写作框架模板 涵盖雅思题库各类型高分范文 幽默通俗的语言手把手教出写作高分 中国区前任雅思考官强力推荐

1. 旅游

International travel is becoming cheaper, and countries are opening their doors to more and more tourists. Do the advantages of increased tourism outweigh its disadvantages?

Air travel combined with early retirement and people with mo

雅思G类小作文范文 雅思书信写作 网络购物.doc

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You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. 请花二十分钟完成此项任务

You recently ordered a small item online but when it arrived it was damaged. 你最近在上网购买了一个小产品,但是当产品运到的时候发现已经损坏了。

Write a letter to the company that sold you the item. In your letter:写一封信给卖你产品的那个公司。在信中:

give details about the order you made 给出具体你购买的订单细节

explain what was wrong with the item 解释一下产品哪里出了问题

tell the company wh


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2019-03-08: Task 2

There is increase of noise in our daily lives nowadays. Why is this a problem? What can be done to reduce it?

Most of us are very used to sound we hear in everyday life. Loud music, Television, People talking to each other or even pet barking in the middle of night. All of these are become of part of urban culture and rarely disturb us because these sounds are increasing dramatically and causing problem because of following reasons.

First of all, most of industries use big machines which are c


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2019-03-08: Task 2

There is increase of noise in our daily lives nowadays. Why is this a problem? What can be done to reduce it?

Most of us are very used to sound we hear in everyday life. Loud music, Television, People talking to each other or even pet barking in the middle of night. All of these are become of part of urban culture and rarely disturb us because these sounds are increasing dramatically and causing problem because of following reasons.

First of all, most of industries use big machines which are c


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Developing countries require help offered by international organizations

1.to ensure healthy and sustainable development. Some people think that

financial aid is important. Others believe practical aid and advice is more

important. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

It is not rare to see international organizations give financial aid or other forms of assistance to impoverished nations to support their economic, environmental, social, and political development. Conflicting ideas clash in

whether or not finan


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Nowadays both scientists and tourists can go to remote natural environments such as the South Pole. Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages? 雅思大作文题目分析: 1、题型:利弊分析类议论文

2、同义替换:distant and isolated/ remote areas/ unpopulated areas


而本题的难处在于必须分开科学家与观光客,二者并不能相提并论。如果不提及科学家也就等于冒跑题的风险,不提观光客的则寸步难行。 4.本文结构分析:




Conclusion:重申个人观点。 雅思大作

剑桥雅思10之G类写作范文解析 - 图文

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题目:You are going to another country to study. You would like to do a part-time job while you are studying, so you want to ask a friend who lives there for some help.

Write a letter to this friend. In your letter

Give details of yo


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As the world becomes technologically advanced, computers are replacing more and more jobs.

Describe some job positions that may be lost because of computers, and discuss at least one problem that may result.

Model Answer:

When computers first made their way into the business sector, everyone believed that they would make people's jobs easier. What was not expected was that computers would eliminate jobs. Besides contributing to une