Reaction to “Pride and Prejudice”
Today, I will talk about the reaction to the book “Pride and Prejudice”.
This book is a great masterpiece of Jane Austen, a famous British writer, the theme of which is the choice people make for marriage partners, so is in Pride and Prejudice. Mrs. Bonnet has no other wish if her five daughters can get married as soon as possible with someone wealthy. At a dancing ball, Mr. Bingley can not help falling in love with Miss Jane because of her stunning beauty. Mrs. Bonnet is so excited
Reaction to “Pride and Prejudice”
Today, I will talk about the reaction to the book “Pride and Prejudice”.
This book is a great masterpiece of Jane Austen, a famous British writer, the theme of which is the choice people make for marriage partners, so is in Pride and Prejudice. Mrs. Bonnet has no other wish if her five daughters can get married as soon as possible with someone wealthy. At a dancing ball, Mr. Bingley can not help falling in love with Miss Jane because of her stunning beauty. Mrs. Bonnet is so excited
Pride and Prejudice
Pride and Prejudice is a novel by Jane Austen, first published in 1813. The story follows the main character Elizabeth Bennet as she deals with issues of manners, upbringing, morality, education, and marriage in the society of the landed gentry of early 19th-century England. Elizabeth is the second of five daughters of a country gentleman living near the fictional town of Meryton in Hertfordshire, near London.
Though the story is set at the turn of the 19th century, it re
I’ve read a book called Pride and Prejudice written by Jane Austen during this winter holidays. Jane Austen was unmarried all her life. She was born in a mid-class family and was brought up in a comfortable environment with harmonious surroundings, so there’s not too many conflicts in her sight neither in her novel. In Pride and Prejudice she talked different ideas about love and marriage through different characters.
The novel h
One day someone will catch you eye and than you will watch your tongue. 总有一天,有人会吸引你的注意力,到那时候你就得注意你的言语了。 Which of the painted peacocks is our Mr Bingley? 哪个艳丽的孔雀是我们的彬格莱先生?
He looks miserable,poor soul.他看起来很痛苦,可怜的人呀。 I’m delighted to make your acquaintance.我很高兴能与你们相识。 As far as the eye can see.就在我们周围。
Do you dance Mr Bingley?你跳舞吗,宾格莱先生? Not if i can help it.如果可以我不跳舞。 I have never seen so many pretty girls .
You were dancing with the most handsome girl in the room.
She is the most beautiful creature i have ever beheld.but her
简 贝内特先生 伊莉莎白(莉齐、伊莱扎) 玛丽 贝内特太太 基蒂 莉迪亚
夏洛特.卢卡斯 威廉.卢卡斯 卢卡斯太太 玛利亚.卢卡斯
菲利普斯 梅里镇 菲利普斯太太(姨妈) 加德纳先生(舅舅) 伦敦 加德纳太太
宾利 赫斯特 赫斯特太太(路易莎、宾利姐) 内瑟菲尔德庄园,赫特福德郡 卡罗琳(宾利妹)
达西 乔治亚娜(达西妹) 威克姆(达西管家的儿子) 德比郡,彭伯利
凯瑟琳夫人(达西姨妈) 德布尔小姐 肯特郡,亨斯福德 柯林斯(贝内特表侄)
Elizabeth Bennet.Elizabeth Bennet): Bennet miss two, twenty
years old, the protagonist of the story. Lively, clever, witty, often by the first impression to others. For her marriage with the social different views, think that only love Love can bring happiness, not mone
Pride and Prejudice(傲慢与偏见)
专业:英语非师范班 学号:1510403115 姓名:胡静
Pride and Prejudice
"Pride and prejudice" the earliest completion work of s Jane Austen, she
began to write in 1796, formerly known as "First Impressions", which is the
masterpiece of Austin, through the description of marriage problems to show
images of British social life at that time.
The Author
Jane Austen December 1775 ,who was born in Steven hampshire, brothers and
sisters eight people.Father in the area served as the rector of more than forty
years.Mother w
傲慢与偏见剧本 - 图文
Pride and Prejudice 《傲慢与偏见》 (环球影业公司出品)(傲慢与偏见) 伊丽莎白 (发声) 吉蒂 (发声) 吉英 丽迪雅!吉蒂! 班纳特太太 我的好老爷,你听说了吗?尼日斐花园终于租出去了! 你不想知道是谁租的吗? 班纳特先生 既然你要说给我听,我也别无选择。 伊丽莎白 (发声) 吉蒂/丽迪娅 (发声) 伊丽莎白 丽迪雅,吉蒂,我不是说过别在门口偷听? 班纳特太太 彬格莱先生。他是北方人 丽迪雅 嘘。没关系的,有个彬格莱先生从北方搬到这儿来了。 班纳特太太 他有好几辆马车… 吉蒂 有好几辆马车… 丽迪雅 每年五千磅的收入, 班纳特太太 还是单身 伊丽莎白 真的吗? 吉蒂/丽迪娅 还是单身 吉英 谁还单身? 伊丽莎白 一个什么彬格莱先生。 班纳特太太 真是女儿们的福气 吉蒂 嘘 伊丽莎白 吉蒂! 班纳特先生 那又关女儿们什么事? 班纳特太太 我的好老爷,你怎么这样讨厌!他得挑一个咱们的女儿做老婆呀。 班纳特先生 (发声) 吉英 嘘 班纳特先生 他住到这儿来,就是为了这个打算吗? 班纳特太太 你得马上去拜访他 班纳特先生 老天爷,人哪…… 班纳特太太 你很清楚,要是你不去,叫我们怎么去。 丽迪雅 你在听吗?你总是不听。
[作者简介 ]董辉 , 女 , 河北唐山人 , 唐山师范学院外语系讲师 , 研究方向 :英美文学史、 教学法。
Analysis of Darcy s Character i n Pri de and Prejud ice D ong H u i
(Foreign Language Depart m ent , Tang s han T eacher s C ollege , Tangshan, H ebei , 063000
[Abstract] P ride and P rejudice i s the m asterp i ece of the fa m ous nove list Jane A usten
. In t he work , D arcy s cha r ac ter i s very wo rt h cons i deri ng . D arcy enters the p l ot a l m ost accidenta ll y, through his fr i endship w it h B i ng l ey . Everyone i s busy w ith the rom ance of B i ng l