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1. Translate Into English

1)给这个词下定义 To define this word (This word can be defined as…) 2) 反感这种对待 To resent this treatment 3) 使学生沮丧 To frustrate/depress students 4) 宣战 To declare war

5) 对结果进行评估 To evaluate the result

6) 履行义务To fulfill one’s obligation/to perform one’s duty 7) 缩小差距 To narrow the gap 8) 扩大业务 To expand business 9) 陈述事实 To present facts

2. Fill in the blanks with the proper form of the appropriate word listed below. 1) occurrence occur 2) had applied, applicants, pursuit, occurring 3) involved, handled,


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1. Translate Into English

1)给这个词下定义 To define this word (This word can be defined as…) 2) 反感这种对待 To resent this treatment 3) 使学生沮丧 To frustrate/depress students 4) 宣战 To declare war

5) 对结果进行评估 To evaluate the result

6) 履行义务To fulfill one’s obligation/to perform one’s duty 7) 缩小差距 To narrow the gap 8) 扩大业务 To expand business 9) 陈述事实 To present facts

2. Fill in the blanks with the proper form of the appropriate word listed below. 1) occurrence occur 2) had applied, applicants, pursuit, occurring 3) involved, handled,


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Unit 1 Living Green

Key to Exercises Opener

Suggested answers for reference

1. There are a lot of simple things we can do to decrease energy consumption. Hereare just a fewexamples:

Use energy efficient light bulbs for our most-used lights. When we leave a room, turn off the light.

Turn off our computer/laptop when we are not using it.

Save water. Take quicker showers. When brushing teeth we should not leave faucet running.

Use reusable cloth shopping bags that are made from plant fibers. Whenever possible, walk, bike, carp


【bwwdw.com - 博文网】

Unit 1 Living Green

Key to Exercises Opener

Suggested answers for reference

1. There are a lot of simple things we can do to decrease energy consumption. Hereare just a fewexamples:

Use energy efficient light bulbs for our most-used lights. When we leave a room, turn off the light.

Turn off our computer/laptop when we are not using it.

Save water. Take quicker showers. When brushing teeth we should not leave faucet running.

Use reusable cloth shopping bags that are made from plant fibers. Whenever possible, walk, bike, carp


【bwwdw.com - 博文网】

Unit 1 Living Green

Key to Exercises Opener

Suggested answers for reference

1. There are a lot of simple things we can do to decrease energy consumption. Hereare just a fewexamples:

Use energy efficient light bulbs for our most-used lights. When we leave a room, turn off the light.

Turn off our computer/laptop when we are not using it.

Save water. Take quicker showers. When brushing teeth we should not leave faucet running.

Use reusable cloth shopping bags that are made from plant fibers. Whenever possible, walk, bike, carp


【bwwdw.com - 博文网】

Unit 1 Living Green

Key to Exercises Opener

Suggested answers for reference

1. There are a lot of simple things we can do to decrease energy consumption. Here are just a few examples:

Use energy efficient light bulbs for our most-used lights. When we leave a room, turn off the light.

Turn off our computer/laptop when we are not using it.

Save water. Take quicker showers. When brushing teeth we should not leave faucet running.

Use reusable cloth shopping bags that are made from plant fibers. Whenever possible, walk, bike, ca


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Language Points for Unit One

1. Marriage isn’t the only relationship that needs forgiveness. Question 1:

What other relationships are mentioned?

Answer: The relationships between parents and kids, between friends, between workmates, neighbours and even strangers. 2. forgiveness: n. [U] when sb. forgives another person e.g. ①He never admitted his guilt or asked for forgiveness.


T. I have to ask for your forgiveness. Derivation:

forgive v. CF: forgive & excuse

这两个动词均有“原谅”之意。 forgive 指尽管某人做错了事情,但是你不再生气,不再责怪他了,


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Unit III.


1. idle 2. justify 3. discount 4. distinct 5. minute 6.accused 7. object 8. contaminate 9. sustain 10. worship IV.

1. accusing... of 2. end up 3. came upon 4. at her worst 5. pay for 6. run a risk of 7. participate in 8. other than 9. object to/objected 10. at best V

1. K 2. G 3. C 4. E 5. N 6.O 7.I 8. L 9. A 10. D Collocation VI.

1. delay 2. pain 3. hardship 4. suffering 5. fever 6. defeat 7. poverty 8. treatment 9. noise 10. agony Word building VII.

1. justify 2. glorif


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set about take… for granted ins and outs inquire haul slow down slow down be familiar with available go out adjustment appreciate overall self-sufficient organic generate

If you want to know all the ins and outs of living green , then you should visit Backsbottom Farm. It is run by Rod and Jane who have tried to be as self-sufficient as possible. They use a horse to haul the logs they cut from their woods. The fields are nourished by organic


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1`— Are you ready to order dessert, please? —_____________

选择一项: a. Yes, please.

b. Please don’t order it.

c. Yes, I’d like to have some chocolate cake.d. No, don’t mention it.

正确答案是:Yes, I’d like to have some chocolate cake.

2`--___________! Welcome to the party. --Merry Christmas! It's very kind of you to invite us.

选择一项: a. Have a good day b. Congratulations c. Happy birthday

d. Merry Christmas

正确答案是:Merry Christmas

3`-How soon will your father fly to ? -_____________________

选择一项: a. Last week. b. Twice a year. c.