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一、根据首字母提示或者动词适当形式填空: 1. It w___ a nice day yesterday. 2. I ______(visit) my uncle last weekend. 3. They _____(study)for the test yesterday. 4. Lucy ______ (go) to the beach last year. 5. They h____ a party last weekend.

6. Last summer my family and I _______(go) to the beach.

7.When it ________(rain), I stayed at home and watched TV. 8. What time _____you ______ (get) to school this morning? 9.They_______(be)always late for class last year. 10.What day_____(be)it yesterday? 11. Did Carol _______ (


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1. --- Are those sisters? --- No, they're friends. A. his; he B. your; my

C. your; me D. her; hers D. on 2. Welcome back school, everyone! A. to B. in C. at 3. I want a new and I want to put my pocket money(零花钱) in it. A. crayon

B. wallet

C. watch

4. --- What are you doing?

--- I am my watch, but I can't it. A. looking for; find B. finding; look for C. looking at; find

D. finding; look at

5. My mother often


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1. --- Are those sisters? --- No, they're friends. A. his; he B. your; my

C. your; me D. her; hers D. on 2. Welcome back school, everyone! A. to B. in C. at 3. I want a new and I want to put my pocket money(零花钱) in it. A. crayon

B. wallet

C. watch

4. --- What are you doing?

--- I am my watch, but I can't it. A. looking for; find B. finding; look for C. looking at; find

D. finding; look at

5. My mother often


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七年级英语下册Unit 7完成句子


Do you _________________ Michael Phelps? 2.他是什么时候出生的?他是在1985年出生的。

When ______ he _________? He was born ______ 1985. 3.你是迈克尔·菲尔普斯的超级粉丝。

You are ______________________ Michael Phelps. 4.今天几月几号?5月8日。

What is ______________today? It is _______________. 5.你的生日要来了。Your birthday _____________________. 6.你计划怎么样庆祝你的生日呢?

How do you ________________________ your birthday? 7.他在




日出生。He was born

__________________________. 8.你的礼物是什么形状的?它是圆的。

What is ________________of your present? It i


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1.The police station is not far from here. You can find it e________. 2.The hotel is on Bridge Street, a________ from the bank.

3.To get to the restaurant, walk along Green street and turn l_______ at the bus stop.

4.When you are in the village, you can e________ the clean air and sunshine there.

5.Sorry, I don’t have much m________ for this nice watch. It’s too expensive. 6.Herbin is in the n________ of China.

7.Uncle Wang lives in a small t________ with his sons and daughters. 8.Jack doesn’t feel well. Let


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学习必备 欢迎下载


Unit 1

1-5 CBCAB 6-10 ACCCB 11-15 CBBCC16-20 ACCBA 21-25 CABBC 26-30 BCABB 31.Reiko 32.13 years old 33.Japan 34. Japanese and English 35.Tokyo 36. parents, two brothers and her 37. volleyball 38. comedies 39. music 40. hamburgers 41-45 ACBCC

46. Alice Green 47. America 48.12years old 49. teachers 50. From Monday to Friday

51. live 52. country 53.language 54. pals 55. French 56-59 EDCA 60. B 61.Chinese 62. France 63. interesting 64. lives 65. years 66. birthday 67. likes


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n g





My name is Doraemon. I’m a cat, 1I am a little different(不同的). I’m blue and I come 2the future world(未来世界). My birthday is on September 3rd, 2112. My favorite 3is a kind of cake.

I have a little 4 . Her name is Dorami. She is yellow. She 5music very much. She is very 6 , so she often cleans (打扫) her room.

Nobita is my good friend. 7birthday is on august 7th,1964. There’re 8people in his family——

his parents and he. He is a student. He likes 9TV and playing games. He 10wears(穿) a T-shirt, a pa


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排列语序作为语文知识点中一个考点,课标与教材对句子排序这一考点的相关要求是:培养学生正确地理解语段内容,在语段中正确地衔接上下文,及运用句子组段的能力。一般来说,语段的排序主要涉及到以下一些因素: 1、空间关系:或从上到下,或从左到右,或从里到外。 2、时间关系:或从早到晚,或从过去到现在等。若有回忆或描写上的使用插序手法等因素,那就更应该仔细分析和推敲。3、人们认识事物的一般规律:或由易到难,或由浅人深,或由表及里,或由此及彼 4、事物本身的发展规律。 5、思维规律:或由一般到个别,或由个别到一般;也可为由概括到具体,或由具体到概括 做题时一定要准确把握整体语段的基本内容,找到其中体现的那道“线”,然后才能进行合理的排序。


①在南坡,带状分布的原始云杉林海连绵不断,棵棵巨杉像一把把利剑,直插云天。②在北坡,五花甸草原上,你可以看见新疆细毛羊群和奔驰的伊犁马群。③在连天蔽日的杉木下,马鹿、狍鹿、棕熊、雪豹等野生动物出没其间。 ④吃完早饭后,继续南下,就进入喀什河和巩乃斯河的草原和森林带。⑤各种森林鸟类,鸣声不断。




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Hello! 26 name is Li Ying. I’m twelve. I 27 Kunming. Now I’m in Beijing No.14 High School. I’m in Class Five, Grade One. I’m Number 4. Miss Gao 28 my English teacher. She is 29 old teacher. I have a pen, a ruler and two 30 in my pencil-box. Liu Ping is in Grade One, too. She is 31 Guangzhou. She is my good 32 . We are in 33 same class. Now she 34 at school. I think she is at home. Look!That is a 35 , but it is not my book.

( )26. A. I B. My C. Your D. M


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Hello! 26 name is Li Ying. I’m twelve. I 27 Kunming. Now I’m in Beijing No.14 High School. I’m in Class Five, Grade One. I’m Number 4. Miss Gao 28 my English teacher. She is 29 old teacher. I have a pen, a ruler and two 30 in my pencil-box. Liu Ping is in Grade One, too. She is 31 Guangzhou. She is my good 32 . We are in 33 same class. Now she 34 at school. I think she is at home. Look!That is a 35 , but it is not my book.

( )26. A. I B. My C. Your D. M