Culture of AmericaThe Statue of Liberty Apple computer,inc.
The Statue of liberty--symbolof America and freedom
The Statue of LibertyLiberty Enlightening the World alias. The statue of liberty which is presented to America as a gift of 100th anniversary of America dependence by France was dedicated on an island in Upper New York Bay in 1886.
Apple Computer,inc.--think different
APPLE COMPANY where focus and maricles happens.
A company,which has created a series of great products.These products has changed and is still changing t
英國創意產業-the regional dimension報告人:紀伯穎
英國創意產業之定義及範疇定義:那些源自個人創意、技能和才幹 的活動,通過知識產權的生成與利用, 而有潛力創造財富和就業機會。 範疇:廣告、建築、藝術與古董市場、 工藝、設計、流行設計與時尚、電影與 錄影帶、休閒軟體遊戲、音樂、表演藝 術、出版、軟體與電腦服務業、電視與 廣播等十三類。
英國文化組織架構文化媒體體育部 地區秘書處 特別顧問
Government Offices(政府辦公室) Regional Development Agencies(地區發展局) Regional Cultural Consortium(地區文化聯盟) Arts Council England(英格蘭藝術協會) Regional business support organisations(地 區性商業支援組織):Smal
Western students enjoy a seemingly relaxed educational experience. This, however, is not the case for students in Asia, who face crushing workloads and are often very disciplined. In the first part of her Globalist.
The decision is partly based on an inability — or unwillingness — to spend thousands of dollars in tuition fees, especially given the suspicion that local schools are better anyway. After all, what more could one want from a basic education than a strong grounding in language, math and science,
the common wealth of Nations
the group of seven,USA,France,UK,German y,Italy,Canada,Ja
1 London ,government ,finance,culture,cen ture
2.1 AD 1st tribal kingdoms
2.2 43AD Roman Empire(E W)
2.3 Angles and Saxon , King Arthur ,round table(S)
2.4 8c ,Scandinavia ,Vikings,King Alfred the Great(ews)
2.5 1066 Williams the Conqueror(e w). The Tower of London
3 Robin Hood outlaw
4 a gap of 11 years ,Oliver Grownwell
5 William of Orange and Mary 2
1 Glasgow and Edinburgh.
2 Hadrian's wall
3 Macbeth
4 1609 Queen E
英国文学 欧美文化电影赏析
That's Chicago, but that's not only Chicago
Historically, Chinese calligraphy and politics were closely intertwined.
The new, simplified characters made writing calligraphy less complicated.
Most emperors were good at calligraphy.
Examinations provided a way for ordinary people to achieve a better life.
Many people practice calligraphy as a wayto keep fit.
It`s interesting that Chinese paintings can be created on the spot.
They like to give meaning to the subjects they paint.
It doesn`t take a lot of training to paint landscapes
It all depends on the painter`s pe
Historically, Chinese calligraphy and politics were closely intertwined.
The new, simplified characters made writing calligraphy less complicated.
Most emperors were good at calligraphy.
Examinations provided a way for ordinary people to achieve a better life.
Many people practice calligraphy as a wayto keep fit.
It`s interesting that Chinese paintings can be created on the spot.
They like to give meaning to the subjects they paint.
It doesn`t take a lot of training to paint landscapes
It all depends on the painter`s pe
1. What is Literature?
Literature refers to the practice and profession of writing. It comes from human interest in telling a story, in arranging words in artistic forms, in describing in words some aspects of human experiences. Literature is characterized by beauty of expression and form and by university of intellectual and emotional appeal.
Literature shows us not only what a society is like in a certain age, but also what individuals feel about it, what they hope from it, and how they can change it or escape from it.
I. Multiple choice.
7. The English Renaissance period was an age of ______. A. poetry and drama C. novel and poetry
B. drama and novel D. romance and poetry
2. Renaissance first started in _______, with the flowering of the fields of painting, sculpture and literature. A. France C. Germany
B. Italy D. Britain
10. _____ is the essence of the Renaissance. A. Poetry C. Humanism
B. Drama D. Reason
11 “To be, or not to be—that is the question” is a line taken from ______. A. Hamlet C. King Lear
B. Othello
D. The Merchant of V
I. Multiple choice.
7. The English Renaissance period was an age of ______. A. poetry and drama C. novel and poetry
B. drama and novel D. romance and poetry
2. Renaissance first started in _______, with the flowering of the fields of painting, sculpture and literature. A. France C. Germany
B. Italy D. Britain
10. _____ is the essence of the Renaissance. A. Poetry C. Humanism
B. Drama D. Reason
11 “To be, or not to be—that is the question” is a line taken from ______. A. Hamlet C. King Lear
B. Othello
D. The Merchant of V