homophones are often employed

“homophones are often employed”相关的资料有哪些?“homophones are often employed”相关的范文有哪些?怎么写?下面是小编为您精心整理的“homophones are often employed”相关范文大全或资料大全,欢迎大家分享。


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0 acts axe 1 ad add 2 adds ads

3 adherence adherents 4 admittanceadmittants 5 adolescence adolescents 6 aerie airy 7 affect effect 8 affects effects 9 aid aide 10 aides aids 11 ail ale 12 ails ales 13 air heir 14 airs heirs 15 all awl

16 allowed aloud 17 allude elude 18 alludes eludes 19 altar alter 20 altars alters 21 amend emend 22 amends emends 23 analyst annalist 24 analysts annalists 25 ant aunt 26 ante anti 27 ants aunts

28 apatite appetite 29 apatites appetites 30 appose o

NCE2 lesson 18 He often does this

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Welcome to WisdomJack 136 3147 9420 wisdomjack@http://www.77cn.com.cn


Memo: Hand in your composition Check your parents’ signatures


Getting to know each other Self-introductionName, interests, school, and so on.


Everyday English1. It’s terrible! 太糟糕了!/ 太可怕了! 2. Give me a break! 饶了我吧! 3. I can’t help it! 我情不自禁!


Everyday English 1. Catch you later, buddy! 稍后联系你,兄弟! 2. Between us! 你知,我知 3. Watch your mouth. 注意言辞



unit2 How often do you exercise

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Section A


Did you enjoy your last weekend? Was it interesting? What did you do on the last weekend?

Cooperation and translation Cooperation and translation 1.Help with housework 2. Go shopping 3.Watch TV 4.Read a book 5.Surf the internet 6.Visit a friend 7.I always go to school at 7o’clock. 8.I usually listen to the music in the grassland. 9.Mike hardy ever eats noodle.

1. _________ 1a Look at the picture. Make a list of the weekend _______ 2. __________ activities.3.with _________ help 4. __________ hous

100最易读错的单词短语 - Most - Often - Mispronounced - Words

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100 Most Often Mispronounced Words and

Phrases in English

Now that Dr. Language has provided a one-stop cure for the plague of misspelling, here are the 100 words most often mispronounced English words (\rules in English even if they are difficult to understand, so pronouncing a word correctly usually does help you spell it correctly. Several common errors are the result of rapid speech, so take your time speaking, correctly enunciating each word. Careful speech and avid reading are the best guides to correct spelling.


Unit 1 How often do you exercise (Section B 3a)教学设计

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新世纪教育网 http://www.77cn.com.cn 精品资料 版权所有@新世纪教育网

新世纪教育网 -- 中国最大型、最专业的中小学教育资源门户网站。 版权所有@新世纪教育网 八年级英语教学案

授课时间: 主备人:Lei Qiuhui 授课人: 初审: 终审: 课题 Unit 1 How often do

you exercise ? 课时 The fourth period 课型 Listening and

speaking II

1. To talk about lifestyle in the Simple Present Tense.

用一般现在时谈论生活方式。 2. To master how-questions. 掌握how many and how often 引导的特殊疑问句。 3. To describe one ’s lifestyle. 学会描述某个人的生活方式。 4. To develop a healthy lifestyle and enjoy a happy life. 拥有健康的生活方式,享受幸福人生。 重

1. To t

module 8 unit 1 Do you often tidy your room 说课

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本次说课针对的是小学英语新标准教材第十一册 Module 8 Unit 1 Do you often tidy your room? 内含本课的教学设计

Module 8 Unit 1一次备课

一、 Warmer:

T :Hello,boys and girls. Nice to meet you. And I want to make friends with you . (小组评价使用小粘贴)I will introduce myself. I often read books and I often read stories….Do you know this word “often”?(教授单词often)

T: And I often tidy my room. So my room is very tidy.(让学生观察这两个tidy的区别,并教授单词tidy。) It s not messy.(教授单词messy)

T:Boys and girls , do you often tidy your room?(板书)

Ss:Yes,I do./ No, I don t.

T: Do you often read books?....

八年级英语How often do you exercise测试题及答案

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八年级英语How often do you exercise测试题及答案 Unit1 How often do you exercise? ☆重点归纳☆ 话题 Free time activities 谈论业余时间的活动 功能 项目 Talk about how often you do things 谈论做事的频率

词汇 1.adverbs of frequency频度副词: always 总是,usually通常,often时常,sometimes有时,hardly ever几乎不,never从不,once 一次,twice 两次 2.food and drinks食品和饮料: milk 牛奶, coffee咖啡, cola可乐, chocolate巧克力, junk food垃圾食品 3.although 虽然 4.difference差异、不同 5.program 节目、程序 6.interviewer采访者

短语 1.how often 多久一次2. three times a week一周三次 3. every day 每天4. as for 关于、至于 5.on weekdays 在周末 6. surf t

外研版英语6上Module 8 Unit 2 I often go swimming.

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Module 8 Unit 2 I often go swimming.教案


知识与技能:always, sometimes, often, never



【难点】:程度副词的用法:always, often, sometimes and never.





2.练习使用often 。



2.告诉学生:在今天的课文中,大家将了解到另外一些孩子的爱好和行为习惯。我们学习了用often 表示“常常做某事”,那么,“总是做某事”和“从不做某事”应当怎样表达呢?


1.出示SB第二单元活动1的图片,向学生介绍其中的人物,然后引导学生尽可能多的说出图片中的人物在做什么?如;This is Xiaoyu .

2013秋八年级英语上册 - Unit - 2 - How - often - do - you - e

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Unit 2 How often do you exercise?

Period 1 Section A 1a-2c

学习目标 知识目标 1, 口.笔头掌握以下句型

A: What do you usually do on weekends? B :I usually exercise . A: What does he do on weekends ? B:He sometimes watches TV. A:How often does he surf the Internet?

B:He surfs the internet once/twice /three times a week.

2熟练掌握以下词汇:exercise , hardly , ever , once , twice , time, Internet, program. 3.灵活运用以what 开头的一般现在时的特殊疑问句。 4.用how often 对动作频率进行提问,并掌握其答语。

技能目标:听懂用一般现在时谈论人们经常做某事的对话并熟练运用目标句型进行会话。 情感态度:通过学习,培养健康意识及良好的生活习惯。 课前准

人教版英语八年级上册unit 2 how often do you exercise 单元语

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Unit 2 How often do you exercise?单元语法小专题(Grammar Focus)






I am always busy with my work.我总是忙于我的工作。

Susan doesn't usually eat breakfast at school.苏珊在学校通常不吃早饭。

He sometimes gets up at 5:30.=Sometimes he gets up at half past five.他有时五点三十分起床。


once/twice a week一周一次/两次

three times a day一天三次

every day/week/year每天/星期/年


5.当对频度副词或表示事件发生频率的短语提问时,常用how often,意为“多久一次”。如:—How often