考核课程: 《计算机专业英语》 考试类型: 理论 考试方式: 闭卷笔试 学生所在院系: 计科系 年 级: 2006级 试 卷: A
姓名: 班级: 学号:
题号 得分 得分 阅卷人 一 二 三 四 五 六 总分 一、Give out the full names for the following abbreviations(写出下列缩写词的全称)(15%)
ROM_______________________________________________ CPU_________________________________________________ BIOS_________________________________________________ IT_________________________________
班级: 姓名密 : 学 号 :封 试 题 共线 页 加白纸一张 alfsixslwo
广东海洋大学 2009—— 2010学年第 一 学期
《 计算机专业英语 》课程试题
□ 考试 √ A卷 √ 闭卷 课程号: √ 考查 □ B卷 □ 开卷 题 号 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十 总分 阅卷教师 各题分数 30 40 30 100 实得分数
Ⅰ. Vocabulary(词汇)(30分)
(一) Translate the following words and expressions into Chinese(写出下列词组的汉语。)(共10分,每题1分)
1.central processing unit(CPU) 2.operating system
3.electronic spreadsheet 4.management inform
1. oxidizing agent——氧化剂
2. activated sludge——活性污泥
3. water purification——水净化
4. protozoa——原生动物
5. nitrogen dioxide——二氧化氮
6. phosphate——磷酸盐
7. the dew point——露点8. food additives——食品添加剂
9. chemical plant——化工厂10.primary air pollutant——一次大气污染物
11.qualitative analysis——定性分析12.environmental problem——环境问题
13.incomplete combustion——不完全燃烧14.photochemical oxidants——光化学氧化剂
15.suspented solid——悬浮固体16.气布比——air to cloth ratio
17.一氧化碳——carbon monoxide 18.酵母——yeast
19.紫外线——ultraviolet light 20.反向渗透——reverse osmosis
21.水资源——water resource 22.有机物质—
一、单选题 (每题1分,共 20分)
1. Which of the following statements about accounting concepts or assumptions are correct? 1) The money measurement assumption is that items in accounts are initially measured at their historical cost.
2) In order to achieve comparability it may sometimes be necessary to override the prudence concept.
3) To facilitate comparisons between different entities it is helpful if accounting policies and changes in them are disclosed.
4) To comply with the law, the legal form of a transaction must
第一单元 轿车简述
Exercise 1
1. F 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. T.
Exercise 2
1. 小旅行车 2. original cost 3. 中型轿车 4. gas mileage 5. 维
6. maintenance access 7. 四门轿车 8. test stand 9. 油槽 10. mounting part
Exercise 3
1. financial 2. compact 3. wheelbase 4. approximately 5. back seats
6. crash-protection 7. economy-minded 8. trade-off 9. trunk 10. powerful
Exercise 4
1. have been developed into many different body styles befitting their varied uses. 2. provide the best ha
I. Reading Comprehension
Passage One
We typically think of folkways and mores as having considerable durability, as being relatively fixed and slow to change. Yet we often yearn for something new, for variety and novelty. At first it may seem impossible that this desire could be satisfied through norms, since norms emphasize conformity. Yet curiously, we mange to be conformists even when we seek change. We achieve this strange outcome by a set of norms that demand some measure of conformity
I. Reading Comprehension
Passage One
If leadership, basically speaking, consists of getting things done through others, then persuasion is one of the leader’s essential tools. Many executives have assumed that this tool is beyond their grasp, available only to the charismatic (有魅力的) and the eloquent. Over the past several decades, though, experimental psychologists have learned which methods reliably lead people to compromise, dissent, or change. Their research shows that persuasion is governed by
<1>Every nation has a set of rules, either written or------- 36 What is the passage mainly about? A Rules of a society.
37According to the passage, laws and manners---- A Are not inflexible.
38which of the following is---- D the third paragraph mainly--- 39what is implied in-- C,Only those whose --
40 what is closest in weaning---
<2>when we think of creative people the ------ 41 In the author^ view,----- D creative thinking is---
42What is NOT mention as ---- B.Evaluating new products
43.What does cre
《财会专业英语》期 终 试卷
I.Put the following into corresponding groups. (15 points)
1.Cash on hand 2.Notes receivable 3.Advances to suppliers 4. Other receivables 5.Short-term loans 6.Intangible assets 7.Cost of production 8.Current year profit 9. Capital reserve 10.Long-term loans 11.Other payables 12. Con-operating expenses 13.Financial expenses 14.Cost of sale 15. Accrued payroll Assets Liabilities Owner’s equtiy
II. Please find the best answers to the following que
物流专业英语 试卷、答案
1.Container transport 2.International freight forwarding agent 3.Order cycle time 4.Inventory turnover 5.Environmental logistics 6.Carrying cost 7.Material handling 8.Demand forecasting 9.Reverse logistics