题 目 __ 中西文化差异_______ 姓 名 曹海洋 ________ 学 号 3100125067 _________ 专业班级 物流102班 ________ 分 院 管理分院 _____
关键词:文化习俗 文化习俗分类 中西文化习俗比较与应用
Unit 1
Language and Culture in Communication
1.Fill in blanks
a. There are here-------- Chinese equivalents to communication in Mainland. 交际( ) 交流( ) 沟通( ) 传播( ) 通信( ) 交通( ) 传理( )
b. There must be ___________conditions for communication to take place. c. There are _______ kinds of communication.
d. The two kinds of cross-cultural communication are _______ and ______. e. In any forms of communication, mono-cultural, unilateral and bilateral cross-cultural alike, ______ is the essence.
Intercultural Communication
Tutor:Tiger Wang
Structure of this Book本书共8章,内容简要列明如下:Chapter 1: Culture(文化), communication(交际), intercultural communication(跨文化交际) 4h — basic definitions,difficult to understand Chapter 2: Communication between cultures— verbal communication (言语交际) 4h Chapter 3: Communication between cultures— nonverbal communication (非言语交际) 4h – basic knowledge about communication, not difficult Chapter 4: Contrasting cultural values (文化价值观比较) 6h – important & difficult
【篇一:新编跨文化交际英语教程_参考答案unit 6】
ture and nonverbal communication reading i
an overview of nonverbal communication comprehension questions
1. can you speak each of the following sentences in different ways to mean differently? 1) she is my best friend.
2) you?ve done really good job. 3) come here, please. 4) that?s all right.
speaking the same sentence with the stress on different words may mean different things. for instance, if the stress falls on “she” in the first sentence, it means it is she, not you o
Intercultural Communication
Tutor:Tiger Wang
Structure of this Book本书共8章,内容简要列明如下:Chapter 1: Culture(文化), communication(交际), intercultural communication(跨文化交际) 4h — basic definitions,difficult to understand Chapter 2: Communication between cultures— verbal communication (言语交际) 4h Chapter 3: Communication between cultures— nonverbal communication (非言语交际) 4h – basic knowledge about communication, not difficult Chapter 4: Contrasting cultural values (文化价值观比较) 6h – important & difficult
Case 1 Girl-ness
As a visiting professor in an American university, Zhang Hua was invited to give a lecture to a group of American students. He talked about university
students in China. During the question-and-answer period after the lecture, one female student asked a question that surprised Zhang Hua. “When you talked about female students, you referred to them as girls. Why?”
“Because they are girls. That s what they are called,” Zhang Hua tried to answer, but he knew he did not really understand t
跨文化交际学 第一部分 引论
Culture refers to the total pattern of beliefs ,customs,institutions,objects,and techniques that characterize the life of ahuman community.
The objective culture means we learn the facts about our own or other cultures. The subjective culture includes feelings and attitudes about how things are and how they should be. 2,文化是什么:
Culture is like an iceberg;culture is our software;culture is like the water a fish swims in;culture is the story we tell ourselves about ourselves;culture is the grammer of o
1、Discuss the relationship between the technological development and the intercultural communication. The developing of technological can improve the intercultural communication through the network TV and so on. 2、Discuss the social functions of compliments. Creating or reinforcing solidarity, greeting people, expressing thanks or congratulations, encouraging people, softening criticism, starting a conversation, or even overcoming embarrassment.
3、Discuss the different syntactic formulas in English and Chinese compliments
大学英语跨文化交际双语课程水平测试题(一) I. Multiple Choice (20 points, 2 points each)
Directions: There are some statements in this section. For each statement there are four choices marked A, B, C, D, choose the ONE that best complete the statement.
1. In the United States continues to welcome a large number of immigrants移民 each year
and has referred to as a melting-pot大熔炉 society. This trend can reflect the theory of ___A__.
A. macroculture B. microculture C. globalization D. modernization
2. A teenager dresses like and talks like a ga
跨文化交际学 第一部分 引论
Culture refers to the total pattern of beliefs ,customs,institutions,objects,and techniques that characterize the life of ahuman community.
The objective culture means we learn the facts about our own or other cultures. The subjective culture includes feelings and attitudes about how things are and how they should be. 2,文化是什么:
Culture is like an iceberg;culture is our software;culture is like the water a fish swims in;culture is the story we tell ourselves about ourselves;culture is the grammer of o