

高中英语《Unit2 Working the land》教案 新人教版必修4

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Unit 2 Working the land


The emphasis of this period will be placed on reviewing the important new words, expressions and sentence patterns in the parts Warming up, Pre-reading, Reading and Comprehending. In order to make students grasp and use these important points thoroughly.

2. 学情分析

Our Ss don’t like even hate to memorize words and language points; however they are the fundamental of learning English. This class will help them to memorize language points by exercises.

3. 教学目标


1). Get Ss to go over the useful new w


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Book2, Unit2 单元基础检测题


1.The players have to_______________ (竞争) against each other for winning the gold medal. 2. __________________(现今), more and more people enjoy travailing around.

3.The newspaper has lots of ____________________ (广告) , which help us to find a good job. 4. You can get even better deals if you are prepared to _________________(讨价还价). 5. The reporter tried to _________________(采访) more people to collect more information.

6. It is agreed that the Japanese leaders should take ________________

人教版高中英语必修四Unit2 Reading 教案

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Unit 2 Working the land



Teaching aims

Knowledge aims:

1)words and expressions: sunburn, struggle, super, expand, circulate, equip, export, rid ... of, be satisfied with, lead a ... life, search for, would rather, thanks to, with the hope of, rather than

2)important sentences;

3)knowledge of the topic: to learn sth. About Yuan Longping and his great achievement

Ability aims:

1) Get students to learn and master the important words and phrases in this part

2) Enable students com prehend Dr. Yuan’s work and life a


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Part 1. Warming up

1. How many countries competed in the ancient Olympic Games? compete vi.比赛;竞争 常用搭配:

compete in...在某一方面竞争 compete for...为...而竞争

compete with/against... 与...竞争

How many runners will be competing in the marathon?有多少运动员参加马拉松赛跑? The two teams compete for the championship. 那两队要争当冠军。

He believed that nobody could compete with him. 他相信没有人能与他抗衡。 词汇扩展: competition n.competitive adj.competitor n.比赛者;对手

The students competed ____ the honor of winning ____ each other _____ the school sports meet


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Unit 2 Cultural relics课文填空

1. A cultural relic is something that has survived (survive) for a long time. 2. It is your job to look into (调查) any reports of cultural relics that have been found (find) in China. 3. You are sent to a small town where(引导词)you find a relic that was stolen (steal) from a palace. 4. The man who has it insists that it belongs to (属于) his family。

5. Think of a cultural relic you know about. How would you feel if it got lost (lose). 6. Although (连词) the amber feels as hard as stone, it easily melts w

人教版高中英语必修四教案:unit2 Language points learning(2)

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单元(章节)Unit2 Working the land 课题 本节课题 Language points learning(2) Master useful words and expressions such as confuse, regret, build up , lead to, reduce, 课标要求 comment, keep…free from. 1. Learn to use the useful words and expressions in the reading passage. 三维目标 2. Learn the usage of some difficult sentences 3. Train the students’ ability of using the language points correctly. 教材分析 学情分析 教学重难点 提炼的课题 教学手段运用 textbook reference book 教学资源选择 教 学 过 程 环节 学生要解决的问题或任务 1.Check the students’ homework by dictating some Ste

人教版高中英语必修4精品教案Unit2 Working the land

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Unit2 Working the land Vocabulary and Useful Expressions


1. In many ways, he is one of them, and he struggled for the past five decades to help them. In a way; in one way; in some ways 在某种程度上

2.However, he cares little about spending the money on himself or leading a comfortable life. care v. 在乎,在意,喜欢,有兴趣 spend sth. … on … 在某方面花费 spend … (in) doing sth. 花费…做某事

3.Wishing for nothing, however, costs nothing.

wishing for nothing 动名词短语做主语,谓语动词用单数。however是插入语,表示语气的一种转折。

4.It also refers to crops

人教高中英语 必修一unit2教案

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Module 1 Unit 2 English around the world


本单元主要围绕English around the world这一主题介绍了英语的使用情况、发展情况及各地不同的方言。

第二单元English around the world的设计可分为五部分。第一部分learn something about words and expressions;第二部分warming up and reading;第三部分the structure which expresses commands and requests;第四部分using language;第五部分 writing and speaking; ●课时安排

本单元教学可分为6个课时。第一课时vocabulary;第二课时为reading;第三课时为language points;第四课时为grammar;第五课时为using language;第六课时为writing and speaking;第七课时为revision

The First Period Words and expressions

Teaching aims :

1. Know th

高中英语 Unit2 the olympic games period教学设计2 新人教版必

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Period 2 A lesson plan for Learning about Language

(The Future Passive Voice) Introduction

In this period students will be given a dictation. Then they shall go on to discover useful words and expressions and to learn about word formation. After that they may be helped to discover and use useful structures: the future passive voice. Objectives

To help students build their word power by means of word formation To help students understand and use the future passive voice Procedures

1. Warming up by having a dictation

There ar

新人教版高中英语Book7 《Unit2 Reading》导学案

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新人教版高中英语Book7 《Unit2 Reading》导学案 教材分析

本单元以机器人和科幻小说为话题,介绍了20世纪世界知名的科幻小说家Isaac Asimov写于1951的Satisfaction Guaranteed 和作者的生平。通过本单元的教学,旨在让学生了解科幻小说最大的特征在于:它赋予了“幻想”依靠科技在未来得以实现的极大可能,甚至有些“科学幻想”在多年以后,的确在科学上成为了现实。如Isaac Asimov1951年描述的机器人的部分功能已经被应用于现实生活和工作中。在教学中,要鼓励学生敢于幻想,大胆创新,发挥自己丰富的想象力和创作力,写出独具特色的科幻文章。

1 Warming Up介绍了什么是机器人和不同种类及不同形状的机器人。

1.2 Pre-reading 通过讨论机器人是否像人类一样有自己的思维、是否有感情引出Isaac Asimov的科幻小说Satisfaction Guaranteed,为本单元的Reading做好了铺垫。

1.3 Reading的课文是Isaac Asimov写于1951的科幻小说Satisfaction Guaranteed。文中描述的机器人Tony是一个除去面无表情外,身材高大、相貌英俊、聪明机