It takes an enormous amount of courage to make a departure from the tradition.
3) 很多教育家认为从小培养孩子的创新精神是很可取的。(creative,desirable)
Many educators think it desirable to foster the creative spirit in the child at an early age.
5)如果这些数据在统计上是站得住脚的,那它将会帮助我们认识正在调查的问题。 (throw lighton, investigate, valid)
If the data is statistically valid, it will throw light on the problem we are investigating.
4. 手术康复后不久,他失业了,因此经历了人生的又一个困难阶段。
Shortly after he recovered from the surgery, he lost his job and thus ha
Sleep Apnea 睡眠呼吸暂停
Sleep apnea is an interruption in breathing during sleep. It is linked to obesity and decreased muscle tone due to aging. These conditions allow the windpipe to collapse when muscles relax during sleep. This problem, called obstructive sleep apnea, usually causes loud snoring.
Obesity:[Eu5bisiti]n.肥胖,源于obese,“肥胖的”; muscle tone:肌肉张力; condition:症状,状况;
windpipe:气管。Wind指“风,通气”,pipe指“导管”; collapse:塌陷; relax:松弛;
obstructive sleep apnea:阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停; snore:打呼噜,打鼾。
During an episode of obstr
Lesson 1
Does Television Play a Positive or
Negative Role in the Modern Society?
Do the Advantages of Television Outweigh the Disadvantages?
Television is now playing a very important part in our life. But television, like other things, has both advantages and disadvantages. Do the former outweigh the latter?
In the first place, television is not only a convenient source of entertainment, but
also a comparatively cheap one. For a family of four, for example, it is more convenient as well as cheaper to sit comfortably at home,
教育,孩子忽悠老子叫欺骗,互相忽悠叫代沟。▲ 男人 这花花世界,我要用什么颜色来吸引你。 新视野大学英语读写教程第二册课文翻译.txt“恋”是个很强悍的字。它的上半部取自“变态”的“变”,下半部取自“变态”的“态”。新视野大学英语读写教程第二册课文翻译 第一章
unit 1 section a 时间观念强的美国人 美国人认为没有人能停止不前。 如果你不求进取,你就会落伍。
时间是美国人注意节约的两个要素之一,另一要素是劳力。 人们一直说:“只有时间才能支配我们。”
我们安排时间、节约时间、浪费时间、挤抢时间、消磨时间、缩减时间、对时间的利用作出解释;我们还要因付出时间而收取费用。 时间是一种宝贵的资源,许多人都深感人生的短暂。 时光一去不复返。
期末口语话题(新编大学英语 综合教程3)
新编大学英语 综合教程三 期末英语话题口语讨论
Unit 1
What are the causes of shyness, the way to overcome?
1. Their way of thinking is different from others.
Shy people have low self-esteem; they are likely to be passive and easily influenced by others. They need reassurance that they are doing the right thing.
They are sensitive to criticism, which they believe confirms their inferiority. However, when meet with compliments, they are difficult to be pleased because they believe they are unworthy of praise.
2. It also has something to do with the
Unit 1 P20 1、 1) tackle 2) alternative 3) initial 4) universal 5) crippled 6) genuine 7) construct 8) impressive 9) shallow P21
10) react 11) generate 12) entitled 13) contact 14) constant
15) rough 16) captured 17) move 18) put 2、
1) In any case 2)
Unit 1 P20 1、 1) tackle 2) alternative 3) initial 4) universal 5) crippled 6) genuine 7) construct 8) impressive 9) shallow P21
10) react 11) generate 12) entitled 13) contact 14) constant
15) rough 16) captured 17) move 18) put 2、
1) In any case 2)
大学英语综合教程2 unit3答案
I. C
1. But I also made some effort to adjust myself.
2. …which hasn’t always been easy, because I am sometimes too proud of myself as an actor.
Vocabulary I.
1. get married
2. if one takes into account that
3. at that time and place, esp. without any delay 4. when
5. distinguishes
V. 1. synonym: fortune
2. antonym: unnatural, artificial 3. synonym: immediately 4. synonym: seldom, hardly 5. synonym: back 6. antonym: innocence 7. synonym: escaped
8. synonym: marvelous, wonderful, terrific VI.
“新标准大学英语视听说教程答案” 涉及的版本较少,希望这份答案对你有大帮助。
Unit 1. Inside view 2.
They have decided on: 2, 5 and 5 5,
1, c; 2. C; 3. b; 4. A; 5.d 6.
1.Maybe I should 2. Supposing
3. everything’s organized, isn’t it 4. I’ve arranged for people to 5. I’ll count it all up 6. We’d better
7. I’ve got a suggestion 8. How about Outside view 2.
The true statements are 3 and 5 3.
1, one of the best universities 2. most talented students
3. well-known around the world 4. have open doors 5. good social life 6.you want it to be
Unit 1
Outside view
Activity 1 3.5
Activity 2
one of the best universities most talented students
well-known around the world have open doors good social life you want it to be on another campus it's a fun place go to concerts during the week
Activity 3
library system online three / 3 four / 4 Brian
leisure purposes the libraries
listening in
Passage 1 1. 2 2. 6
3. 4. 5. 6.
1 5 3 4
2.Listen to Passage 1 again and rearrange the answers in the right column to match those questions in the left column.