m unit8

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郭家坝镇初级中学 李平



本课是人教版新目标英语七年级下册Unit 8 I’d like some noodles.第一课时。本单元的中心话题是如何在饭店订餐以及进行简单的广告或海报的简单写作方式,本课时是要掌握点餐(面条,饮料等的种类及碗的大小)。主要语言结构为:掌握would like的用法,列出具体句型。通过本课的学习进一步培养学生的跨文化意识和综合语言运用能力。 (二)、教学目标 1、知识与能力目标


Words: noodle beef cabbage potato special size bowl mutton

Sentences: What kind of noodles would you like? / What size bowl of noodles would you like? I’d like some ….



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科目 课题 英语 年级 初二下 班级 时间 年 月 日 Unit 8. Why don’t you get her a scarf?1 本单元语言目标: 1、 如何询问对方意见 2、 如何提出建议 3、 如何就别人的建议发表看法 教学目标 (知识能力品德)(重点难点) 教 材分析重点单词KEY WORDS suggestion 提议,建议 necklace项链 bracelet手镯 turtle乌龟 mouse老鼠spider蜘蛛 snake蛇 hairy毛的,毛状的 pig猪 east东方,东部perfect完美的,极佳的 clean清洁的,干净的 rabbit兔子 present礼物remember记得 spend花费 compare比较 comment注释,意见 Unit 8. Why don’t you get her a scarf? suggestion 提议,建议 necklace项链 bracelet手镯 turtle乌龟 mouse老鼠spider蜘蛛 snake蛇 hairy毛的,毛状的 pig猪 east东方,东部perfect完美


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第 4 次 2 学时 上课时间 第4周 教案完成时间 2013年 暑假 课题(章节) Unit 7 Staying at a Hotel 教学目的与要求: 1. Booking into a hotel; 2. Ordering a meal. 3. Making a complaint 教学重点和难点 Help students to 1. know how to book into a hotel. 2. learn how to order a meal and make a complaint. 3. grasp useful words and expressions. 教学方法及师生互动设计: 1. Warm-up activities. 2. Listening practice on the basis of the questions in the textbook. 3. Ask students to make discussion about the topic in Talking Points. 课堂练习 1. Watch the video, then co

Unit8 When is your birthday

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Unit 8 When is your birthday? (Section A)

The first period

Teaching Contents and Analysis(教学内容与分析)

Teaching materials(教学内容): SectionA:1a、2a 、1b 、1c Teaching aims (教学目标)

1、Sub Topic: Talk about the dates

2、Language focus: When is your birthday?

3、Vocabulary: January February March April May June July August September October

November December first second third ~ thirty-first when birthday month year 4、Structures:

When is your birthday? My birthday is


6A Unit8 试卷精炼

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6年级上册 Unit8

A卷: 课堂点拨题

1. “现在进行时”表示将来

Children’s Day is (come)soon.

2. “一般将来时的肯定句和一般疑问句”

(1) They new clothes next Sunday. A. buy B. are going to buy C. bought

(2)My family and I going to buy some cakes. A.are B.is C.am

(3)We’re going to (make) cakes tomorrow. (4)【易错】 you (visit) your grandparents tomorrow? Yes, I .

(5) (be) Su Hai and Su Yang going to pick apples? (6

listen this way3 Unit8

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blank 1 : About 300000

blank 2 : In reading and math

blank 3 : interests and questions

blank 4 : outsider

blank 5 : mixing with

blank 6 : well qualified

blank 7 : narrow views

blank 8 : time

blank 9 : desire

blank 1 : snowfall

blank 2 : climate

blank 3 : Alaska

blank 4 : tourism

blank 5 : spring

blank 6 : stars

blank 7 : telescope

blank 8 : satellites

blank 9 : space

blank 10 : dinner

blank 11 : atlas

blank 12 : influence

blank 13 : greenhouse

blank 14 : deserts

blank 15 : ice caps


Blank 1 : everything

Blank 2 : fair idea

Blank 3 : want t


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拟卷:韦爱凤15051358900 审阅:刘雷


1.class 2. watch 3. study 4. family

5.library 6. hobby 7 photo 8 mouse 9 foot 10 tooth 二、写出以下单词的近义词。(8分)

1. nice 2.big 3. photo 4. every 5.everybody 6.hope 7.speak 8. ma

高级英语5 教案 unit8

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Unit 8

Text I:

Why Nothings Works

Marvin Harris

I) Pre-reading Brainstorming:

Have you ever got anything which fails to work? What are the possible causes?

---Some possible causes of an object's failure to work: mishandling, overuse, faulty parts, faulty workmanship, fake product, inferior quality Notes: Library Work

1. The Porno Indians belong to a North American Indian tribe that forms the second largest tribal group in California, U. S. A. The name \in their language. The Pomo women's fine basketry is t

新牛津英语8B Unit8错题

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8B A green world

一、 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。 1. ---We’ll visit Disneyland. --Enjoy !

2. The doctor didn’t know what the old man’s blindness.

3. More and more people drive to work and that to many problems, such as air pollution.

4. Are there any (差异)between the twins? I cannot tell them. 5. Don’t throw old clothes away. They can be (循环利用). 6. We feel like (keep something safe) the Earth now.

7. Many of the rivers and lakes in my hometown are (污染) now.

二、 选择填空。

( ) 1. Mo


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Unit 8 Text A Telecommunication via Satellite1.At the begging of sth. 在什么的开始/介词词组 sth. 在什么的开始/ 2. Change into 转变成/动词词组 转变成/ 3.From…to… 从…到/介词词组 4. Pick up 接收/动词词组 接收/

5. Be capable of sth./doing sth. 某人能够胜任某职 sth./doing sth. 位;某事有可能做某事/ 位;某事有可能做某事/形容词词组 6. In theory 理论上地/副词词组 理论上地/ 7. Have access to sth./doing sth. 接触,使用,可 sth./doing sth. 接近/ 接近/动词词组 e.g. You can easily have access to him. 他很好接近。 We have free access to her materials. 我们可以免费使用她的材料。

8.Provide help to people 为人们提供帮助/动词词 为人们提供帮助/ 组 9. Be able to do sth. 能够做某事/形容词