

大学英语之基础英语综合教程第二册unit 2 Key to Exercises

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Unit 2 The Virtues of Growing Older

Key to exercises: Vocabulary exercises: I. Explain the italicized part in each sentence in your own words. 1. are likely to

2. break up / disintegrate 3. as a whole

4. powerless against / completely controlled by 5. not surprising / only too natural

II. Fill in the blank in each sentence with a word or phrase taken from the box in its appropriate form. 1. delay

2. Feverishly 3. facade 4. confronted 5. premise 6. dreaded

7. automatically 8. awaiting

III. Fill in the bl

大学英语之基础英语综合教程第二册Unit 1 Key to Exercises

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Key to exercises: Vocabulary exercises: I. Explain the italicized part in each sentence in your own words. 1. in flames = burning

2. a matter of geography = something, a situation or a circumstance, that is dependent on one’s location the building 3. off and on = in an intermittent manner 4. give you a hand = help you

5. so far, so good = things are satisfactory up to this point

II. Fill in the blank in each sentence with a word or phrase taken from the box in its appropriate form. 1. scoffed 2. dilemma 3. collapsed 4. p

大学英语之基础英语综合教程第二册unit 2 Key to Exercises

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Unit 2 The Virtues of Growing Older

Key to exercises: Vocabulary exercises: I. Explain the italicized part in each sentence in your own words. 1. are likely to

2. break up / disintegrate 3. as a whole

4. powerless against / completely controlled by 5. not surprising / only too natural

II. Fill in the blank in each sentence with a word or phrase taken from the box in its appropriate form. 1. delay

2. Feverishly 3. facade 4. confronted 5. premise 6. dreaded

7. automatically 8. awaiting

III. Fill in the bl


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1.London is a very cosmopolitan city伦敦是个非常国际化的大城市。

2. Her mother grew up in the hectic urbon environment.她的母亲是在一种喧嚣的都市环境中长大的。

3 .New York is supposed to be very touristy.纽约被认为是一个充满旅游特色的城市。

4 .The city where I lived a few years ago was dynamic one.我几年前住过的那个城市是一个充满活力的城市。

5. Thetrain was crowded.那班火车非常拥挤。

6. The English often drink tea.英国人经常喝茶。

7 .The earth moves around the sun.地球围绕太阳转。

8 .Last year, I often went to the library of that university.去年我常去那所大学的图书馆。

9 .He left ten minutes ago.他十分钟前离开了。

10. Where did you got last night.昨晚你去哪


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1.那部关于古代战争的电影采用了先进的技术,令观众仿佛身临其境。( illusion )

Thanks to modern technology , the film about that ancient battle gives the audience the illusion of being on the battlefield themselves .


That ancient city was devastated by the fire , but fortunately the stone tablet survived .

3.他们看了那段录像,听了那位妇女的讲述,心里充满了对那位地震孤儿的同情。(fill with)

The videotape and the story by the woman filled them with sympathy for the child who had become an orphan in the earthquake .



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?Textbook Study




without thinking

without learning






The wise are active

the humane endure 4)




who know the truth who delight in it


Text B









The dictionary defines harmony as “the state of being together in a pleasing way so that each part goes well with the others.”

To me, harmony means the peaceful relations with other people.


Harmony could be found in the warm atmosphere at home. While there may be quarrels, you love each other and care

新世纪大学英语综合教程第二册Unit 5答案

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Listen and Respond

Task One Focusing on the Main Ideas

Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences according to the information contained in the listening passage. 1 The philosophy professor began his lesson by ________. A) asking the students to be well seated B) playing a game with the students

C) asking the students to do a test on philosophy

D) filling a large and empty glass bottle with rocks

2 The professor put the items into the jar in the order of ________. A) rocks, beer, sand and pebbles

新世纪大学英语综合教程第二册Unit 6答案

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Listen and Respond

Task One Focusing on the Main Ideas

Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences according to the information contained in the listening passage. 1 The speaker believes that our success in life lies in ________.

A) working well with other people B) being a great player in a team

C) working with a great player like Michael Jordan D) performing a specific role in a team

2 The speaker cites Michael Jordan as an example because ________. A) Michael Jordan plays a very important role i

新世纪大学英语综合教程第二册Unit 3答案

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Listen and Respond

Task One Focusing on the Main Ideas

Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences according to the information contained in the listening passage. 1 One day in school Monty Roberts was asked to ________. A) write a term paper about the courses he learned

B) write about his dream of the future C) describe a horse ranch

D) draw a picture of a horse ranch

2 Monty Roberts’ goal was to become ________. A) a horse trainer like his father

B) a painter who draws horses and horse ranches


新世纪大学英语综合教程第二册Unit 5答案

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Listen and Respond

Task One Focusing on the Main Ideas

Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences according to the information contained in the listening passage. 1 The philosophy professor began his lesson by ________. A) asking the students to be well seated B) playing a game with the students

C) asking the students to do a test on philosophy

D) filling a large and empty glass bottle with rocks

2 The professor put the items into the jar in the order of ________. A) rocks, beer, sand and pebbles