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Book 3 Module 1

一. 词组

1. 穿过大陆across the continent

2. 从屋子对面 across the room from behind the door 3. 面对be faced with

4. 位于be located in / on / to 5. 签署合同sign a contract 6. 就……而言in terms of 7. 渐渐的,逐渐的step by step

8. along the coast on the coast 9. off the coast 10. in terms of 11. on behalf of 12. in favor of 13. of all time 二. 短语和句型

1. What’s she like? She is thin. She is warm-hearted 2. What’s the weather like?

3. We haven’t heard from her ever since. 4. We haven’t heard from her since 1995. 5. We haven’t hea

外研版高一英语必修12 短语 2

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(外研版)高一英语必修1 短语

Module 1

1. in other words 换句话说 2. look forward to doing期待;盼望 3. at the start of 在?开始的时候 4. at the end of 在?结束的时候 5. go to college 上大学

6. be divided into 被(划)分成? 7. take part in 参加

8. the difference between A and B A和B之间的区别 be different from? 不同于? 9. be similar to 和?相似 10. write down 写下;记下 11. nothing like 一点儿也不像 12. have fun 过的愉快 make fun of? 取笑/嘲弄? 13. A+be+?times+as+adj+as+B A+be+?times+


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Module 1

1. have......in common with 有相同的特点 23. attempt to do =make an attempt to do 2. in common 共同的

3. in common with 和......一样 4. make a(much,no) difference 有(很大,没有)影响 5. differ from 与......不同 6. differ in 在某方面不同

7. tell the differences between A and B 辨别A和B的不同

8. It is clear/obvious that...... 很显然 9. get around 四处走动 10. at a flick of 轻轻一弹

11. compare......to/with与......相比较 12. lead to=result in 导致 13. switch off /on 关掉/打开 14. vary......from 变化

15. a variety of各种各样的 16. in favour of 同意,支持 17. be simil

外研版英语必修三 Module 3 The Violence of Nature

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Book Ⅲ Module 3 The Violence of Nature

PeriodⅠ Mar.

Ⅰ. Introduction

1. Do exercise 1 on page21

2. Translate the words and phrases into Chinese.

(1)一道闪电 (2)经历一场洪灾

(3)指的是,查阅 (4)灾难 (5)飓风 Ⅱ. Reading and vocabulary 1. Do exercise 2 on page 22 2. Answer the following questions.

(1)Which of the following descriptions about tornado is


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* 词组:1.Tidy up 收拾,整理 2.take up占用(时间空间) 3.be interested in 对…感兴趣 (interesting 有趣的) 4.as well as 并且,还

I like playing football as well as playing basketball. 5.such as 比如 6 as a result 结果.

7. come out 出版;开花;出来; 真相大白 8. give an interview 接受采访,做访谈 9. in the future 在未来(一般将来时) 10. make sure 确保 11. grow vegetables种蔬菜 12. be good at sth./doing sth. 13. …的收集品 collect stamps集邮

14. at the end of… at the beginning of… 15. develop interests 发展兴趣 16. useful skills 有用的技能 乐器加the 18. all the time 总是,一直 1


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2012—2013英语必修3外研版Module 3导学案(重点短语、句型总结)

Book 3 Module 3

1. pick up

2. put down 3. take off


4. leave…where it is

5. affect the east coast of the US from Texas to Maine 6. five-meter high waves 7. hit/strike the city 8. end up in end up with 9. move to 10. come out of… 11. set fire to

12. catch fire 13. manage to do=succeed in doing区分

try to do

14. put out 15. according to… 16. f


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专题01 外研版必修一高频短语

Module 1

1.be enthusiastic about/over/for 对...热心

…with enthusiasm 热心的

2.give instructions to sb. about sth.给予…关于…的指导

follow one’s instructions 跟随某人指令

under the instructions/directions of sb. 在某人的指导下

3.method with=in the way=by the means/by all means ...的方法

by no means 绝不

4.take attitude to/towards sb/sth 对...的态度

take attitude to/towards doing sth. 对待做...的态度

5.be fluent in 在...方面很流利

6.be similar to 与...相似

be similar in 在...方面相似

7.nothing but=only 仅仅,只不过

8.something like 类似于

nothing like 丝毫不像

9.introduce sb (to sb) (把某人)介绍给某人i


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必修四 Module 1 brick 砖 concrete 混凝土 mud 泥

alternative 替换的 crime 罪行 for sure 肯定地 prediction 预测 risky 危险的,冒险的 resource 资源[pl]

look out 小心,当return 往返票 心

optimistic 乐观的

explore 探索 roadwork 道路施工[pl]

mind reader 能看透别人心思的人

conscious 自觉

switch off关上,地




keep cool保持eyebrow 眉毛

definitely 无疑地


eventually 最后

blow 吹响



for a start 首先 on the way out

react 反应

hug 紧抱 bend 弯下腰 wrist 手腕 lip 嘴唇 ankle 脚踝

run out (某物)用完,即将被淘汰,即将solution 解答,答stare 盯着看 不多了 material 材料 rely 依赖,依靠 rely on 依靠 solar 太阳的


colony 殖民地



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必修四 Module 1 brick 砖 concrete 混凝土 mud 泥

alternative 替换的 crime 罪行 for sure 肯定地 prediction 预测 risky 危险的,冒险的 resource 资源[pl]

look out 小心,当return 往返票 心

optimistic 乐观的

explore 探索 roadwork 道路施工[pl]

mind reader 能看透别人心思的人

conscious 自觉

switch off关上,地




keep cool保持eyebrow 眉毛

definitely 无疑地


eventually 最后

blow 吹响



for a start 首先 on the way out

react 反应

hug 紧抱 bend 弯下腰 wrist 手腕 lip 嘴唇 ankle 脚踝

run out (某物)用完,即将被淘汰,即将solution 解答,答stare 盯着看 不多了 material 材料 rely 依赖,依靠 rely on 依靠 solar 太阳的


colony 殖民地


外研版高三英语一轮复习必修1 - 图文

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My teachers and fellow students,

In 1.a couple of weeks,we'll say goodbye to our mother school.How time flies!①Now It's really hard for me to put my feelings into words.The past three years has been really a wonderful journey,2.full of laughter and tears.

To make the journey safe and fruitful,our great teachers 3.contributed their time,energy,love and the whole heart.Here,we 4.are extremely grateful for all that you,dear teachers,have done for us.

②It'll soon be the time for us to depart,though unwillingly.But it is n