

新牛津英语8B Unit8错题

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8B A green world

一、 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。 1. ---We’ll visit Disneyland. --Enjoy !

2. The doctor didn’t know what the old man’s blindness.

3. More and more people drive to work and that to many problems, such as air pollution.

4. Are there any (差异)between the twins? I cannot tell them. 5. Don’t throw old clothes away. They can be (循环利用). 6. We feel like (keep something safe) the Earth now.

7. Many of the rivers and lakes in my hometown are (污染) now.

二、 选择填空。

( ) 1. Mo


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8B Unit 1 (综合练习1)



1. One of the ____________(优势) of living in the country is that you can have fresh air, open space and clean water.

2. Mr. Green is pleased with his _________ (婚姻) with Mrs Green.

3. We must protect our _________________ (环境),or it will become worse. 4. I had an______________(采访)with Lily‘s grandpa yesterday. 5. The title is about changes in Beijing over the past ________(世纪) 6. Bird‘s nest has been in u__________ for nearly 2 years.

7. Have you r_____________ the


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中学牛津英语8B英语导学案2 课题Topic 课型Type 学习目标 Learning aims Chapter 1 France is calling Reading(I) L+S 知识 Knowledge 情感 Emotion 能力 Ability 重点和难点 Key and difficulty Words and expressions connected with the text To know about France in detail To understand the text correctly Words: abroad, addition, agricultural, coast, destination, landmark, seem, scenic Expressions: in addition, be excellent for, used to do, now that, seem to do, take …with…, the same…as…, offer (sb) sth Sentences: 1. Now that + clause,; 2. Why not do sth?; 3. It’

上海牛津英语8B Unit 1 Tree

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8B unit 1 Trees 语法知识点讲解

1. pollution fighter 环保卫士= fighter against pollution.

污染(v)__________.e,g, ________________________. 我们承诺不污染河流。 噪音污染___________ 水污染____________

polluted (adj) 不干净的 e,g. ______________________别吃不干净的食物. 2. Fight.(v/n )He put up a fight to the end. 他坚持斗争到最后

Don’t fight with your classmates! 别和班级同学打架。

斗士,卫士 ________________ 环保卫士__________________ Fighting,加油!=come on(口语)

3. She is interviewing Doctor Ray, a scientist ,about tree. Interview, (v/n),采访,面试


牛津英语 8B Unit6 语法教案

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牛津 8B Unit6 语法教案

8B Unit 6 Grammar(初二)

word order and correct pronunciation. 5. Make some sentences using the adjectives and the given phrases. 1) 2) We can walk 100 kilometres in 48 hours.(possible) There are so many different trees in the country parks(interesting) 3) 4) 5) There was snow on one of he mountains.(surprising) Each team must raise at least HK$6000.(important) So many people want to help others in need.(nice)

Step 2 Part B 1. Explain that the ‘It is’+adjective +’to’-infinitive structure is similar to the structu

(沈阳地区适用)新牛津英语8B 单词(中文)

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筹募;增加;提高 准许;批准

丧失能力的;有残疾的 青少年 主动提出 受苦;受折磨 严重的 (某种)病 组织;筹备 表达;表露 痛苦;苦恼 孤独的;寂寞的 友情;友谊 困难;费劲 愉快;喜悦 平静;宁静 (使)疼痛;受伤 勇气;勇敢 情绪;心境 付费 社区

语言 交流;交际 芭蕾舞

接受(建议、邀请等) 拒绝接受;不予考虑 意义;意思 手势



衣着入时的;穿着讲究的 女士;女子 叹气;叹息

(询问某人的情况)怎么了 表情;神色 外貌;外表 印象

向;朝;对着 使保持(在某位置) 以后;后来 提醒;使想起

说明;形容 描述;形容 渔民 网

虽然;尽管 健壮的;健康的 鸬鹚 下潜 准备好 到达;抵达 吸引;使喜爱 悬挂;吊 柱;杆;桩 需要;依靠 从事 器具 剪刀 图案

文字;符号;人物;角色健康 幸运

动画片;卡通片 敬告;警示 角色扮演 符号 泡;气泡 心思;思想 粗略的 速写;概述 程序

录制;录(音) 效果

基本的;基础的 段;步;步骤 和善的;文雅的 详细的;细致的 显得;看来;似乎与……相配 单独地;分别地 播放 得分 队

濒危的 档案 大熊猫 义务;责任

自然环境;野生状态 竹;竹子 成年动物 千克;

牛津英语8B 期末试卷 二 有答案 - 图文

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初二英语第二学期期末试卷 Ⅰ. 听力部分(20分)


1._____________ 2. _____________ 3. _____________4. _____________5. _____________ 二、根据所听到的句子,选择相应的应答句。每个句子听两遍。

( ) 6. A. What a great idea! B. I?m sorry to hear that. C. What a fine day. ( ) 7. A. She?s kind. B. She?s over there. C. She likes to dance. ( ) 8. A. Oh, no, I can do better. B. Thanks. I will do better later. C. Well, that?s a good idea.

( ) 9. A. Sorry, she is out. B. This is Helen. C. I?m Helen.

( ) 10. A. By bus. B.

牛津译林版英语单元复习试题(8B Unit 4)

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(8B Unit 4)


1. He finds pleasure in__________ (read).

2. In her spare time she read books on __________ (cook).

3. He is always back in ____________(German) at medical college.

4. Two-thirds of the ___________ (French) are in favour of limiting foreign imports into Europe.

5. Women can't refuse____________(answer) a ringing phone, no matter what she's doing.

6. Hard work leads to _____________ (success).

7. You really can't____________ (translate) humor or jokes.

8. The company is not for ______________ (

上海版牛津初中英语8B Chapter复习试题

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Revision for 8B Chapter 2


1. 掌握词汇

rubbish n.垃圾 smell n. 味道 touch n. 触摸 balance n. 平衡 title n. 标题 probably adv. 可能 bark v. 狗叫 go off v. 响起 engine n. 马达


Reading & More practice

horrible adj. 可怕的 sight n. 视力 contain v. 包括 spread v. 蔓延 paragraph n. 段落 belong to v. 属于 manager n. 经理 wet v. 弄湿 personally adv. 亲自 hearing n. 听力 taste n. 品尝 tongue n. 舌头 article n. 文章 com


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8B Chapter 1


abroad adv.在国外;出国ask for 要求得到call v.召唤

coast n. 海岸conversation n.对话culture n文化enable v.使(某人)能够做某事excellent adj.极好的;flag n.旗

force v. 强迫;迫使funny adj. 有趣的further v.推动;促进go on 继续grow v.种植influence n. 影响now that 既然part n. 部分pass v.传递;传送passage n.(书,讲话的)一段pretty adj.漂亮的relation n. 关系

relax v.放松;松弛repaint v. 重新粉刷rest v. 休息

row n. 一行;一排;一列seem v. 看起来such as 例如sunflower n.向日葵sunhat n.遮阳帽tent n.帐篷

turn off 关闭wheat n. 小麦wine n. 酒

well-known adj.知名的;著名的world-famous adj.世界著名的

in some ways 在某些方面


in addition 除此