

英语八下unit4 Reading教学反思

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Unit 4 Why don’t you talk to your parents?

Section B (2a-2e)



4月2日,我上了一节公开课,内容为Go For It Grade 8 Unit 4 Why don’t you talk to your parents? The fifth period.本节课是这一单元的第五课时,主要语言知识目标为:

1) 能掌握以下单词:pressure, compete, opinion, skill, typical, football, cut out, continue, compare, compare?with, crazy, push, development, cause, usual 2) 能掌握以下句型:

1. Why don’t they just let their kids be


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知识点归纳 一、重点短语 1. 有空闲时间 22. 主动提出做某事 2. 允许某人做某事 23.以便 3. 与某人闲逛 24. 介意某人做某事 4. 课外活动课 25. 一直 5. 与某人吵架/打架 26. 今后 6. 直到半夜 27. 使某人生气 7. 与某人交谈 28. 担心某事 8. 太多 29. 抄袭某人的作业 9. 学得过多 30. 做自己 10. 有足够的睡眠 31.家庭成员 11. 给某人写信 32. 独自消磨时光 12. 打电话给某人 33.给某人施压 13. 令某人惊讶 34. 与某人吵架 14.浏览 35. 与某人竞争 15.生某人的气 36. 业余活动 16.重要的事 37. 取得更好的成绩 17. 成功地发展;解决 38. 提出某人的观点 18. 和睦相处;关系良好: 39. 学习应试技巧 19. 经常吵架/打架 40. 体育训练 20. 笼罩 41.造成压力 21.拒绝做某事 二、重点句型

1. I studied until mid night last ni

八下Unit 4 易错题

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八下Unit 4 错题集锦


1、There are many (读物)in the reading room in our school. 3、Karl Marx was born in (德国)in 1818.

4、The story of the mother’s love (触动)everyone present and some of them cried. 5、My mother takes care of the garden in her (free) time. 二、根据句子意思,用括号中单词的正确形式填空。

1、Books can bring us not only (now) but also great fun. 3、Mo Yan is one of the famous (write )in China. 6、---Hello, Tom. This is John speaking. I’m in the New York now. ---


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课题:8B Unit4 单元卷 设计:郑明英 审核:宗玲

姓名_______________ 班级___________ 使用时间:2014. 3 评价______________ 一、根据句意、中文提示和所给单词,写出单词的正确形式:

1. Oh, dear! The second house looks much ____________ (丑) than the first one. 2. Every student should remember that _________________ (知识) is power. 3. He is a strange man with eleven _______________ (手指).

4. Please put the piano there, ______________ (紧靠) the wall, please.

5. To our Youth by Zhao Wei was a big ____________ (成功) and many people liked it.. 6. Can you help me __________


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Unit 7 Food Festival

导学案:Topic 1 We are preparing for a food festival?


(v) 组织想象供给

(v短语) 与…取得联系尽最大努力等一等继续变为现实

(其它短语) 待售为了

(n) 广告印度人俄国人遗憾出售

(n连线中文) soup——cheese——biscuit——

pancake——cookie——airline ——

(adj) 西方的印度的俄国的油煎的

Section A.B.C.D

Section A

Ⅰ. 短语互动阅读1a并译出短语



Ⅱ. 语言知识阅读1a并掌握以下语言点

1、Do you know about Daniel Igali ?

know about译成:,know a lot about…译成:,know a little about…译成:.

eg:I used to (知之甚少) painting.

2.But I think money must be a problem for him.

must be译成:.

延伸:may be译成:, can’t be译成:, eg:The book (may/must/can’t be


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用于江苏的苏教版牛津英语,七年级下册Unit4 Finding your ways单元测试试卷

一. 单项选择 (每小题1分,共15分)

( )1. — I remember that there is ___________ library near here. Where is it? — Well, __________ library is behind us now. A. a; the B. a; a C. the; a D. the; the ( )2. We are looking forward ______ a film next week. A. to see B. to seeing C. for seeing D. seing ( )3. The workers will build a new railway________ the two cities. A. between B. among C. since D.during ( )4. There are four bridges __

八年级下unit4 Section B

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八年级下Unit 4 sectionB课件

Unit 4 He said I washard-working Section B

八年级下Unit 4 sectionB课件

Direct Speech and Reported Speech 一. 直接引用别人的话时,被引用的部分叫做直接引语;用自己的话 转述别人的话时,被转述的部分叫做称为间接引语,如: He asked Jim where he was born. Jim said that he was born on February 18, 1981. 二. 直接引语变间接引语的方法 1. 直接引语为陈述句时, 变成: …say/tell/answer…that宾语从句. 2. 直接引语为一般疑问句时,变成: ask…if/whether宾语从句,如: He asked if/whether they lived there for only five years. 3. 直接引语为选择疑问句时, 变成: ask…if/whether宾语从 句…or... 4.直接引语为特殊疑问句时, 变成: ask…who/whose/what/which/when/why/how…宾语从句. 5. 其


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Unit4 Why don’t you talk to your parents? Section A 1a—2c (导学案)

【Language Goals】

Talk about problems; Give advice. 【Key & difficult points】

正确运用“What’s wrong? Why don’t you...”等句式, 分角色表演。 【自主学习,明确目标】Preparation

1. 说出too much和too many的区别及其用法:

【观察】too much trouble, too much fruit, too much time, too much food, too much work ;too many problems, too many classes, too many apples, too many hours, too many jobs...

【探究】too much修饰______________,too many修饰____________________ 2.allow :v.允许;准许。

【观察】My parents don’t allow me to h


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考试时间:100 分钟考生:131190084姓名:马超群总分 :100 分通过分:60 分

层次3第一学期练习unit4 第1部分:Vocabulary(每题1分) 【字号选择】 第 1 题:Cancer patients are said to have a risk of high levels of _____. A.relief B.anxiety C.easiness D.simplicity 选择答案:ABCD ? 正确答案:B ? 试题解析:词典修改 第1部分:Vocabulary(每题1分) 第 2 题:I had to _____ that what I liked best was hanging around the house. A.admire B.acquire C.admit D.adjust 选择答案:ABCD ? 正确答案:C

? 试题解析:课文修改 第1部分:Vocabulary(每题1分) 第 3 题:The travel brochure lured me into taking a Caribbean _____. A.vacation B.vacant C.vocation D.varia

八下Unit7 SectionB reading

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新人教版八年级下册英语Unit7 SectionB 2a-2e教学设计


1. Teaching Aims 1) Knowledge objects

Key Words: bamboo, research, awake, excitement, illness, adult, remain, wild, government...

Key Phrases: run over, fall over, die from, cut down 2)Ability objects

Be able to find specific information and understand the passage by scanning. Learn to talk about the facts of pandas by using the numeral and the comparisons of adj. and adv. 3)Moral objects

Let the students know protecting animals is our duty. Encourage students t